How to Confront Industry Challenges with Your Employer Brand
If you’ve ever used your car’s cruise control feature or relied on its automated braking system, you’ve used an Aptiv product. You likely weren’t aware at the time, however, of the brand behind this automotive technology. That awareness is just one of the creative challenges Joanna Babiarz faces as Aptiv’s Global Employer Branding Director. Major...Read more
GSK on employee experience and office culture in the age of remote work | Econsultancy
Few organisations in 2021 would deny the importance of customer experience, or CX, to business performance and the bottom line. Over the past several years, the role played by CX in allowing companies to stand out and leave a lasting positive impression on consumers has become widely acknowledged, as have strategies for improving CX. But […]
Diversity in marketing and advertising - Think with Google
Google’s Digital Marketing Publication. Lorraine Twohill reflects on diversity and inequality in advertising and shares our internal marketing tool kit.
13 Leaders Share Their Insights: Measuring the Effectiveness of Your Employer Brand - Brandwagon
LinkedIn0Facebook0Tweet0Email0Print0 A compelling employer brand can give your organisation an invaluable edge in the war for talent – of that there’s no doubt. But simply investing in employer branding activities doesn’t guarantee meaningful impact. To get EB right – to find the unique formula that works for your organisation and resonates with your key talent […]
Virgin Atlantic’s Siobhan Fitzpatrick on the 'double helix' of CX and EX | Econsultancy
Siobhan Fitzpatrick, Chief Digital & Marketing Officer at Virgin Atlantic, spoke at the Festival of Marketing this week, about the importance of both customer and employee experience within the travel industry.
On day two of Festival of Marketing’s Fast Forward event, Wunderman Thompson’s CSO, Sid McGrath, explains how to identify and heal 'stretched' and 'fractured' retail brands.
The empty office: what we lose when we work from home | Anthropology | The Guardian
The long read: For decades, anthropologists have been telling us that it’s often the informal, unplanned interactions and rituals that matter most in any work environment. So how much are we missing by giving them up?
James C. Scott’s fascinating and seminal book, Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed, examines how, across dozens of domains, ranging from agricu…
Shifting Sands: Turn Uncertainty Into Action or Lose Relevance - Thinkers50
The world is more turbulent, less predictable, more complex, less controllable, more infinite, less knowable and more challenging than we could have imagined.
3 Ways to Leverage Brand Champions for Your Business
What's better than having your employees & customers as your champions? Learn how to gain brand champions + incorporate them into your marketing strategy.
Zoom or Gloom – What Will the Future of Brand Workshops Look Like?
"Do these [online] solutions achieve the same results as they would when everyone’s there in the flesh? And can they replace the excitement of what happens when there’s a room full of people bouncing ideas off one another?"
Louis Grenier on LinkedIn: #marketing | 12 comments
26 marketing principles I rely on to avoid feeling anxious and remain in control 😌 - First principles, not best practices. The latter changes often, ... 12 comments on LinkedIn
Playing the Long Game in Talent Acquisition! | The Tim Sackett Project
Yeah, but we need talent NOW! I hear you. No, really, I HEAR you! And I feel your pain, I also need talent right now. In fact, I have not spoken to one organization since March who hasn’t nee…
Artist Sells Invisible Sculpture—Adtech Sells The Same Thing
Instead of buying ads from a finite number of real publishers that had real human audiences, marketers were convinced to buy ads through programmatic channels, by ad tech vendors that created those channels to make money for themselves.
The Power of Nudges: Maya Shankar on Changing People’s Minds
When Maya Shankar was a young girl, she never dreamed that she would become senior director of behavioral economics at Google, lead the White House Behavioral Science Team under President Barack O