Found 97 bookmarks
Hypha | What is a DAO
Hypha | What is a DAO
A ‘DAO’ (aka ‘Decentralized Autonomous organisation’) are fraud-resistant, transparent, and programmable organisations helping people around the globe create new types of organisations that better serve their purpose and values.
Hypha | What is a DAO
DAO.VC: Decentralized Autonomous Venture Ecosystem
DAO.VC: Decentralized Autonomous Venture Ecosystem offers a closed operation cycle for eliminating the major problems and solving the most important ones of the market.
DAO.VC: Decentralized Autonomous Venture Ecosystem
The Padawan DAO - 🕯 Community - 🤩 MetaCartel Forum
The Padawan DAO - 🕯 Community - 🤩 MetaCartel Forum
PadawanDAO Inspired by @Ricburton legendary team of hackers at ETHlisbon. See Tweet Idea We MetaCartel Fund a DAO of young G’s going to conferences, the young G’s select new young G’s to join them by giving a sponsorship for an event. They keep paying it forward to new members of the group by accepting new member proposals to the group. Conferences like ETHDenver, DevCon, MCON, are ideal events to activate new talent. Execution I have a few young G summoners in mind to help bootstrap the s...
The Padawan DAO - 🕯 Community - 🤩 MetaCartel Forum
Guilds to the Cryptoverse
Guilds to the Cryptoverse
Share and discover personal experiences of crypto membership communities and DAOs, verified but anonymously.
Guilds to the Cryptoverse
Zodiac | Zodiac
Zodiac | Zodiac
The expansion pack for DAOs, Zodiac is a collection of tools built according to an open standard.
Zodiac | Zodiac
Dinner DAO is Creating IRL Dinner Clubs Built Around NFTs
Dinner DAO is Creating IRL Dinner Clubs Built Around NFTs
After eating at home for much of the past 18 months, most of us are itching to get out into the real world and have dinner with interesting people. If this is you, may I suggest a new way to break …
Dinner DAO is Creating IRL Dinner Clubs Built Around NFTs
What is a Social Token
What is a Social Token
Last time we spoke about DAOs and how they have the potential to empower communities through decentralised ownership and control. This time we're going to talk about Social Tokens, the tool many DAOs use to do this. Not sure what a Social Token is and what it means to you? Lets explore it together 💜
What is a Social Token
What is a DAO?
What is a DAO?
If you’re in our Community or hanging out on the internet you might have been hearing the term DAO around. You’ve read a couple of definitions and tried to wrap your head around what a DAO really is, and ultimately what it means for you. 🧠 Let's get into it...
What is a DAO?
Gitcoin DAO Onboarding
Gitcoin DAO Onboarding
Thank you for your interest in GitcoinDAO! Our mission is to build and fund digital public goods. We empower communities of builders to connect and work together to create the future of the open web. Want to help us build this future? Just fill out this form!
Gitcoin DAO Onboarding
A new tool for teams & individuals that blends everyday work apps into one.
DAOs Have a Long Way to Go - Decrypt
DAOs Have a Long Way to Go - Decrypt
DAOs are loose, chaotic, and idealistic. But DAO devotees say they're the future of companies. The structure has some growing up to do first.
DAOs Have a Long Way to Go - Decrypt
Welcome to the Juicebox Notion!
DAO Links - not boring
DAO Links - not boring
In the spirit of openness, transparency, and sharing value with the community, below are all of the resources I used to research The Dao of the DAO. I hope that I did a good job translating and remixing, but if you want to go deep, go straight to the source. Essays, Articles, Dashboards, and...
DAO Links - not boring
‣ louis 🙏 on Twitter
‣ louis 🙏 on Twitter
NFTs now ⟹ DAOs tomorrow A few models being explored rn 👇
‣ louis 🙏 on Twitter
Power to the Person
Power to the Person
The Creator Economy, NFTs, and the Rise of the Solo Corporation
Power to the Person
Crypto Commons
Crypto Commons
Many crypto enthusiasts are looking at blockchains as a way to correct the sins of the past (government over-reach, lack of sound money…
Crypto Commons
NFTP’s Rainbow Rolls
NFTP’s Rainbow Rolls
The epic and true story / off-off-white-paper behind NFTP DAO (Non-Fungible Toilet Paper), Rainbow Rolls, and the crusade to raise money…
NFTP’s Rainbow Rolls
Zodiac: The expansion pack for DAOs — Mirror
Zodiac: The expansion pack for DAOs — Mirror
Use the Zodiac collection of tools today through the Zodiac App available on Gnosis Safe. Join the Gnosis Guild Discord if you have any questions about Zodiac, and follow @GnosisGuild on Twitter for updates.
Zodiac: The expansion pack for DAOs — Mirror
Decentralized payroll management for DAOs
Decentralized payroll management for DAOs
DAO’s don’t have top down management. There is no HR department. There are no contracts and no salary negotiations. How do you properly…
Decentralized payroll management for DAOs