Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

Employer Brand Headlines Newsletter

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(1) TA Global Video James Ellis - YouTube
(1) TA Global Video James Ellis - YouTube
Let’s talk metrics! No wait come back! If you are thinking about metrics, there are any number of ways to approach them, and none of them are “right.” I did a few presentations where I came up with three ways of thinking about metrics all on my own, and there are many others. But to start, connecting your metrics to the funnel is a smart go-to.
(1) TA Global Video James Ellis - YouTube
What Is Employee Activation? - Marketing Insider Group
What Is Employee Activation? - Marketing Insider Group
Who’s in charge of your company’s employee activation? Chances are, it’s no one. So I guess it’s up to you. But here’s an idea. Rather than think about employee activation as the best way to get your most authentic and credible employer brand narrative out into the world (which it most certainly is), what if you were to think about the rest of the organization first? Who are all the departments who would love to tap into that resources? If you want to make yourself invaluable, manage this ideas for them first (and your outcomes will come all by themselves).
What Is Employee Activation? - Marketing Insider Group
3 way to accelerate digital transformation - Think with Google
3 way to accelerate digital transformation - Think with Google
Technically, this article has nothing to do with employer brand, but Google’s three things marketers can do to accelerate digital marketing transformation sure sounds dead on: know your own first-party data, understand your customer journey and prioritize cross-functional collaboration.
3 way to accelerate digital transformation - Think with Google
The Year of Magical Rethinking > Sourcing and Recruiting News
The Year of Magical Rethinking > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Let’s face it: things aren’t going to get normal (or potentially much better) any time soon. Companies and brands that attempt to weather the storm rather than build a weatherproof shelter are not going to succeed, and that includes employer brands. So what are some things you should be doing now (and not doing any more) to embrace this reality?
The Year of Magical Rethinking > Sourcing and Recruiting News
Simple communications are crucial now—and always
Simple communications are crucial now—and always
There’s no shortage of lessons communicators can extract from the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, but one really stands out. Simple communication wins the days. The underlying principles that guide effective communications in times of great urgency apply in more ordinary times as well.
Simple communications are crucial now—and always
Ask Not What Your Community Can Do for You...
Ask Not What Your Community Can Do for You...
Speaking of community, we’re not the only ones struggling with the idea that we want to get people excited to learn more about us before we have the right role open. Turns out, consumer brands are trying to figure out the same puzzle. The first question you should ask is: what can I help my community members do?
Ask Not What Your Community Can Do for You...
Time And Intensity Redefine Brand Engagement | Branding Strategy Insider
Time And Intensity Redefine Brand Engagement | Branding Strategy Insider
We always like to talk about engaging candidates, but… what constitutes “engagement?” An impression? A like? A click? Watching a video? Signing up for your newsletter (I won’t call it a talent “community” until you let members talk to each other)? How long does it take to become engaged in your brand? Perhaps we’re measuring the wrong thing. Rather than focus on an action, maybe engagement is a function of time and intensity.
Time And Intensity Redefine Brand Engagement | Branding Strategy Insider
How companies can transform information into insight
How companies can transform information into insight
We are awash in information and data. You’d think it would be easy to take some of that and turn it into brand pillars, strategies and messaging, but in reality it seems like there’s too much information. Don’t shut it out: here are strategies on how to turn info into insight.
How companies can transform information into insight
The Cognitive Dissonance Hiding Behind Strong Brands | by Jasmine Bina | Startup Grind | Medium
The Cognitive Dissonance Hiding Behind Strong Brands | by Jasmine Bina | Startup Grind | Medium
Look, this is something I am grappling with because I really want employer branders to think… deeper. It’s not just putting out little videos and polishing up career sites, but helping leadership think better about their brand. One of the ideas I haven’t gotten my arms around but think is special is the concept of cognitive dissonance. We want what we want, but what we want might not align with our stated values. A company who can help its customers overcome that cognitive dissonance is one who can win a long time customer. Like i said, I’m not sure how we can use this idea, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot.
The Cognitive Dissonance Hiding Behind Strong Brands | by Jasmine Bina | Startup Grind | Medium
Cognitive dissonance and purpose-driven brands
Cognitive dissonance and purpose-driven brands
Look, this is something I am grappling with because I really want employer branders to think… deeper. It’s not just putting out little videos and polishing up career sites, but helping leadership think better about their brand. One of the ideas I haven’t gotten my arms around but think is special is the concept of cognitive dissonance. We want what we want, but what we want might not align with our stated values. A company who can help its customers overcome that cognitive dissonance is one who can win a long time customer. Like i said, I’m not sure how we can use this idea, but I’ve been thinking about it a lot.
Cognitive dissonance and purpose-driven brands
What Are Your KPIs Really Measuring?
What Are Your KPIs Really Measuring?
Two HBR articles in a row?! Goodness. But this one was so good, I had to share. Next time someone starts dropping metrics and KPIs on you to start to measure up to, pull this out and treat it like a checklist: Who else is involved in making this KPI go up or down? What really causes the number to go up and down (remember, correlation is not causation*), and how much control do YOU have other it? And metrics are a two-way street, a relationship between the organization and the market.
What Are Your KPIs Really Measuring?
Forget about the “new normal”: Design something different
Forget about the “new normal”: Design something different
Everything changed six months ago. And so we adjusted. But has it felt like we’ve built for a new future, or just build enough to “get through this?” I would bet most of you would see it as the latter. Which is too bad. Because it may never come back. It may never come back in the same way. So rather than wait until we can “go back to the way it was,” this is your time to reinvent from the ground up. It is time to take the chaos all around us (and it isn’t any less chaotic, we’ve just built a callus to things lately) and build the “next normal,” not the new one.
Forget about the “new normal”: Design something different
5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
Bryan Adams kicks his article off by saying, “talent acquisition professionals and employer brand leaders can often fall victim to an over-reliance on conventional thinking” so you knew I was going to mention this one. His call is to go beyond “typical employer branding” is music to my ears. It’s a call to stop being passive, to stop just focusing on polishing up and providing the “nicest” face on the company and taking a more active role in shaping the brand. Don’t tell stories, make stories. Love it.
5 Ways to Go Beyond Conventional Employer Branding – ERE
How The Element Of Surprise Impacts Brand Loyalty | Branding Strategy Insider
How The Element Of Surprise Impacts Brand Loyalty | Branding Strategy Insider
Since organized brands were first introduced over 100 years ago alongside industrialism, they have changed their nature and role in society. Brands have When our favorite brands exceed the expectation we have of them, by giving us a surprise, we get more excited and our interest in and loyalty to the brand increases.
How The Element Of Surprise Impacts Brand Loyalty | Branding Strategy Insider
Marketing a Gaming App - Think with Google
Marketing a Gaming App - Think with Google
I know I’m bringing up Google a lot today, but I was interested in all this data they had around what messages work for video games. Like applying for jobs, video games aren’t simply transactional: they assume that the user will be spending a lot of their time on them, so the pitch isn’t necessarily what you’d think. For example, video game ads that focus on features and direct calls to action didn’t work when depth of control and motion tended to drive engagement.
Marketing a Gaming App - Think with Google
13 stats that show how advertising is changing – Econsultancy
13 stats that show how advertising is changing – Econsultancy
From digital ad spend overtaking traditional and the growth of mobile to the most resilient advertising channels during the Covid-19 pandemic, here are 13 stats that show how advertising is changing in 2020 and beyond.Here are some stats which (once you get beyond the obvious), show you how much the ad market has changed in the last 6 months. For example, mobile isn’t big, it’s bigger than anything else (so you need a mobile strategy, and relying on “programmatic” isn’t enough). Google’s ad revenue went down for the first time… ever. Podcasting keeps growing. E-sports is a real thing. And expect that digital will dominate out-of-home ads.
13 stats that show how advertising is changing – Econsultancy