The Wall Street Journal recently published an article by Steven Landsburg lamenting the disappearance of `price theory’ from the Economics curriculum. Price theory is what some Economists at …
On the Edge by Nate Silver: 9781594204128 | Books
“Engaging and entertaining… a glimpse of the economy of the future.” —Tim Wu, New York Times Book Review From the New York Times bestselling author of The Signal and the Noise,...
Has Capitalism Come at the Expense of the Poor? - FEE
Perhaps the most amazing fact in all of economic history is the unprecedented rise in wealth per person that has taken place in the last two centuries,
Elon Musk on the Difference between an Engineer and an Entrepreneur - FEE
Engineering is an important tool for society, but we need to recognize its limits. Societal success cannot be achieved solely by experts in optimization.
Are the Olympics Really a Good Deal for Host Countries? - FEE
The 2024 Olympic Games in Paris recently ended. With this event comes a typical avalanche of claims that the Games will produce a positive economic impact.
How the Housing Crisis Vindicated the Austrian School of Economics
When the 2008 economic crisis hit, mainstream economists scratched their heads attempting to make sense of the devastation. Austrian economists had been issuing warnings about the impending crash for years.