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Obsidian and GTD - Obsidian Rocks
Obsidian and GTD - Obsidian Rocks
Obsidian and GTD. At first glance, it may seem like these two systems have nothing in common. One is a tool for taking notes, the other is a system for tracking and completing tasks. Two different things, right? GTD is a controversial subject in its own right. For some GTD is too complex, for others, […]
Your mind is for having ideas, not holding them. Open tasks tend to occupy our short term memory until they are done. (this is called the Zeigarnik effect)
Those of us who complete a lot of tasks need a good system for keeping track of our commitments. Our commitment system needs to be completely trustworthy so we aren’t tempted to store tasks in our brains.
Obsidian and GTD - Obsidian Rocks