Lost Soul Aside - 18 Minutes of New Gameplay (2021)
Check out the new official gameplay footage of Lost Soul Aside.Game under development does not represent final quality.Check more information at: https://www...
From 1958 to 1961, Sea Hunt, starring Lloyd Bridges as underwater action hero Mike Nelson, was one of the most popular television programs in the world. It ...
Iceland volcano: Drone footage captures stunning up-close view of eruption
A drone captured stunning close-up shots of lava bubbling in the crater of a volcano on Tuesday that began erupting near Iceland's capital Reykjavik on Frida...
draw effects and VFX practiceAlso serves as an upload test for gifs#procreate #aftereffects gif動画化するとどう見えるかのテスト兼ねてるのでなんか同じもの重複して申し訳ない。ラストの爆発部分が見えやすくなったし、画質のチープさが逆にいい味出してる。 pic.twitter.com/cplgFFGX6O— Ryohashi (@1992YAJIRyo) October 25, 2020
A huge thanks to my friend Nicolas TREVISAN for sharing his FX with me!
I fell in love with his redesign project of the magic signs from The Witcher in Unity, so I decided to do a little animation that fits with it!
Check his other VFX here:
The Last of Us Part 2: Water effects and surfaces, Taylor Duval
Working on this project was an amazing experience and I’m super grateful to have had the opportunity to work with such an amazing team. This is a collection of a few of the many water sections that I worked on for this project.
В нашей работе мы стремимся чтобы игроки всегда получали самый впечатляющий и реалистичный игровой опыт, поэтому мы реализовали новый тип поверхности, и на р...
Another one, sorry if the amount annoys people 🥺#RealtimeVFX #VFX #gamedev #UnrealEngine pic.twitter.com/bJfxchCRI5— Niels Dewitte (@Niels_Dewitte) August 23, 2020
The Last of Us Part II: Beach Waves, Quinn Kazamaki
My goal with this effect was to make something that hasn't really been seen in games before(although, with so many games out there I'm sure someone has done it at some point). I was responsible for the foam projections and material modifications for the wet sand as the waves would crash and push up onto the shore, run down it, and then seep into the sand. Basically just integrating the wave effect into the shoreline. Wataru Ikeda was responsible for the rest of the effect including making the water surface deformations and the wave crashing into itself. Malcolm Hee was the background artist I worked with on the sand material. If you see some frame blending, that's just some artifacts from trying to loop the video.
Unity VFX Amplify Shader Editor - Magic Fire and Ice Tornado Tutorial
I get a ton of requests from people who are looking to level up their VFX skills in Unity. Today, Igor stops by Stylized Station to give us a breakdown on ho...