Assessment & Feeback

Assessment & Feeback

"#National Seminar" #Video
Innovative Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms for Placement
Innovative Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms for Placement
This event shared the changes made to the assessment and feedback mechanisms on placement as part of a pilot project within the School of Business, MTU Cork ...
Innovative Assessment and Feedback Mechanisms for Placement
Working on Reflection - Supporting Students to Reflect on Work Placement
Working on Reflection - Supporting Students to Reflect on Work Placement
Reflective practice is a key skill in many professions including education. but is particularly relevant to students in the context of work placement. We as ...
Working on Reflection - Supporting Students to Reflect on Work Placement
Redesigning Assessment and Developing Staff and Student Feedback Literacy
Redesigning Assessment and Developing Staff and Student Feedback Literacy
This seminar focused on developing feedback literacy in both staff and students and redesigning assessment to build on this new-found understanding. It drew on student and staff expertise across two main strands. Strand 1 took a ‘deep dive’ to explore what learner-focused feedback means and how staff and students can enable impacts from different feedback approaches. Particular emphasis was placed on feedback literacy: the capacities of teachers and students to make the most of feedback opportunities. What capabilities do teachers and students need in order to take up their complementary roles in feedback processes? Strand 2 looked at disentangling assessment and feedback and explored the various forms of feedback used in assessment and in the absence of assessment. Assessment design was highlighted so that opportunities to provide feedback to inform future work are intentionally embedded at the development phase.
Redesigning Assessment and Developing Staff and Student Feedback Literacy
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality Assessment for Future Needs
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality Assessment for Future Needs
"This seminar explored concerns around academic integrity in Higher Education and how assessment redesign can eliminate many of these concerns. The seminar was divided into two elements. The first session explored why, how and when students cheat in Higher Education. It opened up discussion and debate on academic integrity, plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating and the role we play in it as educators. The second part of the seminar focused on re-thinking how we assess and redesigning assessment approaches. The presenter discussed strategies that include encouraging students to see assessment, both, as an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to demonstrate their excellence and skills. Redesigning and rethinking the tasks we ask our students to complete in order to demonstrate attainment of the desired life-long skills in tandem with module and programme learning outcomes can effectively eliminate both the desire and the opportunity to ‘cheat’. Across the two sessions participants were asked to self-reflect, to consider their values and establish why they assess as they do. Traditions and assumptions were challenged & participants were supported in the redesigning of assessment approaches."
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality Assessment for Future Needs
Developing an Ethos of Authentic Assessment
Developing an Ethos of Authentic Assessment
MORE INFO: Developing an Ethos of Authentic Assessment A Seminar Funded by the National Forum for the Enhancement of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education as part of the Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU), MTU Cork's Conversations on Teaching and Learning (CoTaL) Winter 2021/22 Seminar Series Presented By: Dr Pio Fenton, Head, Marketing & International Business, MTU Cork Michele McManus, Lecturer, Marketing & International Business, MTU Cork Conor Kelleher, Lecturer, Marketing & International Business, MTU Cork Elaine O’Brien, Lecturer, Marketing & International Business, MTU Cork Authentic assessment is a means of providing assessment opportunities which are like tasks in the ‘real world’. Students are asked to thoughtfully apply their acquired skills to a new situation or environment. Assessments are considered authentic if they are realistic, require judgement and innovation and assess students’ ability to effectively use their knowledge or skills to complete a task. This seminar presented the experiences from the Marketing discipline at Munster Technological University in developing a comprehensive approach to the use of authentic assessment as a means of fostering student engagement and developing collaboration with businesses. Adopting the perspective of a "work in progress" the presentation challenged participants around the ongoing reliance on terminal examination and similar mechanisms, while also reflecting the realities of delivering complicated assessment mechanisms with large-sized student groups.
Developing an Ethos of Authentic Assessment