Kubernetes Hardening Guidance [pdf] | Hacker News
dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development
A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development - dexteryy/spellbook-of-modern-webdev: A Big Picture, Thesaurus, and Taxonomy of Modern JavaScript Web Development
How to Outperform a 10x Developer
First awareness. Then productivity.
The self-taught UI/UX designer roadmap in 2021
A deep dive guide on teaching yourself UI/UX design from zero knowledge to a full-time role
Junior designers vs. senior designers - DESK Magazine
The difference between a designer early in their career and a more experienced designer are easy to spot. Here we outline the key differences.* *It should be noted that some young designers have been known to exhibit behaviors of senior designers. And on rare occasions, you may see a senior designer in the wild behaving …
Don’t want to be a bad manager? Stop feeding Shit Sandwiches
One of the most popular methods of delivering difficult employee feedback is, well, shit. Here’s why and what you should do instead… I recently ran into a friend who mentioned how she uses the Shit Sandwich
Increment: Issues
Increment is a print and digital magazine about how teams build and operate software systems at scale.
please don't be spooky
A piece of advice I wish I could give my manager is don't be spooky.
My manager regularly messages me things like Hey, can you talk? or Got a minute now? Occ...
A development process startup founders should use to ship features weirdly fast
Here are 9 specific steps founders can use to ship features faster, keep their product team aligned and build what their users really want.
Increment: Planning
This issue examines the ever-evolving practices of software planning—and how we can craft plans that enrich communication, alignment, and impact on engineering teams.
12 Tips on Becoming a Senior Frontend Engineer
Have you ever wondered why the market for software engineers is so hot despite the increasing number of people learning how to code and increasing the
What Makes a Senior Engineer? Writing Software vs Building Systems
Junior Engineers care about writing Software. They value code quality, employ best practices, try to adopt cutting-edge technologies. They invest a lo
The Difference Between The Clever Developer & The Wise Developer
Avoiding problems is faster than solving them
Questions to ask a prospective employer during a job interview
Question : Do developers in your organization have full admin rights on their own computer? Rationale : While blocking admin rights might ma...
The Desi VC
Nokia’s Burning Platform Memo
How to offer effective free trials | Upollo
More users and more revenue without needing to run 20 A/B tests
Move Fast or Die: Key Startup Lessons
Lessons from Facebook, Dropbox, and SPC on the singular importance of speed.
The Three F's of Open Source Development | Ben E. C. Boyter
Why your website should be under 14kb in size | endtimes.dev
Why React Re-Renders
In React, we don't update the DOM directly, we tell React what we want the DOM to look like, and React tackles the rest. But how exactly does it do this? In this tutorial, we'll unpack exactly when and why React re-renders, and how we can use this information to optimize the performance of our React apps.
Hacking Your Product Leader Career
The skills, metrics and hypothesis-driven approach needed to accelerate your career.
CS253 - Web Security
Principles of web security. The fundamentals and state-of-the-art in web security. Attacks and countermeasures. Topics include: the browser security model, web app vulnerabilities, injection, denial-of-service, TLS attacks, privacy, fingerprinting, same-origin policy, cross site scripting, authentication, JavaScript security, emerging threats, defense-in-depth, and techniques for writing secure code. Course projects include writing security exploits, defending insecure web apps, and implementing emerging web standards.
Engineering Career Ladders | BestPracticer
As engineering organizations grow and add more complexity with team members at different levels of experience, they also need to create clarity: the list of job levels, and what each role does. Done well, a career ladder can limit bias and provide a framework for hiring, paying, and promoting. Note: The articles below are often an introduction to the company's level guide, and the actual career ladder is a PDF or spreadsheet linked to from the article.
8 things to use in “Jobs-To-Be-Done” framework for product development
Talk all you want to about the importance of strategy or operational efficiency, but the truth is that companies succeed because they…
What is Jobs to be Done (JTBD)?
Upgrade your user, not your product. Don’t build better cameras — build better photographers.
(A few) Ops Lessons We All Learn The Hard Way
Ops is hard. What have learned so far?
6 things I wish I knew the day I started Berklee | Derek Sivers
We need young programmers; we need old programmers
The software industry loves young people, but old-timers serve an important purpose, too.
Jobs To Be Done Framework
Scrapping the persona and approaching product design in a different way