TLU Resources

TLU Resources

#Guide "#curriculum design"
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality? Assessment for Future Needs - Guide to the Assessment Design Decisions Framework
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality? Assessment for Future Needs - Guide to the Assessment Design Decisions Framework
"The assessment design decisions framework consists of six categories: • Purposes of assessment • Context of assessment • Learner outcomes • Tasks • Feedback processes • Interactions Each category in the framework is explored in this guide, with a series of assessment considerations. • Explanatory text • Key questions for educators to consider • Links to online and print resources • Links to other relevant parts of the guide • Short vignettes of educator experiences. Educator experiences have been drawn from both interview data and our own experiences. Direct quotes have been edited to enhance clarity of meaning and ease of reading"
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality? Assessment for Future Needs - Guide to the Assessment Design Decisions Framework
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality? Assessment for Future Needs - Assessment Design Decisions Framework
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality? Assessment for Future Needs - Assessment Design Decisions Framework
This Framework helps university teachers make good decisions about assessment design. The six categories draw from existing evidence on good assessment, and data from a study of Australian university assessment practices. The Framework identifies the key considerations in assessment design, including the effects of assessment on learning
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality? Assessment for Future Needs - Assessment Design Decisions Framework
UDL@MTU - MTU UDL Module Guide
UDL@MTU - MTU UDL Module Guide
Are you involved in new programme development and about to starting to create new modules? Or are involved in programmatic review and revising some existing modules? If so, the following is a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Module Guide developed by our colleague Ann Toebes, Curriculum Development Facilitator, provides suggestions for how UDL can be embedded in the curriculum via the module descriptor.
UDL@MTU - MTU UDL Module Guide