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Metrics That Matter Now
Metrics That Matter Now
With the expectation of a hiring surge on the horizon, these metrics matter now to guide decision-making and improve recruiting strategies from end to end.
Metrics That Matter Now
Your ATS Contains Gold - How to Easily Uncover a Hidden Competitive Advantage > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Your ATS Contains Gold - How to Easily Uncover a Hidden Competitive Advantage > Sourcing and Recruiting News
If you're going to force your candidates through your TSA-like ATS (huh... they share the same letters... weird), you better be taking advantage of it as a shared point of contact (and data) for candidates and recruiters.
Your ATS Contains Gold - How to Easily Uncover a Hidden Competitive Advantage > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Why Bother with Employer Branding?
Why Bother with Employer Branding?
The article itself sighs at yet another list of employer branding stats that you and I might find incredibly pedestrian, but having these kinds of things handy might help move that roadblock at work. Example: 91% of candidates seek out at least one online or offline resource to evaluate an employer’s brand before applying for a job.
Why Bother with Employer Branding?
Confused About Who's Engaged? Try This Handy Engagement Test to Sort It All Out... - Fistful of Talent
Confused About Who's Engaged? Try This Handy Engagement Test to Sort It All Out... - Fistful of Talent
How can you figure out which employees are really engaged? Kris Dunn has a VERY interesting litmus test for managers. I love it because it taps into what engagement is all about: a willingness to take initiative to make tomorrow better.
Confused About Who's Engaged? Try This Handy Engagement Test to Sort It All Out... - Fistful of Talent
Supercharge Your Social Media with Sentiment Analysis
Supercharge Your Social Media with Sentiment Analysis
If you've been thinking about investing in tools to help you see the social media sentiment of your employer brand, this article is a nice primer. My own experience is that it is very hard to separate out consumer brand halo effects from employer brand. But this is how consumer brand pros do it.
Supercharge Your Social Media with Sentiment Analysis
The Best Employer Branding KPIs to Measure Your Progress | Uncubed
The Best Employer Branding KPIs to Measure Your Progress | Uncubed
I've got mixed thoughts on this article on employer brand KPIs you can adopt. It has the usual suspects (Glassdoor rating, TTF, CPH), in addition to content engagement and candidate flow. Sure, those are good metrics to know, but they aren't clean metrics. If a million people engage with your content because you offered job seeking tips, does that really impact your employer brand more than tangentially, regardless of volume of engagement? And the same can be said for diversity metrics: while it's helpful to know what roles are appealing to which gender or ethnicity, metrics imply a goal, which isn't usually how we're expected to see diversity, is it? Just keep that in mind if your boss this sends this article your way.
The Best Employer Branding KPIs to Measure Your Progress | Uncubed
Let's talk about trust. In a podcast last year, I predicted that salary information was crucial to candidates not just because candidates seek to optimize total compensation above all else, but because it is the only data point they can trust. Recruiters, employer branders and hiring managers are incentivized to paint rosy pictures of the opportunity, pictures candidates are not always able to validate until inside the company. Thus, they hold the salary number to be the best data point because it isn't subject to perspective or spin. Why bring up trust? Well, Edelman's 2020 Trust Barometer came out two weeks ago and it is stunning. Across the board and almost universally, trust of government agencies, companies, technology and media has fallen. People are worried about losing their job as the gig economy, automation and a lack of skills creates more and more chance of being left behind. A majority of Americans don't trust the news they get and worry about being manipulated. No major institutions are seen as being both ethical and competent. Businesses are seen as having little to no commitment for their people in the face of creating profits. Like I said, it's a stunner. And into this world goes your little recruitment marketing ad or a career site that simple suggests that yours is a company for open-minded folks looking to make an impact. How believable is that message when people don't trust the company producing it? Or when they don't feel like they have reputable third-party sources with which to validate the claim?
Holistically Measuring Brand Experiences | Branding Strategy Insider
Holistically Measuring Brand Experiences | Branding Strategy Insider
Great employer branding isn't just ratings and career sites. It is about the power of the experience as a whole, either at the interview, at the open house, at the career event, and event when someone asks you what it's like to work there. But experiences aren't the easiest to measure, os here are some ideas on how to show leadership the impact of intentional experiences.
Holistically Measuring Brand Experiences | Branding Strategy Insider
Brand Equity Measurement For B2B Brands | Branding Strategy Insider
Brand Equity Measurement For B2B Brands | Branding Strategy Insider
Before I roll out some cool new stuff (I'll be able to announce it in a few weeks, I hope), I've been thinking about metrics a lot. So this article on how to think about and measure your brand equity really stuck with me. (Pro tip: use the term "brand equity" more at work to elevate your own personal brand.)
Brand Equity Measurement For B2B Brands | Branding Strategy Insider
The Most Important Metrics You’re Not Tracking (Yet)
The Most Important Metrics You’re Not Tracking (Yet)
Think about all your metrics. How many are based on your company how your recruiting is "performing?" But how many are around what candidates think about you? Funnel metrics are about how people act, but do you know why they apply? What are your Candidate Performance Indicators?
The Most Important Metrics You’re Not Tracking (Yet)
Understanding the Difference Between Brand Equity & Awareness
Understanding the Difference Between Brand Equity & Awareness
Sure, you might be measuring your brand awareness, but are you measuring brand equity? I've been thinking that the killer metric might be how much value does a candidate place in your brand. Are you able to offer a salary discount because everyone wants to work for you, or do you have to pay a premium to get talent in the door to overcome that brand sentiment?
Understanding the Difference Between Brand Equity & Awareness
(1) Spotify // Mad Meets Math: How Spotify Got Creative With Data - YouTube
(1) Spotify // Mad Meets Math: How Spotify Got Creative With Data - YouTube
How the creative director of Spotify uses data. This is a great video, but I suggest you watch to see ways Spotify could have used data in the aggregate to tell a big boring story. But instead, it found unique slices of the data to say something interesting, about themselves, about their listeners and about the world.
(1) Spotify // Mad Meets Math: How Spotify Got Creative With Data - YouTube
Why Don’t We Treat Interviews As Real Data? – ERE
Why Don’t We Treat Interviews As Real Data? – ERE
I love it when I headline to an article just knocks me sideways and I go, "Duh! Why didn't I think of that?!?!?!" Ted Bauer asks the simple (yet profound) question: Why don't we treat interviews as real data? There's so much we could learn about our company, ouir recruiters, our hiring managers and our entire experience, but we don''t because we treat the interview as some sort of gamut both we and the candidate must survive (as if we didn't flat-out invest the system).
Why Don’t We Treat Interviews As Real Data? – ERE
Love & Process: Using Predictive Data in a D&I Recruiting Strategy | Universum
Love & Process: Using Predictive Data in a D&I Recruiting Strategy | Universum
Thinking about D&I a lot lately? Me, too. So I figured I'd get my friends Torin Ellis and Gabriel Hitt together to talk about how to re-think modern approaches to D&I using data. So yeah, you need to register for another webinar. Speaking of D&I, if you want your messages to "stick," you need to explain why D&I is important to your company (and don't assume everyone's already on board).
Love & Process: Using Predictive Data in a D&I Recruiting Strategy | Universum
Majority of ‘World’s Most Attractive Employers’ Say Hiring Environment Getting Harder Over Next Year | Universum
Majority of ‘World’s Most Attractive Employers’ Say Hiring Environment Getting Harder Over Next Year | Universum
Universum’s Employer Branding NOW 2020 survey, now in its fifth year, shows best-in-class talent leaders are quickly adapting to the new-normal of Covid-19. STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN, July 2, 2020 – Universum’s much-anticipated Employer Branding NOW 2020 study, conducted during the pandemic’s surge months in early 2020, shows the World’s Most Attractive Employers do not expect a hiring …
Majority of ‘World’s Most Attractive Employers’ Say Hiring Environment Getting Harder Over Next Year | Universum
Understand Market Penetration and How to Create a Strategy
Understand Market Penetration and How to Create a Strategy
My rule of thumb for strengthening your employer brand is to separate your sentiment and reach and treat them independently. But when you try and extend reach, its a rare day that you’re extending into blue ocean. So here is some great thinking on extending your market penetration, how to push others out of the way while staking your claim.
Understand Market Penetration and How to Create a Strategy
(1) TA Global Video James Ellis - YouTube
(1) TA Global Video James Ellis - YouTube
Let’s talk metrics! No wait come back! If you are thinking about metrics, there are any number of ways to approach them, and none of them are “right.” I did a few presentations where I came up with three ways of thinking about metrics all on my own, and there are many others. But to start, connecting your metrics to the funnel is a smart go-to.
(1) TA Global Video James Ellis - YouTube
How companies can transform information into insight
How companies can transform information into insight
We are awash in information and data. You’d think it would be easy to take some of that and turn it into brand pillars, strategies and messaging, but in reality it seems like there’s too much information. Don’t shut it out: here are strategies on how to turn info into insight.
How companies can transform information into insight
What Are Your KPIs Really Measuring?
What Are Your KPIs Really Measuring?
Two HBR articles in a row?! Goodness. But this one was so good, I had to share. Next time someone starts dropping metrics and KPIs on you to start to measure up to, pull this out and treat it like a checklist: Who else is involved in making this KPI go up or down? What really causes the number to go up and down (remember, correlation is not causation*), and how much control do YOU have other it? And metrics are a two-way street, a relationship between the organization and the market.
What Are Your KPIs Really Measuring?
Key Measures Of Marketing Outcomes | Branding Strategy Insider
Key Measures Of Marketing Outcomes | Branding Strategy Insider
Marketing activities may not produce an immediate effect on sales, revenue, or cash flow. However, this does not mean there are no effects or that the Marketing activities may not produce an immediate effect on sales, revenue, or cash flow. However, this does not mean there are no effects or that the effects of a marketing activity cannot be measured.
Key Measures Of Marketing Outcomes | Branding Strategy Insider