In with the old - how tapping into alumni could tip the balance in a ramped-up War for Talent
The labor market is out-of-balance and getting more so. CHROs won’t win this new War for Talent with old methods and tools. An under-appreciated asset, former employees, may be part of the answer.
Poor Marketing Strategy is Why Employee Referrals Fail
Why your employee referrals fail: one variable that can single-handedly impact the success of employee referrals in every organization regardless of size is your internal marketing strategy.
Building a Brand Ambassador Program Isn’t as Difficult as You Might Think
There’s no more compelling sales pitch for your workplace than one from the mouth of a worker. Anyone considering a position at your company would be wise to seek out the thoughts of one of your current and former employees, who come armed with firsthand experience, and are able to offer an unbiased view. It’s […]
Why Employee-Generated-Content Won't Save Your Employer Brand | LinkedIn
There's probably nothing I like more than someone who is being willfully contradictory, to zig when it seems the world says to zag. To wit, Emily Firth's article on why employee-generated content will NOT save your employer brand. She makes solid points (its over-used because it seems like an "easy" way to create content, but since there's rarely a solid plan with what to do with said content, or even how to nurture it, it rarely yields anything useful), but I see this as someone waving us away from the extreme end of an idea. Employee-generated content (when done right, where there's a "care and feeding plan" in place to nurture it, etc), can be useful. It just isn't a silver bullet.
EB Champion or Cheerleader? There's Only One Choice - Fistful of Talent
I loved this article in Fistful of Talent about seeing one's job of EB owner as more than just being the EB cheerleader. Too often, we embrace cheerleading simply because aren't given the power or control to make change. But our jobs aren't about control, they are about influence, and how much do cheerleaders really influence things? Instead, be a brand champion.
Influencer Fatigue: Paid Influencers Are Out and Brand Communities Are In | by Forbes | Forbes | Medium
The intersection between employer brand and influencers is a strange one. You're supposed to create influencers and advocates internally, right? But while consumer marketing fell in lover with professional influencers a few years ago, the tide seems to be changing. Interestingly, it seems like they are changing from "buy an influencer" to "build internal brand communities." Huh. That seems familiar, somehow...
I have yet to find a professionally satisfying "talent community." Why? Because "community" speaks to two-way conversation and most talent communities are email blasting tools with new labels on the tin. But I have to imagine that we must (by now) be on the precipice of actually getting talent communities right. Why? Because companies around the world are finding the value of building communities of customers and prospects, so that thinking will trickle down to us at some point. Right?
Why Marketers Should Implement User-Generated Content: 23 Stats to Know
Do companies still balk at letting employees build content? I know for a long time it felt like there were companies who just couldn't let their staffs have that kind of freedom to talk (as if they need permission). If that's you and you need some ammo to make their case? Here are some stats on the power of leveraging user-generated content.
A Startup Is Selling Referrals for Jobs at Facebook, Google, and Amazon | by Seth King | OneZero
This one made me smile and groan at the same time. As hiring is so tight in the Bay Area, employees at top companies are selling referrals and references to their employers. That is, for $50, you can get someone at Google or Facebook to recommend you for a job at Google or Facebook. Because those companies get some many resumes/applications, they mostly only look at those with internal referrals, and thus a third-party black market sprung up. (Further proof that William Gibson was right when he wrote "the street finds its own uses for things.)
Redefining employee experience: How to create a “new normal”
We have to face it: all "employee experience" conversations HAVE to start with a conversation around "are we doing enough to make our people feel safe?" That's why I thought this article was better than most of the "we need to make people feel valued and appreciated" conversations you get here (Maslow was right with that hierarchy stuff).
Employee Advocacy: How to Create your Most Powerful Branding Channel | LinkedIn
Allison Kruse has really carved out her own space on how to effectively use content marketing in employer brand communications. So when she writes a big ol' article on how to use content marketing thinking to address and overcome employee advocacy challenges, I have to share it.
Bringing the authentic voices of employees to the forefront - Brandwagon
Pop quiz: what’s the one thing that adds authenticity to your brand claims? When actual employers align to those claims. Even more so when they can internalize those ideas and even talk about the less-attractive aspects of the brand (all traits have good and bad features, and every strength becomes a weakness if taken too far). Charlotte Marshal breaks it down.
What Is Employee Activation? - Marketing Insider Group
Who’s in charge of your company’s employee activation? Chances are, it’s no one. So I guess it’s up to you. But here’s an idea. Rather than think about employee activation as the best way to get your most authentic and credible employer brand narrative out into the world (which it most certainly is), what if you were to think about the rest of the organization first? Who are all the departments who would love to tap into that resources? If you want to make yourself invaluable, manage this ideas for them first (and your outcomes will come all by themselves).
How Brand Leaders Overcome the Illusion of Customer Loyalty
Are you confusing habits with brand loyalty? Are you good enough, or are you connecting to your candidates’ needs? Here are three myths around brand loyalty which may make for some uncomfortable reading.
It's not about who you know. It's about who who you know knows. | LinkedIn
A quick “hell yeah!” to Stephen Brand’s article on networks of networks. So much of employer brand is focused on looking for blue oceans of talent (hahahaha… like those still exist) to shout branded messages at instead of looking at who our own people already know. Quoting: “chances are, you already know 90%+ of all the talent you’ll ever need.” To ignore the best advocates you have because they don’t report to you is lunacy, so take it seriously.