Rebooting storytelling principles - Think with Google
Want to strengthen your brand story telling? Go back to your fundamentals (so sayeth Google). Understand emotional state, understand what emotions you want to create, and nail your tone.
This coming up in this newsletter once every 2-3 months in different guises, and I continue to be fascinated with it. Your brand is a function of the terroir and context as anything else. You’re all about innovation? What that means in a Palo Alto incubator is very different from a large law firm. As you try and reveal the brand, you have to be cognizant of the context in which it exists and grows. Trying to take it out of the context and turning it into an ad or a message will fall apart because there’s no frame around it giving it meaning.
What Disney Can Teach Us About Employer Brand Content • Stories Inc.
It’s safe to say that a company like Disney knows a little something-something about content. While other companies (historically) have come to the gospel of content, Disney was born of it. It’s been part of Disney’s DNA effectively from the beginning, a point proven by the infamous 1957 diagram of how their content properties drove every single aspect of their business. And in this article from Stories Incorporated, that diagram is reinvented to show how employer brand stories can impact and drive virtually every aspect of how a company grows. This is worth sharing around your company.
6 Rules of Great Storytelling (As Told by Pixar) | by Brian G. Peters | Medium
Effective storytelling involves a deep understanding of human emotions, motivations, and psychology in order to truly move an audience. Luckily, storytelling is something we all do naturally…
Pixar Animator Shares Secrets to Telling a Compelling (Company) Story | LinkedIn Talent Blog
At LinkedIn's Talent Connect, former-Pixar animator Matthew Luhn explained how recruiters can use the craft of storytelling to sell candidates on their company. He also talked about why telling stories is so important to a company's employer brand and how to craft those stories in a memorable way.
The 7 story archetypes that will save your recruitment - ToTalent
I have an innate love of archetypes, primarily in marketing and branding. The idea that we are hard-wired from birth to understand certain ideas, or that those ideas are so closely tied to the hardware of humanity makes me feel like these things are hackable, that we can push deeper into our own collective consciouses to find resonance. (Wow. Where did that come from? Anyway…) So here are 7 story archetypes and how you use them in recruiting.
Pixar Animator Shares Secrets to Telling a Compelling (Company) Story | LinkedIn Talent Blog
Once upon a time, there was a boy who grew up working at his family’s toy store. One day, he mustered up the courage to tell his parents that he wanted to leave the family business to be a Disney animator — but they said no.