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5 Keys To A Strong And Differentiated Culture | Branding Strategy Insider
5 Keys To A Strong And Differentiated Culture | Branding Strategy Insider
I really wish we could all get away from talking about "culture" as if there's some platonic ideal of culture we should all be shooting for. What I like is not what you like and that's completely fine. And while there are some good points here about fostering a stronger and more obvious culture, don't get sucked into the position that there's only one measure of quality culture.
5 Keys To A Strong And Differentiated Culture | Branding Strategy Insider
How To Put The Perfect Job Ad In Front Of The Ideal Candidate • Ri Web
How To Put The Perfect Job Ad In Front Of The Ideal Candidate • Ri Web
Some days you just need to get into the weeds to help a hiring manager or recruiter "get" how employer branding can help. Big ideas and concepts just won't fly, and will likely push them away from what you're trying to say. Instead, here's a guide that I see as kind of a bridge to employer brand thinking. Using a DiSC framework (which I generally dig anyway), you can show someone how a "one size fits all" approach to messaging won't work. Once they see how tailoring their messaging to some basic personas can make an improvement, you've opened their eyes and they will be more likely to hear how they can tailor the message further to integrate the brand. How to put the perfect job ad in front of a candidate
How To Put The Perfect Job Ad In Front Of The Ideal Candidate • Ri Web