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Of Sidewalk Chalk to Cyborgs: Your EB Technology Stress Is Worrying About The Wrong Problem - Brandwagon
Of Sidewalk Chalk to Cyborgs: Your EB Technology Stress Is Worrying About The Wrong Problem - Brandwagon
I often hear employer branding being described as an exciting field. And to me it is. But what’s exciting to me may not be particularly exciting to you. If you think ‘exciting’ means that it’s an in-demand industry where your skills and perspective are valued through the business, where companies vie for your attention and […]
Of Sidewalk Chalk to Cyborgs: Your EB Technology Stress Is Worrying About The Wrong Problem - Brandwagon
The Ultimate Guide to Recruitment Operations | Yello
The Ultimate Guide to Recruitment Operations | Yello
Speaking of how recruiters work, this week, Yello updated its canonical guide to recruitment operations. Hey! Come back! I know the concept of recruitment ops fills you with as much excitement as being stuck in traffic, but the reality is, if you want to change how recruiting happens, you need to make great friends with the ops folks. They can help you edit workflows to ensure recruiters are doing the things you need. You can re-write all the messaging that moves out of an ATS. You can help write the recruiting checklist to create broader EB alignment. Recruiting ops people rarely get any love, so making friends with them is like making best friends with the janitor: they have all kinds of access and are rarely seen as important.
The Ultimate Guide to Recruitment Operations | Yello
As robots rise, will brands falter?
As robots rise, will brands falter?
There's absolutely nothing wrong with investing in tech, but you can't use it to replace your brand mindset. But how will robots change branding? Well, if your brand is tech-driven, it will definitely flip over the apple cart. But if your brand is idea-driven, it's a very different story.
As robots rise, will brands falter?
How to Get Buy-In for Your Next HR Tech Purchase: the HR Tech Roadshow - SSR
How to Get Buy-In for Your Next HR Tech Purchase: the HR Tech Roadshow - SSR
The dirty little secret to successful employer branding is the ability to "sell" the concept and idea up the chain. Without any buy-in, you will be isolated on an island for a long time ("a three hour tour..."). But if you can get leadership excited for the work, your path forward will always be clearer. So here's Phil Strazzulla whiteboarding how to build a strong business case for your TA and EB initiative.
How to Get Buy-In for Your Next HR Tech Purchase: the HR Tech Roadshow - SSR
Anchor launches a video conference-to-podcast conversion tool
Anchor launches a video conference-to-podcast conversion tool
Cool tool: Take a conference call or webinar and turn it into a podcast. Anchor (which is owned by Spotify), can take your recorded call, strip out the audio and host it as a podcast for you. It something you could do with some other tools, but a one-stop process might get our company interested in getting on to the podcast train.
Anchor launches a video conference-to-podcast conversion tool
[PODCAST] If Talent is Top Priority for CEOs, Why is Recruitment Reactive and Not Proactive? > Sourcing and Recruiting News
[PODCAST] If Talent is Top Priority for CEOs, Why is Recruitment Reactive and Not Proactive? > Sourcing and Recruiting News
I rather liked how Shally Steckerl (a sourcer!) connected what business leadership wants with what recruiting should be delivering. Lots of great points you should adopt when you talk to leadership, too.
[PODCAST] If Talent is Top Priority for CEOs, Why is Recruitment Reactive and Not Proactive? > Sourcing and Recruiting News