20 Big Ideas that will shape the world in 2021 | LinkedIn
No one saw 2020 coming. At the close of 2019, economists in the US talked about the prospect of full employment, we expected Brexit to dominate headlines in Europe and Japan was poised to open its doors to the world as host to the Summer Olympics.
The Ultimate Guide to Recruitment Operations | Yello
Speaking of how recruiters work, this week, Yello updated its canonical guide to recruitment operations. Hey! Come back! I know the concept of recruitment ops fills you with as much excitement as being stuck in traffic, but the reality is, if you want to change how recruiting happens, you need to make great friends with the ops folks. They can help you edit workflows to ensure recruiters are doing the things you need. You can re-write all the messaging that moves out of an ATS. You can help write the recruiting checklist to create broader EB alignment. Recruiting ops people rarely get any love, so making friends with them is like making best friends with the janitor: they have all kinds of access and are rarely seen as important.
4 Reasons You Need Data-Driven Recruiting - TalentCulture
I'm going to call it right now. 2020 is the year recruiting and hiring get real about data. Between all the data sitting in your HRIS systems, the AI that can pull it out and deliver some measure of insights, the availability of low-cost external perception research, workforce planning et al, HR and recruiting will spend the year learning how to collect, manage and make decisions with data. What pushed me over the edge is Talent Culture talking about bringing in the last foot-dragging elements of HR into a data-driven mentality: recruiting.
How To Put The Perfect Job Ad In Front Of The Ideal Candidate • Ri Web
Some days you just need to get into the weeds to help a hiring manager or recruiter "get" how employer branding can help. Big ideas and concepts just won't fly, and will likely push them away from what you're trying to say. Instead, here's a guide that I see as kind of a bridge to employer brand thinking. Using a DiSC framework (which I generally dig anyway), you can show someone how a "one size fits all" approach to messaging won't work. Once they see how tailoring their messaging to some basic personas can make an improvement, you've opened their eyes and they will be more likely to hear how they can tailor the message further to integrate the brand. How to put the perfect job ad in front of a candidate
Attracting female graduates into STEM roles has never been easier once you understand what they want | Onrec
Speaking of diversity, here's an article breaking down what women in STEM really want in their next job (and if you clearly offer these things to them, they are more inclined to apply and accept your offers.
It’s time to give your recruitment a makeover
We're reached peak-recruiting. As anyone with any real skill and a LinkedIn profile will attest, we've entered a world where recruiters can spam and annoy anyone with very little effort. It's time to pivot and reinvent your recruiting away from spamming and messaging and move towards building relationships. It's time to reinvent your recruiting.
Transforming Recruitment Marketing
When it comes to transforming recruitment marketing, I don't know anyone who knows more (or done more) within tech or large companies than Allyn Bailey. As she is someone who truly knows how to turn the biggest boats around, this series on how to think through your own recruitment marketing situation is going to be epic.
Your ATS Contains Gold - How to Easily Uncover a Hidden Competitive Advantage > Sourcing and Recruiting News
If you're going to force your candidates through your TSA-like ATS (huh... they share the same letters... weird), you better be taking advantage of it as a shared point of contact (and data) for candidates and recruiters.
Highlights from the LinkedIn Global Talent Trends report
LinkedIn looked at its own user data and discovered some trends for 2020 and beyond. The most interesting? They think that data and analytics have reached a kind of "inflection point" at which is it no longer a "one day" thing but more of a "we're falling behind" thing. Also, they are seeing trends that their next new hire is likely to be found internally than in recent years.
Hate to Say I Told You So: The Latest Insights about Gen Z > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Are you thinking seriously about Gen Z talent yet? You should. And not because they are the 23 and 24 year olds you're desperate to attract, but because they really are very different from their millennial predecessors. First and foremost? The current landscape of economic and political instability is forcing them to make very different choices in employer.
How to Get Recruiters Involved With Your Marketing Campaigns
One of the biggest employer brand challenges is in getting recruiting teams to help carry the brand message out to candidates. They might complain about it being "idea of the month" or not understand how building a strong brand makes their lives easier. All they see is change. Firefish has a nice intro on how to work with getting recruiters on your side. Aside from flattery and giving them a strong sales pitch, I suggest the biggest impact comes from giving them something for free. Find one pain point they have that you can "own" under the banner of employer branding (job postings, social content, videos, a library of outreach InMails, etc). Pick your favorite recruiters and give your gift away for free. Then let those recruiters tell the other recruiters how effective the new thing was. Those recruiters will ask for your help, and once you've given them a few gifts, they will be willing to play your game with a far more open mind.
Amazon Changes the Way It Recruits M.B.A.s - WSJ
Amazon, the 80-ton six-armed gorilla in any conversation, has been quietly shifting it's MBA recruiting strategy away from "pick a few schools and camp there" to "use digital to cherry-pick talent from more schools," according to the WSJ. Two takeaways to consider. First is the obvious one: the world has been pushing students to be more open to digital-first relationships rather than face-to-face ones that students respond more strongly to. Students have been pushing back, but it looks like Amazon is going to be the one to change the conversation again and make digital recruiting more "normal." The second takeaway is that we may be seeing the end of the "top school" hegemony. There is simply too much competition from too many companies to recruit from top schools, so unless you're a FB/G/A/Amazon, you can't expect to get anything but table scraps. So maybe it's time to target top talent at second and third-tier schools rather than spend huge amounts of cash to attract also-rans at top schools.
The Day After: What Will Recruiting Look Like? – ERE
You know things have changed when even the recruiters and HR are willing to throw away the old rule book and design things around the new normal. Case in point: Robin Schooling's article on how all the old HR rules are being thrown out suggests that employer branding needs to step in NOW to partner with HR to invent the future. Remember: your brand can only be as good as your internal policies let you be.
The software industry's greatest sin: hiring | Neil Sainsbury
This article should arm you with a better argument with tech recruiters and tech hiring managers at to why their normal way of hiring is deeeeeeply flawed. I point it out because tech recruiting is one of those places that doesn't always embrace the power of employer brand, and when you read this article, it should become pretty clear where the disconnect it.
The Most Important Metrics You’re Not Tracking (Yet)
Think about all your metrics. How many are based on your company how your recruiting is "performing?" But how many are around what candidates think about you? Funnel metrics are about how people act, but do you know why they apply? What are your Candidate Performance Indicators?
ATAP Whitepaper_Attract_C Spilka
Employer brand is still seen purely through the lens of "filling the funnel" at too many companies. And while EB should be showing it own impact across every aspect of what the business does, it will always need to remember that until it fills the funnel, other things can't get done. To that end, here's a great white paper ATAP put together on creating, executing and managing a talent attraction strategy.
[PODCAST] If Talent is Top Priority for CEOs, Why is Recruitment Reactive and Not Proactive? > Sourcing and Recruiting News
I rather liked how Shally Steckerl (a sourcer!) connected what business leadership wants with what recruiting should be delivering. Lots of great points you should adopt when you talk to leadership, too.
How to Design a Better Hiring Process
It’s time to move past “What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?”The real value of emotional commitment is that it gives you (and everyone else) permission to re-write the "rules." You know those things you've always done because that's just the way it's always been done? Set that on fire and re-invent, not because it's what your boss says to do, or because that's what the magazines say is "cool," but because you actually care about outcomes. Example? Reinvent your hiring process. Now, HBR isn't exactly coming up with cold fusion here, but when the they are willing to say that the way we interview flat-out isn't working, you know it's time to reinvent. But don't reinvent around a fad. Thing about what you and your company really care about in an employee (and what you reward) and build round that. Writing, games, role-play, improv exercises, whatever it takes to tap into your (and their) emotional commitment.
Your Recruitment Marketing Toolbox on a Budget | Rally® Recruitment Marketing
So, anyone who reads my blogs or follows me on Twitter will probably know two things about me. 1). I like to be practical; Blue Sky Aspirational Thought Leadership is alright on a stage somewhere but how does it translate into day-to-day "doing it" and 2). I like to look at low cost options as a lot
How Behavioral Targeting Gets Your Content Seen By the Right Audiences
On the recruitment marketing side of things, we are faced with a slew of cool tools to help us place our message in front of people who just visited our career site, or are a lot like people who follow our Facebook page. There are two issues with that. One, most of us are just pushing out lame job ads to these people, as if applying for a job is the same as downloading a whitepaper (it’s not). Two, we don’t spend time thinking about how or why the tools are designed to work. We just get thrilled by the “extra clicks” or “deeper awareness” rather than thinking through how to use the tools properly. So here’s a Hubspot article on how to approach your behavior-targeted ad (I bet you didn’t even know that that was what that was called).