A 'Forgotten History' Of How The U.S. Government Segregated America
Author Richard Rothstein says the housing programs begun under the New Deal were tantamount to a "state-sponsored system of segregation," in which people of color were purposely excluded from suburbs.
Interactive Redlining Map Zooms In On America's History Of Discrimination
In the early 20th century, the federal government categorized neighborhoods, based largely on race, to determine mortgage eligibility. A new site combines the maps — and their revealing backstories.
United Van Lines 45th Annual National Movers Study tracks customers' migration patterns over the past year. See the study, interactive map and press kit.
Ford to double production capacity of its all-electric F-150 Lightning pickup truck – TechCrunch
Ford said Tuesday it will nearly double production capacity of its upcoming electric F-150 Lightning pickup truck to 150,000 vehicles a year by mid-2023 in response to customer demand. The F-150 Lightning trucks, which will have a base price of $39,974 before tax incentives are applied and not incl…
This tree has stood here for 500 years. Will it be sold for $17,500?
Old-growth trees in Tongass National Forest, which holds nearly twice as much carbon dioxide as the United States releases each year by burning fossil fuels, are embroiled in the politics of timber and climate change.
Turkey's lira logs worst year in two decades under Erdogan
Turkey's lira has logged its worst year since President Tayyip Erdogan came to power nearly two decades ago, despite his appeal on Friday for Turks to trust his unorthodox policies of slashing interest rates in the face of soaring inflation.
WTF Is A Credit Score | Brew Breakdown | Morning Brew
We all know that the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell but barely any of us can explain what a credit score and why it matters so much. But don’t stress, we’re here to break down anything and everything credit scores in this episode of Brew Breakdown!
Got a topic you want us to cover? Let us know in the comments below.
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Thanksgiving Was a Triumph of Capitalism over Collectivism | Richard M. Ebeling
Two years of communism had left alive only a fraction of the original Plymouth colonists. Unable to survive another season like the last two, the elders decided to try something radically different: the introduction of private property rights and the right of the individual families to keep the fruits of their own labor.
Here's a round-up of some of my favorite charts from 2021:The U.S. stock market as a whole was basically devoid of volatility this year:In fact, out of the past 94 years of data, this year
2021 was the year of broken supply chains, Amazon aggregators, more advertising, Shopify's almost-marketplace, and one unanswered question - did the pandemic boost e-commerce after all? For now, the world of marketplaces revolves around Amazon - it has doubled in size in two years. No one will challenge it directly, but a different paradigm might.
Don't fear AI. The tech will lead to long-term job growth.
COVID-19 has sped up the automation of many tasks, leading some to fear algorithms will take their jobs. But AI is creating more jobs than it destroys.
Will new bacon law begin? California grocers seek delay | AP News
ELLIOTT, Iowa (AP) — A coalition of California restaurants and grocery stores has filed a lawsuit to block implementation of a new farm animal welfare law, adding to uncertainty about whether bacon and other fresh pork products will be much more expensive or in short supply in the state when the new rules take effect on New Year's Day.
Let Kelley Blue Book help you understand a car's 5-year cost to own beyond its purchase price when you consider out-of-pocket expenses like fuel and insurance, plus the car's loss in value over time (depreciation).
U.S. bans imports from China’s Xinjiang region, citing human rights abuses
Washington has previously warned businesses with supply chain and investment ties to China's Xinjiang province that they could face legal consequences.