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5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
Bryan Adams kicks his article off by saying, “talent acquisition professionals and employer brand leaders can often fall victim to an over-reliance on conventional thinking” so you knew I was going to mention this one. His call is to go beyond “typical employer branding” is music to my ears. It’s a call to stop being passive, to stop just focusing on polishing up and providing the “nicest” face on the company and taking a more active role in shaping the brand. Don’t tell stories, make stories. Love it.
5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
Using Analytics to Develop a Better Employer Branding Strategy - Brandwagon
Using Analytics to Develop a Better Employer Branding Strategy - Brandwagon
Metrics, anyone? EB Rock star Shaunda Zilich writes up a nice piece on EB metrics. I was going to quibble with it until I realized that the best part of the article is unstated: Metrics are gibberish until you decide what your strategy is first. You can measure oodles of things and easily get batted around like a leaf on the wind unless you have clearly defined what you are trying to do and deciding the metrics on that. Once I saw that, I realized how great the article was.
Using Analytics to Develop a Better Employer Branding Strategy - Brandwagon
Demystifying employer branding | LinkedIn
Demystifying employer branding | LinkedIn
I point this out not because you need to know it, but employer branders always need to have a full quiver of ways to explain what employer brand is (and isn’t), so here’s a solid article from South America on demystifying employer branding.
Demystifying employer branding | LinkedIn