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Teamfight Tactics | Gizmos & Gadgets: Neon Nights | Real-Time VFX, Jimmy Vu
Teamfight Tactics | Gizmos & Gadgets: Neon Nights | Real-Time VFX, Jimmy Vu
Here are my VFX contributions for Teamfight Tactics: Neon Nights. None of this would have been possible without the collaboration from the TFT VFX team and the creatives from Environment, Concept, Animation, and Audio for bringing these experiences to life! VFX: https://www.artstation.com/isaacwood https://www.artstation.com/thundersnug https://www.artstation.com/jonathanshishido Environment: https://www.artstation.com/jeremypage https://www.artstation.com/phillipzhang https://www.artstation.com/nhat-nguyen Animation: https://www.artstation.com/chsing Concept: https://www.artstation.com/gwhitehall https://www.artstation.com/haryarti
Teamfight Tactics | Gizmos & Gadgets: Neon Nights | Real-Time VFX, Jimmy Vu
Pavel Barnev auf Twitter
Pavel Barnev auf Twitter
“Run&Gun #Animation.Collab with @slipgatecentral Used scripts: https://t.co/5HDeY6J8va - basic OverRig scripts https://t.co/MfiqCoY18j - advanced Animation Layer tool https://t.co/ET7KTGaVdf - walk animation tutorial #warhammer40k #warhammer #squatmarine https://t.co/7xjRCuORAN”
Pavel Barnev auf Twitter
VFXVelocity auf Twitter
VFXVelocity auf Twitter
niagara ribbon effect test 練習がてらトレイルエフェクト作ってみました。 ちょっとだけ、Attribute Readerに詳しくなったけど、課題が山積みしているな~  取り合えずお風呂入って寝よ。 #UE4 #Niagara https://t.co/6aTcUzQ30r
VFXVelocity auf Twitter
Marta Nael
Marta Nael
From a very young age, I knew what I wanted to become as a grown-up. So my love for art started at a very early age. I have a love for all artistic disciplines but after completing a Fine Arts degree I started to learn digital art, matte painting and concept art, something which has enabled me to embark in a variety of projects from book and musical album covers, to concept art for videogames, and marketing illustrations amongst many others, with clients such as Blizzard, Wizards of the Coast and Deep Silver. I would describe my work as a game of light and color, which gives way to colorful and painterly illustrations, whether they are characters, environments or concept art. I got my first commissions in 2010 when I was finishing my Fine Arts degree and a year later I won ImagineFX Rising Stars award, and also Expomanga's Best Spanish Illustrator. I've done tutorials for magazines such as Advanced Photoshop or ImagineFX and given many workshops in Spain, while also attending several Comic and Manga Cons in this country. My work has appeared in many artbooks such as Digital Art Masters (3dtotal), Exotique (Ballistic), Sketching from the imagination (3dtotal), Prime books (3dtotal) or Infected by Art. In the last 8 years I've published four artbooks with Spanish publisher Ediciones Babylon, two of them mainly digital, and the other two featuring only traditional media.
Marta Nael
Yue.J auf Twitter
Yue.J auf Twitter
Coming up more ideas about the ice VFX, how about let them FLY!? #UE5 #UE4 #UE4Niagara #RealTimeVFX #UnrealEngine #Techart #VFX #materials #ice https://t.co/139C1dODxO
Yue.J auf Twitter
VFX, Elena Marín Serna
VFX, Elena Marín Serna
A compilation of several VFX works done for Artside (Game Art School) under the supervision of Jeremy Vitry. The final project of the week was to design a skill kit for Candice, one of his characters. It was a lot of fun to get out of my comfort zone and start to see how dynamic the VFX world is! https://www.artstation.com/kuru
VFX, Elena Marín Serna