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How To Gain Buy In For Brand Building | Branding Strategy Insider
How To Gain Buy In For Brand Building | Branding Strategy Insider
I'm helping a friend walk her employer brand project through leadership, so I'm super sensitive to how hard is it to get leadership buy-in. Then I see this article on how to get leadership to buy into consumer branding, and I realize we aren't quite the proverbial red-headed step-child we often think we are. Even marketing has to work hard to get buy-in, so why not steal some good ideas from them?
How To Gain Buy In For Brand Building | Branding Strategy Insider
Should Your Employer Brand State its Political Beliefs? | The Tim Sackett Project
Should Your Employer Brand State its Political Beliefs? | The Tim Sackett Project
Tim Sackett asks a pretty controversial question over on his blog: Should companies disclose their political leanings? Tim makes good points that just because a business might lean liberal or conservative, that doesn’t mean everyone does, or even that it’s a critical component to the employer brand. My take is simple: if it matters to leadership and staff what the political identify of an organization is, and it’s not exclusive of talent from other perspectives, there’s no reason not to talk about it. But in this day and age, where “wearing a mask” is seen as somehow “political,” the return from such a position is likely very very weak (if not completely counter-productive).
Should Your Employer Brand State its Political Beliefs? | The Tim Sackett Project