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Fire FX of "The Order: 1886" - Closer Look
Fire FX of "The Order: 1886" - Closer Look
Here is a closer look at some of the fire I created for 'The Order'. Everything is running in real-time on the PS4. If you have any questions or feedback, please don't hesitate to email me at: brian@readyatdawn.com You can check out the entire FX team's reel here: https://vimeo.com/122902666 Also take a look at my fellow FX artist Orson Favrel's reel from 'The Order': vimeo.com/120575498 Music: Work Me - The Black Keys Thanks for watching.
Fire FX of "The Order: 1886" - Closer Look
Gregory Oliveira on Twitter
Gregory Oliveira on Twitter
I did a cartoonish explosion inspired by the VFX from the new Smash Bros Ultimate. I guess I rly like making explosions :)Made with Unity, no flipbooks used.#VFX #Gamedev #Unity #Unity3D #MadeWithUnity #RealtimeVFX pic.twitter.com/Q38Kmx9cZe— Gregory Oliveira (@godsgreg) November 9, 2018
Gregory Oliveira on Twitter
Blob Effect - UE4
Blob Effect - UE4
In this project, the goal was making blobby that could stick with the Background. I used a basic Screen Space effect using a Raymarching effect to achive thi...
Blob Effect - UE4
Q a0 ajd
Q a0 ajd
Q a0 ajd
Freya Holmér on Twitter
Freya Holmér on Twitter
🌨️ pic.twitter.com/XrzcRRcT89— Freya Holmér (@FreyaHolmer) December 10, 2018
Freya Holmér on Twitter
TKO on Twitter
TKO on Twitter
エフェクト作業早送り後半ただの塗り絵作業なのでキングクリムゾンしてます pic.twitter.com/VYLIwHArrS— TKO (@SzTko) January 10, 2019
TKO on Twitter
ろうぼう on Twitter
ろうぼう on Twitter
unityでアニメ調爆発エフェクトゼルダBotwとかスマブラSPのエフェクトを目指した。 #Unity #realtimeVFX pic.twitter.com/zFYXYvT4aD— ろうぼう (@lou_bou35) January 18, 2019
ろうぼう on Twitter