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Fountain, Nikita Dubatov
Fountain, Nikita Dubatov
Fountain. Fountain model and tex - not by me. - Have some issues with grab pass for orthographic camera, but...meh. Will found soulution for some next fountains :) Fake oldschool reflection for the fish statue :D
Fountain, Nikita Dubatov
Sea Shader, Djanco Dewus
Sea Shader, Djanco Dewus
A simple water sea shader i made. Not a to complex shader but can still use a bit of optemization, Packing all textures into one would already optemize a lot. The water texture is really simple, just some quick deformed cells noise
Sea Shader, Djanco Dewus
Plasma/Magic Ball, Djanco Dewus
Plasma/Magic Ball, Djanco Dewus
Was working on a ice shader, after testing some distortion based on depth i got this funky result on way to strong values. I liked it an continued and these are the results
Plasma/Magic Ball, Djanco Dewus
Destiny 2: Hearthfire Shell VFX, Ben Platnick
Destiny 2: Hearthfire Shell VFX, Ben Platnick
The "Hearthfire Shell" is a new Ghost that debuted with Destiny 2: Season of the Haunted as part of the Solar themed seasonal accessories set. I wanted to give the Ghost a little extra in the cool department, so I put together the VFX you see here in order to enhance the wonderful hard-surface work done by Michael Climer. Special Thanks: Mark Flieg and Travis Treadway: Rewards VFX Team https://www.artstation.com/mfliegjr https://www.artstation.com/travistreadway55 Michael Climer: Hard-Surface Lead https://www.artstation.com/mclimer And to everyone else at Bungie who helped support me and contributed to this wonderful world. "Teams are stronger than heroes".
Destiny 2: Hearthfire Shell VFX, Ben Platnick
Feedback on Water Stream
Feedback on Water Stream
Hey all! I’m new here and I’ve got to say this website is an amazing resource. I’ve been getting into RT VFX recently (been a game dev for a long time) and have been working a few effects. I was inspired by the recent waterfall Sketch posts and wanted to take a shot at one myself. I’m quite happy with the progress so far, but I feel a little stuck on getting the edges of my water fall to look believable. Here’s the current progress: (EDIT: Updated progress: ) My current gripe ...
Feedback on Water Stream
Marsupilami: Hoobadventure - VFX Marsupilami, Ocellus - SERVICES
Marsupilami: Hoobadventure - VFX Marsupilami, Ocellus - SERVICES
Art directors and Art Leads : Antonin Jury and Nicolas Duboc -- Concept Art : Guillaume Normand VFX & Shaders : Emmanuel Blanc & WeiXuan Lin https://www.artstation.com/antoninjury https://www.artstation.com/nicolasduboc https://www.artstation.com/gnormand https://www.artstation.com/blancemmanuel https://www.artstation.com/dingku ©️ Microid / Dupuis
Marsupilami: Hoobadventure - VFX Marsupilami, Ocellus - SERVICES
KanLiu auf Twitter
KanLiu auf Twitter
“I think these are the best 4 water rendering from me so far. #water #vfx #drawing #illustration”
KanLiu auf Twitter