Assessment & Feeback

Assessment & Feeback

#Guide #exemplars "#summative assessment"
MTU TACIT Guide 8 - Helping students appreciate what's expected of them in assessment; Developing students' assessment literacy
MTU TACIT Guide 8 - Helping students appreciate what's expected of them in assessment; Developing students' assessment literacy
Students, especially those from diverse cultural backgrounds, often find the first assignment on a course really challenging, particularly if they are ‘first in family’ to go to university and may therefore have a limited understanding of what is likely to be expected of them. It therefore pays dividends if staff put resources and energy into helping students get to know the rules of the game. Students may be able to successfully manage the unfamiliarity of new learning contexts and classroom environments that are very different to what they have experienced before. However, they can’t avoid the need to be successful in assessment if they are to progress. It’s part of our job therefore to help students overcome any uneasiness, and the best way to do this is to demystify the process and give them stress-free opportunities to practice the competencies they eventually need to demonstrate to meet the learning outcomes
MTU TACIT Guide 8 - Helping students appreciate what's expected of them in assessment; Developing students' assessment literacy
MTU TACIT Guide 3 - Giving formative feedback prior to submitting summative tasks
MTU TACIT Guide 3 - Giving formative feedback prior to submitting summative tasks
We are often keen to encourage students to submit assignments in advance of their final submissions, but we need to be able to do this efficiently and effectively, since few of us have the time to provide detailed comments on drafts provided by lots of our students. The ideas set out here are designed to illustrate how we can help our students to improve their work-in-progress without making unfeasible amounts of work for the hard-pressed markers
MTU TACIT Guide 3 - Giving formative feedback prior to submitting summative tasks