Assessment & Feeback

Assessment & Feeback

#Guide "#Student Engagement" #Assessment
MTU TACIT Guide 2 - Getting students to engage with feedback
MTU TACIT Guide 2 - Getting students to engage with feedback
Assessors complain that they spend hours devising and delivering good feedback via comments on assessed work, in class, in studio critiques, on the Virtual Learning Environment (VLE), in one-to-ones and in tutorials, only to find that students seem to either ignore the formative comments or complain they never get any feedback. If students ignore or trivialise our feedback, it cannot help them however detailed and supportive it is. Students’ failure to engage with feedback not only is unhelpful to them and frustrating for us, but also impacts negatively on Irish Survey of Student Engagement (ISSE) scores.
MTU TACIT Guide 2 - Getting students to engage with feedback
MTU TACIT Guide 1 - Commenting constructively on assessed work
MTU TACIT Guide 1 - Commenting constructively on assessed work
Students put great store by the comments we put on their work. They often come to higher education with high expectations about the nature and value of teacher comments, and look to them to provide them with authoritative guidance on their learning and performance. Where that provision is found wanting, unhelpful or unconstructive, students rapidly become disenchanted, disappointed and alienated.
MTU TACIT Guide 1 - Commenting constructively on assessed work