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Intro to Economics: Incentives 2 - Google Docs
Intro to Economics: Incentives 2 - Google Docs
Current Topic: Incentives Previous Topics Connected: None Future Topics Foreshadowed: Opportunity cost, marginal benefit, marginal cost, demand News Article: Hooponomics! Link: Indicator Podcast with transcript Description: Podcast (
Intro to Economics: Incentives 2 - Google Docs
Intro to economics: Incentives 1 - Google Docs
Intro to economics: Incentives 1 - Google Docs
Current Topic: Incentives Previous Topics Connected: None Future Topics Foreshadowed: Demand, Taxes News Article/Podcast: Are Plastic Bag Bans Garbage? Link: Description: In an effort to cut down on waste, many...
Intro to economics: Incentives 1 - Google Docs
Episode 665: The Pickle Problem : Planet Money : NPR
Episode 665: The Pickle Problem : Planet Money : NPR
A national network of food banks couldn't figure out how to get the right food to the right place at the right time. So they tried a bold experiment: the free market.
Episode 665: The Pickle Problem : Planet Money : NPR
The Four Pillars of Economic Understanding
The Four Pillars of Economic Understanding
It is no exaggeration to say that learning economics changed my life. In fact, I would go as far as saying the two most pivotal moments of my young adulthood was meeting my future wife at 17 and...
The Four Pillars of Economic Understanding
Parents Are Less Happy. So What? - Freakonomics Freakonomics
Parents Are Less Happy. So What? - Freakonomics Freakonomics
Bryan Caplan’s new book, Selfish Reasons to Have More Kids, (which he blogged about for us here and here) has people talking about happiness and kids, again. Over at Cato Unbound, my better half Betsey Stevenson takes Bryan to task on some of his claims. It’s worth reading the full essay. Jeff Ely at Cheap Talk says you should take note of her views on the distinction between happiness and utility. Instead, I want to highlight an insight that comes from thinking through a formal framework:
Parents Are Less Happy. So What? - Freakonomics Freakonomics
Introduction to Economics Lesson Plan: Scarcity - BrightHub Education
Introduction to Economics Lesson Plan: Scarcity - BrightHub Education
This Intro to Economics Lesson Plan introduces students to the concept of scarcity and what impact it has on the economy. Students will be asked to explore scarcity within the country as well as within their own personal life. This hands on lesson plan allows students to see the reality of scarcity and how it make impact everyone, including the individual.
Introduction to Economics Lesson Plan: Scarcity - BrightHub Education
Consumer Choice – Class Activity - Google Docs
Consumer Choice – Class Activity - Google Docs
“CONSUMER THEORY” ACTIVITY DETAILS (IN CLASS) LESSON START-UP: Re-cap of homework video content... We know that no two consumers are alike – they all have different tastes & preferences, different budgets, etc. – so how can we say that they all behave in the same way? Conduct an experiment in ...
Consumer Choice – Class Activity - Google Docs