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ATAP Whitepaper_Attract_C Spilka
ATAP Whitepaper_Attract_C Spilka
Employer brand is still seen purely through the lens of "filling the funnel" at too many companies. And while EB should be showing it own impact across every aspect of what the business does, it will always need to remember that until it fills the funnel, other things can't get done. To that end, here's a great white paper ATAP put together on creating, executing and managing a talent attraction strategy.
ATAP Whitepaper_Attract_C Spilka
The Shift In Shaping Brand Perceptions | Branding Strategy Insider
The Shift In Shaping Brand Perceptions | Branding Strategy Insider
There are a lot of little tidbits of concepts in this article around brand perception (neuron mirroring, framing, cognition, etc), so don't expect a deep dive. But taken together, it felt like there were a lot of good ideas around identifying your brand perception issues might be, and how you might be able to solve for them.
The Shift In Shaping Brand Perceptions | Branding Strategy Insider