Found 2553 bookmarks
The Emotional Language Edition
The Emotional Language Edition
On the shortcomings of language, travel, and hospitality
The Emotional Language Edition
Is talent hiding in plain sight?
Is talent hiding in plain sight?
‘Skills-first’ hiring allows leaders to reveal hidden potential within their teams. Hear how organizations, large or small, can adopt the approach. Listen now.
Is talent hiding in plain sight?
Storytelling That Drives Bold Change
Storytelling That Drives Bold Change
When tackling urgent organizational problems, leaders usually work hard to identify underlying causes, tap a wide range of knowledge, and experiment with solutions. But once they’ve mapped out a plan, there’s one more crucial step they must take: crafting a story so compelling that it will harness their organizations’ energy and direct it toward change. Drawing on decades of experience helping senior executives lead large-scale transformations, Harvard professor Frei and leadership coach Morriss present an effective way to approach that challenge. They outline four key steps: (1) Understand your story so well that you can describe it in simple terms, (2) honor the past, (3) articulate a persuasive mandate for change, and (4) lay out a rigorous and optimistic path forward. Next you need to get others behind your story. Emotions can bring it to life and help drive employees’ commitment to change. You also should promote your narrative aggressively. Share it wherever the opportunity arises—in speeches, interviews, town hall meetings, one-on-ones—and incorporate it into different formats, from videos to images to guidebooks.
Storytelling That Drives Bold Change
Design Threads
Design Threads
A collaborative report unraveling the state of design today.
Design Threads
25: Bizarre, Strange and Highly Relatable
25: Bizarre, Strange and Highly Relatable
Weirdness reveals something profound about human nature, and lately more and more brands have been tapping into the delight of the unconventional. When done right, weirdness is highly relatable and offers brands a unique opportunity to create deep connections, foster loyalty, and shape the future in…
25: Bizarre, Strange and Highly Relatable
The big impact of a single negative review
The big impact of a single negative review
Seeing just one negative review, among positive reviews, is enough to make people 42% less likely to buy a product.
The big impact of a single negative review
On Trust.
On Trust.
The Future Does Not Fit in the Containers of the Past. Edition 167.
On Trust.
24: How to Unlock Your Strategic Mind
24: How to Unlock Your Strategic Mind
What does it mean to be good at thinking? Or more importantly, thinking strategically? It’s the culmination of mental processes that...
24: How to Unlock Your Strategic Mind
If You Want Culture Change, Create New Stories
If You Want Culture Change, Create New Stories
A conversation with Eccles professor Jay Barney on research about retooling culture.
If You Want Culture Change, Create New Stories
If You Want Culture Change, Create New Stories
Why Rebrand? Or Better Yet, Why Not?
Why Rebrand? Or Better Yet, Why Not?
Companies continue to jump into rebranding projects without considering whether doubling down on their current brand would have been better for the business.
Why Rebrand? Or Better Yet, Why Not?
Employer branding for the energy industry made simple
Employer branding for the energy industry made simple
Associate Director, Strategy, Emma Lewis, provides 4 key considerations for building your employer brand and attracting the best talent.
Employer branding for the energy industry made simple
Brand Campaigns, Part 3: How Does Brand Advertising Work?
Brand Campaigns, Part 3: How Does Brand Advertising Work?
While people debate whether brand advertising works or not, many misconceptions around what brand and advertising are (and how they relate to sales) remain.
Brand Campaigns, Part 3: How Does Brand Advertising Work?
State of the Industry: Our Top Five Takeaways from HR Tech 2023 - Change State
State of the Industry: Our Top Five Takeaways from HR Tech 2023 - Change State
HR Tech 2023 marked our first HR Tech since 2019, the same year we launched Change State. As we walked through the arch into the expo center, a wave of nostalgia swept over us, presenting a natural opportunity to reflect on what’s changed (and hasn’t changed) for Change State and the industry at large in the past four years.
State of the Industry: Our Top Five Takeaways from HR Tech 2023 - Change State
Purpose at Work – More Important than Ever?
Purpose at Work – More Important than Ever?
Recent discussions have prompted me to look into whether purpose at work is increasingly important. The question is: Is more purposeful / meaningful work more important when considering joining / staying with an employer than previously? And more specifically, is it more important than pre-Covid? It’s an opinion I’d heard expressed, So I started to dabble for data. But what I saw was a number of articles that suggested they were data-driven, but were really thought pieces. First findings – it ma
Purpose at Work – More Important than Ever?
Winning the brand argument
Winning the brand argument
Do your brand-building dreams keep getting shot down by executives who don’t ‘get’ brand and insist that you spend everything on performance marketing instead?…
Winning the brand argument
Explore this post and more from the recruitinghell community
De-positioning Mastery: Solving the Hero Pain Point
De-positioning Mastery: Solving the Hero Pain Point
Solving for your customer's hero pain point should be the foundation of a brand's competitive strategy if it wants to be like Apple, Crocs, and Ithaca Hummus.
De-positioning Mastery: Solving the Hero Pain Point
10 Reasons Why Inclusion Is a Competitive Advantage
10 Reasons Why Inclusion Is a Competitive Advantage
In their new book, Move Fast and Fix Things, Frances Frei and Anne Morriss outline five strategies to help leaders tackle their hardest problems and quickly make change. Their third strategy is creating an inclusive environment that allows all employees to thrive. Although it can be hard to measure a complex outcome like inclusion, researchers are working to identify and quantify the many effects of inclusion on firm performance, and the insights they’re generating are persuasive.
10 Reasons Why Inclusion Is a Competitive Advantage