A behavioral design think tank, we apply decision science, digital innovation & lean methodologies to pressing problems in policy, business & social justice
Estimate your tax refund or how much you may owe to the IRS with TaxCaster, our free tax calculator that stays up to date on the latest tax laws so you can be confident in the calculations.
There's a massive housing shortage across the U.S. Here's how bad it is where you live
Hundreds of cities and towns are seriously short of housing, both homes to buy and rentals, according to a new study. It's the main reason that home prices and rents are so high.
Netflix Wants You to Chill With the Password Sharing
Netflix has been working hard to find a way to crack down on password sharing outside of an account’s primary household. Its ability to stop password sharing is rooted in the economic concept known as excludability.
High School Financial Literacy | College of Business
Many of our every day decisions have a financial impact, which makes personal finance a crucial skill. It applies in almost every aspect of life. It’s especially important in high school, before students venture on the
Many Americans will rely on tax refunds to make ends meet, despite shrinking refunds
30% of Americans say they’re reliant on their tax refund to make ends meet in 2023, especially Gen Z and millennials Despite fewer pandemic tax credits, 29% of Americans expect a higher tax refund this year Nearly a quarter of American taxpayers plan to use their tax refund to pay for necessities (24%) It’s the […]
S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index | FRED | St. Louis Fed
Graph and download economic data for S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price Index from Jan 1987 to Oct 2022 about HPI, housing, price index, indexes, price, USA, and composite.
The problems with using buy now, pay later to fund travel
These services essentially provide customers an alternative way to pay for purchases over time without going into credit card debt or taking out a traditional personal loan.
Richard Thaler on Behavioral Economics: Past, Present, and Future. The 2018 Ryerson Lecture
In the 2018 Nora and Edward Ryerson Lecture at the University of Chicago, Richard H. Thaler discusses his Nobel Prize-winning research.Richard H. Thaler is t...
4 Things to know about Buy Now, Pay Later loans – consumerfinance.gov
Buy Now, Pay Later (or BNPL) loans have seen an astronomical growth in popularity - you’ve probably seen them while shopping online. While they may seem like...
What is a Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) loan? | Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
BNPL loans are consumer installment loans that allow you to purchase items right away with little or no initial payment and pay off the balance in installments over time.
The first Gen Z member of Congress was denied a D.C. apartment due to bad credit
Maxwell Frost, who became the first Gen Z candidate to be elected to the U.S. House in November, says Congress has a serious problem of accessibility for people who don't come from wealth.
Housing Inflation is Likely Poised to Decelerate by Early 2023 - Zillow Research
A growing body of research shows the Zillow Observed Rent Index (ZORI) leads survey-based average rent indexes, including the rent component of the Consumer Price Index, by up to 12 months.
Money makes us do things we wish we didn’t, but why is that? Behavioral economists and neuroscientists decode psychological dynamics resulting from 25 million years of human evolution - all so you can make smarter financial decisions.