How finishing what you start makes teams more productive and predictable
Let’s be honest. When you read this post’s title, you thought it was obvious. Yet, most people don’t follow this simple piece of advice. You know that too, a...
Clayton Christensen on disruptive innovators and how to hire a milkshake.
from the University Of Phoenix Lecture Series
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also you can find the Jobs to be Done community at the #JTBD on twitter.
Online Course to learn how we find the JTBD through Interviews:
(thanks Kijuyswe2134)
In this article, “remote development environments” refer to AWS EC2 instances where engineers make code changes and can see a running Slack application with those changes. For years, engineers at Slack isolated and tested their changes by running microcosms of the Slack application on their local computers. This was difficult for many reasons: it involved […]
Kubernetes is driven by an HTTP API server which allows complete configuration and control of Kubernetes runtime. Therefore, securing access to the API server is one of the most critical security controls to ensure resilient Kubernetes in production.
awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers
A list of Free Software network services and web applications which can be hosted on your own servers - awesome-selfhosted/awesome-selfhosted: A list of Free Software network services and web appli...
Laying the Cultural and Technical Foundation for Big Rails
This was Gusto's system graph. Each of the black rectangles you see here is a subsystem within Gusto's biggest Rails monolith, and the red arrows are where one subsystem talks to another. As our business grew, folks started having a hard time making large changes in our codebase. Initially, we
Discover The Best Free Tools For Startup Founders - is a curated database and weekly newsletter for startup founders and aspiring entrepreneurs that features the best free tools and resources to help you build, launch & grow your startup.
Today I will share some of the software engineering soft skills I have learned from my first 10 years on Google Chrome, where I am a Senior Staff Engineering...
InterviewReady/system-design-resources: These are the best resources for System Design on the Internet
These are the best resources for System Design on the Internet - InterviewReady/system-design-resources: These are the best resources for System Design on the Internet