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TLU Resources

"#Student Success" #Practice
Recent Developments in Assessment & Feedback Methodologies
Recent Developments in Assessment & Feedback Methodologies
"If we want to improve students’ engagement with learning, a key focus of enhancement can be refreshing our approaches to assessment. Sometimes we need to take a fresh look at our current practice to ensure assessment is for rather than just of learning. In addition, we as educators in higher education understand the importance of giving good feedback to students, both to maximize achievement and to support retention. Research in the field suggests that good feedback has a significant impact on student achievement, enabling students to become adept at judging the quality of their own work during its production. In this workshop, the following aspects of assessment were considered: Fit for purpose assessment: designing assessments to promote student learning Assessing more students: ways of using productive assessment with large numbers Assessing first-year students well to promote retention Streamlining assessment: giving feedback effectively and efficiently"
Recent Developments in Assessment & Feedback Methodologies
Spotlight on Providing Instruction around the Literature Review
Spotlight on Providing Instruction around the Literature Review
The literature review is a core component of many, if not all, final year programmes at third level. Despite the importance of this, many undergraduate students are not given the instructional tools to complete the onerous tasks of organising and planning a literature review. This seminar presented results of a pilot study initiated by the Department of Biological Sciences with over 100 final year undergraduate life science students. These students attended a 1-hour weekly instructional lecture as part of the literature review module. The seminar was targeted at academic staff and focused on: What tools were made available to students How well students engaged with the tools What the learning experience was for both lecturers and students How this approach could be modified across different disciplines
Spotlight on Providing Instruction around the Literature Review
Spotlight on the Flipped Classroom at CIT
Spotlight on the Flipped Classroom at CIT
"This seminar introduced participants to the flipped classroom: a pedagogical model used to engage students in active learning, where there is a greater focus on students’ application of conceptual knowledge rather than factual recall. In particular, this seminar showcased some of the results from the Flipped Classroom Initiative that ran in CIT during the semester. It was a chance for participants to engage with colleagues within the institute who have participated in this initiative and to gain valuable insight into their experiences. The aims of this seminar were to: Explain the concept of a flipped classroom Explain the advantages/disadvantages of the flipped classroom approach Understand how the flipped classroom approach can be applied to a variety of disciplines"
Spotlight on the Flipped Classroom at CIT
Creating and Maintaining Positive Learning Environments
Creating and Maintaining Positive Learning Environments
"At this seminar participants were given an opportunity to explore approaches, strategies and methodologies for creating and maintaining a classroom environment which promotes learning. Topics such as the use of learning environment checklists, positive behavior interventions and dealing with the disruptive student were discussed. The workshop examined the work of educators such as Ken Bain, Phil Race and Bill Rogers as well as drawing from expertise from within CIT."
Creating and Maintaining Positive Learning Environments
Developing Assessment Literacy in Students – Intentional Interventions
Developing Assessment Literacy in Students – Intentional Interventions
"The power of assessment and feedback within the learning process has been recognised for many years and yet the paradigms that currently frame assessment leave students in a passive role and still largely focus on accreditation. This situation needs to be challenged through the development of assessment literacy of both staff and students which, in turn will make new approaches to assessment and feedback possible. This seminar discussed the nature of assessment literacy, why it is important, how it has the potential to reshape our thinking about assessment and feedback and how it supports the development of student learning. Participants were invited to take part in activities designed to allow them to share their expertise, review their practices and take away new ideas. The aim of the seminar was to: Explain the concept of assessment literacy Describe the contribution assessment literacy can make to supporting student learning Identify key initiatives that support the development of assessment literacy"
Developing Assessment Literacy in Students – Intentional Interventions
Assistive Technology and Learning Resources for All
Assistive Technology and Learning Resources for All
"Assistive technology (AT) tools and resources were once meant for students with learning disabilities, but there is clear, documented proof that these tools are beneficial to everyone. This session introduced staff to the various AT that can be used by both students and staff to support academic study including dictation, mind mapping and narration technologies. In addition, some useful learning resources, developed within the CIT Disability Office, were shared that can be used to support all students not just those with disabilities."
Assistive Technology and Learning Resources for All
Student-Centered Learning Addressing Faculty Questions about Student-Centered learning
Student-Centered Learning Addressing Faculty Questions about Student-Centered learning
"A variety of phrases have been coined to describe a critical shift in mission and purpose of higher education. Barr and Tagg (1995) expressed the change as a move from an ―Instruction Paradigm‖ in which universities delivered instruction to ―transfer knowledge from faculty to students‖ to a ―Learning Paradigm‖ in which universities produce learning through ―student discovery and construction of knowledge.‖ Huba and Freed (2000) used the phrase ―learning- centered assessment‖ to emphasize transition in the focus of instruction and assessment from teaching to learning. The following description of student-centered instruction provides another starting point for conversations about student-centered learning:"
Student-Centered Learning Addressing Faculty Questions about Student-Centered learning
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Many lectures can be designed to follow a similar structure and being aware of this structure can help you to design effective lectures. In this session we will look at some recommended practices for structuring a typical lecture. A central aim is to engage those students that attend so that learners leave with the feeling that the lecture was worth attending.
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Making Academic Life Interesting through Projects
Making Academic Life Interesting through Projects
"Team based learning (TBL) is an instructional method that puts students into roles of greater autonomy and responsibility for their learning. Groups are collections of individuals. Teams are groups who have developed a shared purpose and sense of collective responsibility. Groups evolve into teams when an instructor creates the proper conditions for effective collaboration. Well-designed tasks plus strategic course design create the conditions and environment that teach group members to listen to one another, value each other's contributions, learn from mistakes, rein in ineffective behaviour, and eventually trust in the team's ability to outperform any given individual. Tom outlined how weekly individual lab exercises were replaced with a semester-long team project and the impact that has had on student learning."
Making Academic Life Interesting through Projects
How do you bring a classroom to life as if it were a work of art?
How do you bring a classroom to life as if it were a work of art?
Using phenomenological and performative action research methods as a way to explore space, place and context Collette and Bill outlined their recent research projects and showed how the research outcomes were introduced into the Year 1 curriculum.
How do you bring a classroom to life as if it were a work of art?
Enhancing Work Placement
Enhancing Work Placement
"Work placement is, at this stage, a mandatory element of many programmes within CIT and as such poses many challenges for those involved in the process, i.e. staff, students and potential employers. Catherine and Denise have been focusing on enhancing the work placement process within the Bachelor of Business (Honours) in Information Systems programme within their Department and in this session will discuss some of the developments that they have introduced."
Enhancing Work Placement
Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions
Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions
When students answer an in-class conceptual question individually using clickers, discuss it with their neighbors, and then revote on the same question, the percentage of correct answers typically increases. This outcome could result from gains in understanding during discussion, or simply from peer …
Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
"Designing and managing in-class discussions is more challenging than the pause procedure or minute paper, but there is convincing evidence that collaborative learning works. This session will model an in-class discussion and discuss some of the evidence that supports this strategy."
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
"Designing and managing in-class discussions is more challenging than the pause procedure or minute paper, but there is convincing evidence that collaborative learning works. This session will model an in-class discussion and discuss some of the evidence that supports this strategy."
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
Cooperative Learning: Improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory
Cooperative Learning: Improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory
Cooperative learning is an example of how theory validated by research may be applied to instructional practice. The major theoretical base for...
Cooperative Learning: Improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory
Distributed versus Massed Training: Efficiency of Training Psychomotor Skills
Distributed versus Massed Training: Efficiency of Training Psychomotor Skills
Virtual reality simulators have shown to be valid and useful tools for training psychomotor skills for endoscopic surgery. Discussion arises how to integrate these simulators into the surgical training curriculum. Distributed training is referred to as short training periods, with rest periods in between. Massed training is training in continuous and longer training blocks. This study investigates the difference between distributed and massed training on the initial development and retention of psychomotor skills on a virtual reality simulator. Four groups of eight medical students lacking any experience in endoscopic training were created. Two groups trained in a distributed fashion, one group trained in a massed fashion and the last group not at all (control group). All performed a post-test immediately after finishing their training schedule. Two months after this test a second post- test was performed. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Post-Hoc test Tukey-Bonferoni was used to determine differences in mean scores between the four groups, whereas a p-value ≤ 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Distributed training resulted in higher scores and a better retention of relevant psychomotor skills. Distributed as well as massed training resulted in better scores and retention of skills than no training at all. Our study clearly shows that distributed training yields better results in psychomotor endoscopic skills. Therefore, in order to train as efficient as possible, training programs should be (re)-programmed accordingly.
Distributed versus Massed Training: Efficiency of Training Psychomotor Skills
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
"The spacing effect refers to the process of spacing a topic that is to be learned over time, rather than teaching the topic in an intensive session. The implication for our modules is that rather than teaching all of LO1 in weeks 1 and 2 (for example) we should consider if it is possible to divide the topic and teach some in week 1 and then revisit (perhaps in greater depth) later on in the semester. The topic is then spaced out over the semester. The available evidence tells us that this is a more effective strategy. This session will explore this strategy in more detail and present some of the evidence that supports this strategy"
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
"The spacing effect refers to the process of spacing a topic that is to be learned over time, rather than teaching the topic in an intensive session. The implication for our modules is that rather than teaching all of LO1 in weeks 1 and 2 (for example) we should consider if it is possible to divide the topic and teach some in week 1 and then revisit (perhaps in greater depth) later on in the semester. The topic is then spaced out over the semester. The available evidence tells us that this is a more effective strategy. This session will explore this strategy in more detail and present some of the evidence that supports this strategy"
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
A review of the characteristics of intermediate assessment and their relationship with student grades
A review of the characteristics of intermediate assessment and their relationship with student grades
In-course assessment, such as midterms, quizzes or presentations, is often an integral part of higher education courses. These so-called intermediate assessments influence students’ final grades. T...
A review of the characteristics of intermediate assessment and their relationship with student grades
The Effect of Testing Versus Restudy on Retention: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Testing Effect
The Effect of Testing Versus Restudy on Retention: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Testing Effect
PDF | Engaging in a test over previously studied information can serve as a potent learning event, a phenomenon referred to as the testing effect.... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Engaging in a test over previously studied information can serve as a potent learning event, a phenomenon referred to as the testing effect. Despite a surge of research in the past decade, existing theories have not yet provided a cohesive account of testing phenomena. The present study uses meta-analysis to examine the effects of testing versus restudy on retention. Key results indicate support for the role of effortful processing as a contributor to the testing effect, with initial recall tests yielding larger testing benefits than recognition tests. Limited support was found for existing theoretical accounts attributing the testing effect to enhanced semantic elaboration, indicating that consideration of alternative mechanisms is warranted in explaining testing effects. Future theoretical accounts of the testing effect may benefit from consideration of episodic and contextually derived contributions to retention resulting from memory retrieval. Additionally, the bifurcation model of the testing effect is considered as a viable framework from which to characterize the patterns of results present across the literature. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2014 APA, all rights reserved).
The Effect of Testing Versus Restudy on Retention: A Meta-Analytic Review of the Testing Effect
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Using Tests to Improve Information Retrieval
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Using Tests to Improve Information Retrieval
"Having students retrieve information from long-term memory on a regular basis, is known to have a positive impact on learning. This is especially true when learners need to put a bit of effort into that retrieval process. Hence providing opportunities for learners to take tests (e.g. computer based multiple choice tests) can be a very effective strategy. This session will examine some of the evidence in favour of testing and discuss options for using this strategy."
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Using Tests to Improve Information Retrieval
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Using Tests to Improve Information Retrieval
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Using Tests to Improve Information Retrieval
"Having students retrieve information from long-term memory on a regular basis, is known to have a positive impact on learning. This is especially true when learners need to put a bit of effort into that retrieval process. Hence providing opportunities for learners to take tests (e.g. computer based multiple choice tests) can be a very effective strategy. This session will examine some of the evidence in favour of testing and discuss options for using this strategy."
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Using Tests to Improve Information Retrieval