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Free Strengths Test
Free Strengths Test
You can discover your top 3 realised strengths, 3 unrealised strengths, 2 learned behaviours and 1 weakness in our Free Starter Profile. Use it to start your strengths journey, gain self-awareness of what you love to do and support any job applications. You can choose to upgrade to a more in-depth Profile at any time to learn more of your strengths and gain action advice, tips and a career guide to release further potential.
You can discover your top 3 realised strengths, 3 unrealised strengths, 2 learned behaviours and 1 weakness in our Free Starter Profile. Use it to start your strengths journey, gain self-awareness of what you love to do and support any job applications. You can choose to upgrade to a more in-depth Profile at any time to learn more of your strengths and gain action advice, tips and a career guide to release further potential.
Free Strengths Test
MTU Cork Campus Library - Assignment Toolkit
MTU Cork Campus Library - Assignment Toolkit
The MTU Library Assignment Toolkit includes a suite of modules that guides students through the assignment completion process and provides a grounding in academic integrity by using best practice guidance at every stage. The modules include the following: - Getting to Know Your Library - Critical Thinking Skills - Misinformation - Effective Searching - Reading Academic Material and Planning for Assignments - Understanding Plagiarism - Assignment Writing - Referencing This tool will be of significant help to new students, but also a great refresher for those with some academic experience behind them. It is also a significant asset to academic staff as a rich, interactive resource that can support their students with their studies. The Assignment Toolkit is hosted on Canvas and requires you to enrol on the course. Course Modules can be taken in sequence or students can choose to start with a particular module.
MTU Cork Campus Library - Assignment Toolkit
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
"Maths anxiety is a psychological phenomenon in which a person experienced fear, tension, or discomfort when faced with mathematical tasks or situations. It is a common problem among students in higher education, particularly in subjects that requires a strong mathematical foundation such as physics, engineering, and economics. Maths anxiety could have a range of negative effects on a student's academic performance and well-being and could also have wider implications for a student's academic and career prospects. Joined the Irish Branch of the Mathematical Resilience Network for a Maths Anxiety Awareness Day workshop!"
Developing Awareness of Maths Anxiety in Ireland
ECAAP - Embedding Content Across Academic Programmes
ECAAP - Embedding Content Across Academic Programmes
The overall vision for the ECAAP (Embedding Content Across Academic Programmes) toolkit is that it can be used at every level within a Higher Education facility to track and embed content in modules, stages and programmes and ultimately link the delivery of this content to graduate attributes. The objective of the first stage of this project is to explore the feasibility of creating such a toolkit, through a mixture of desk research and a worked example.
The overall vision for the ECAAP (Embedding Content Across Academic Programmes) toolkit is that it can be used at every level within a Higher Education facility to track and embed content in modules, stages and programmes and ultimately link the delivery of this content to graduate attributes. The objective of the first stage of this project is to explore the feasibility of creating such a toolkit, through a mixture of desk research and a worked example.
ECAAP - Embedding Content Across Academic Programmes
Seamless Integration: Embedding Content Across Academic Programmes Tool
Seamless Integration: Embedding Content Across Academic Programmes Tool
The aim of this seminar was to introduce ECAAPT, a simple means by which to embed and track content, such as academic literacies, across modules and programmes. This tracking and mapping tool can contribute to a more coordinated and cohesive approach to the teaching and learning of various skills in many disciplines. In addition, this tool has the potential to be used as a structure for building and developing new programmes in a coherent and logical manner. It should be possible to show where the content necessary to develop the desired graduate attributes are, or could be, embedded across all stages of a programme. This can be useful for simplifying programmatic review, as well as ongoing programme checks and coherency. It may also be useful to map existing content relating to any module or programme across departments or in relation to specific graduate themes/attributes. Use of this tool may also indicate where there are openings to develop further learning opportunities for students, and where there may be overlap in delivery. The session began with an introduction to the tool itself and how it works before we moved on to present a worked example. This was followed by an opportunity for questions and answers.
Seamless Integration: Embedding Content Across Academic Programmes Tool
Re-Connect – Digital Habits, Problematic Internet Use & Habit Redesign
Re-Connect – Digital Habits, Problematic Internet Use & Habit Redesign
"Students need to use the internet to support their studies and are a group identified with low wellbeing and high loneliness. Re-Connect is a workshop that has been developed in MTU in response to research findings that highlight difficulties caused by problematic internet use for students. The workshop is being rolled out in MTU and aims to support students in developing awareness of their internet use and its affects. The workshop also enables students with tools which can help to develop healthy internet habits or redesign habits that are causing them problems. The workshop to date has got excellent feedback from staff and student participants and aligns exactly with the government strategy for healthy campuses. Student problematic internet use can be addressed in a way that few other issues affecting health and wellbeing are. The workshop has been developed to address a student need as evidenced by research, it is a university cross collaboration, developed with student input, honed with professional expertise empowers students to redesign those habits for wellbeing and academic performance. This workshop is designed for lecturers who might want to deliver the Re-Connect workshop with their students. This workshop was delivered by Oonagh O’Brien and Catherine Murphy, who gave an overview of the Re-Connect programme, the research that drove its development and they shared resources and facilitation techniques to enable delivery of Re-Connect to student groups. "
Re-Connect – Digital Habits, Problematic Internet Use & Habit Redesign
BE ACTIVE Framework
BE ACTIVE Framework
MTU Teaching & Learning Unit
There are many challenges with engaging students actively in both synchronous and asynchronous environments. To support staff to address some of these challenges the Teaching and Learning Unit (TLU), in Munster Technological University (MTU) developed the ‘Be ACTIVE’ Framework. It is an exploratory framework to support staff and institutions to implement and embed active learning in their everyday teaching practice.
BE ACTIVE Framework
The K. Patricia Cross Academy
The K. Patricia Cross Academy
More methods. Less madness. Techniques Video LibraryCrossCurrents LibraryTeaching Techniques for Higher Education Whether you find yourself teaching online, on-site, or a hybrid of both, our free teaching techniques are focused on helping all students learn and retain new knowledge and skills. Digital StoryStudents use computer-based tools, such as video, audio, graphics, and web publishing, to tell personal or academic stories ... Read More
The K. Patricia Cross Academy
Putting Active Learning into Practice
Putting Active Learning into Practice
Are you tired of giving lectures and feeling like you’re the one doing all the work? Would you like to create a more positive learning environment for yourself where students are more involved and engaged in their learning? This was a highly interactive and engaging workshop that was divided into two parts to address these issues and provide some valuable insights into what can be done. Part one, involved discussions around: Why active learning could be part of your teaching What is active learning and what it might look like in your teaching context How you could engage in active learning in your classroom Some colleagues shared how they are currently using active learning strategies within their own teaching practice to engage their students in MTU Cork together with some other simple strategies that require little preparation. Part two, involved participants putting some of what they had learned into practice. They were asked to consider a module they teach and examine how they typically structure a lecture and what opportunities there are for students to engage during the lecture. They then redesigned their first lecture for this module to integrate some generally applicable AL strategies that they felt might work for them, their students, their discipline and the concepts they wanted their students to learn. To conclude, they were introduced to the Active Learning Movement, a new TLU initiative that will provide ongoing support to Lecturers should they be interested in implementing Active Learning (AL) strategies in their classrooms.
Putting Active Learning into Practice
Putting Active Learning into Practice
Putting Active Learning into Practice
Are you tired of giving lectures and feeling like you’re the one doing all the work? Would you like to create a more positive learning environment for yourself where students are more involved and engaged in their learning? This was a highly interactive and engaging workshop that was divided into two parts to address these issues and provide some valuable insights into what can be done. Part one, involved discussions around: Why active learning could be part of your teaching What is active learning and what it might look like in your teaching context How you could engage in active learning in your classroom Some colleagues shared how they are currently using active learning strategies within their own teaching practice to engage their students in MTU Cork together with some other simple strategies that require little preparation. Part two, involved participants putting some of what they had learned into practice. They were asked to consider a module they teach and examine how they typically structure a lecture and what opportunities there are for students to engage during the lecture. They then redesigned their first lecture for this module to integrate some generally applicable AL strategies that they felt might work for them, their students, their discipline and the concepts they wanted their students to learn. To conclude, they were introduced to the Active Learning Movement, a new TLU initiative that will provide ongoing support to Lecturers should they be interested in implementing Active Learning (AL) strategies in their classrooms.
Putting Active Learning into Practice
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
"Though nearly as common as dyslexia, dyscalculia is neither well-known nor well-understood among educators and clinicians. In recent years students with dyscalculia have presented in different MTU Cork programmes of study and have struggled with completing core maths modules or using maths within modules of their course such as Science and Business subjects. Staff in MTU Cork were surveyed about their awareness of and questions about Dyscalculia. In addition, students with the Disability Support Service (DSS) were surveyed on their experience of dyscalculia in college. The results of these surveys were used to inform the design and content of this workshop and their findings were presented during the workshop itself. The objective of this workshop was to raise awareness about dyscalculia among the MTU community and identify best practice approaches to support our students with dyscalculia. Following universal design for learning (UDL) principles that promote increased accessibility in teaching and learning we hope that this raised awareness will in fact benefit all students who interact with maths and numbers as part of their studies at MTU Cork. A major focus of this workshop was on ways in which lecturers or tutors can support students with Dyscalculia to succeed. Hilary Maddocks has worked for many years supporting such students at Loughborough University. The student perspective was also presented as we heard from an MTU Cork student about her experiences of learning with Dyscalculia, and the DSS gave some background."
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
"Though nearly as common as dyslexia, dyscalculia is neither well-known nor well-understood among educators and clinicians. In recent years students with dyscalculia have presented in different MTU Cork programmes of study and have struggled with completing core maths modules or using maths within modules of their course such as Science and Business subjects. Staff in MTU Cork were surveyed about their awareness of and questions about Dyscalculia. In addition, students with the Disability Support Service (DSS) were surveyed on their experience of dyscalculia in college. The results of these surveys were used to inform the design and content of this workshop and their findings were presented during the workshop itself. The objective of this workshop was to raise awareness about dyscalculia among the MTU community and identify best practice approaches to support our students with dyscalculia. Following universal design for learning (UDL) principles that promote increased accessibility in teaching and learning we hope that this raised awareness will in fact benefit all students who interact with maths and numbers as part of their studies at MTU Cork. A major focus of this workshop was on ways in which lecturers or tutors can support students with Dyscalculia to succeed. Hilary Maddocks has worked for many years supporting such students at Loughborough University. The student perspective was also presented as we heard from an MTU Cork student about her experiences of learning with Dyscalculia, and the DSS gave some background."
Raising Awareness around Dyscalculia
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
"Empowerment is defined as the “the process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you”. Empowerment can help you: Feel good and laugh more frequently Recharge your batteries and find a new lease of life Achieve those goals that you may currently think are way too far out of reach Overcome challenges and see tasks through to conclusion For those who want more out of life, to achieve more, do more and be more - this workshop aimed to provide participants with the tools they need to change their mind-set and breakthrough to the next level – tools that, perhaps, could be shared with their students to help them achieve more too! This workshop provided a brief immersion into the power of the mind, and participants learned that the resources we need to move forward positively in life are already within us. Through fun activity and lots of laughter participants opened the door to transformation, instilling courage to dream and participants left with an incredible experience of their power to accomplish amazing results."
Empowerment – Master a Mindset for Success
Formative Assessment
Formative Assessment
"Assessment is probably the most important thing we can do to help our students learn. Traditionally, our assessment practices tend to be summative, for the purposes of progression and completion, rather than formative, for the purposes of improving instruction and student learning. If assessment is to be an integral part of student learning, formative assessment must be at the heart of the process. Formative assessment refers to a wide variety of methods that educators can use to conduct in-process evaluations of student comprehension, learning needs, and academic progress during a lesson, module, or programme. Formative assessments help educators identify concepts that students are struggling to understand, skills they are having difficulty acquiring, or learning standards they have not yet achieved so that adjustments can be made to lessons, instructional techniques, and academic support. If we wish to use assessment as a tool to enhance student learning the provision of formative feedback is crucial. We need to help students understand not only where they have gone wrong, but also what they need to do to improve and when they have done well, we need to help them understand what is good about their work and how they can build on it and develop further. This workshop was aimed at all academic staff, whether new to the whole notion of formative assessment and feedback, or those who wanted to improve their feedback practice to students, or those looking for innovative ideas on how to enhance their current practices. It provided participants with an opportunity to think about the benefits of formative assessment and providing formative feedback to learners and an opportunity to examine some case studies of how this can be done in practice."
Formative Assessment
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Menopausal Symptoms
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Menopausal Symptoms
Cognitive behaviour therapy is a brief, non-medical approach that can be helpful for a range of health problems, including anxiety and stress, depressed mood, hot flushes and night sweats, sleep problems and fatigue. CBT helps people to develop practical ways of managing problems and provides new coping skills and useful strategies. For this reason, it can be a helpful approach to try because the skills can be applied to different problems, and can improve wellbeing in general.
Cognitive Behaviour Therapy (CBT) for Menopausal Symptoms
"UDL – Learning and Sharing” – practical and easy ways to create more innovative and inclusive practice in lectures and assessments
"UDL – Learning and Sharing” – practical and easy ways to create more innovative and inclusive practice in lectures and assessments
"Universal Design for Learning is an educational framework based on research in the learning sciences, including cognitive neuroscience, that guides the development of flexible learning environments and learning spaces that can accommodate individual learning differences. This workshop focused on Universal Design for Learning (UDL) in CIT - if you are looking for ways to ensure that your classroom is as inclusive as possible and create a teaching and learning environment that is accessible to all, then this workshop helped to give you some tools and ideas on how to make this a reality! In the context of UDL, attendees: Examined and reflected on their own lectures and/or assessments Gained some insight into current best practice Obtained some practical and easy ways to create a more inclusive teaching and learning environment"
"UDL – Learning and Sharing” – practical and easy ways to create more innovative and inclusive practice in lectures and assessments
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Many lectures can be designed to follow a similar structure and being aware of this structure can help you to design effective lectures. In this session we will look at some recommended practices for structuring a typical lecture. A central aim is to engage those students that attend so that learners leave with the feeling that the lecture was worth attending.
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Many lectures can be designed to follow a similar structure and being aware of this structure can help you to design effective lectures. In this session we will look at some recommended practices for structuring a typical lecture. A central aim is to engage those students that attend so that learners leave with the feeling that the lecture was worth attending.
Structuring a lecture: what can work well
Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions
Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions
When students answer an in-class conceptual question individually using clickers, discuss it with their neighbors, and then revote on the same question, the percentage of correct answers typically increases. This outcome could result from gains in understanding during discussion, or simply from peer …
Why peer discussion improves student performance on in-class concept questions
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
"Designing and managing in-class discussions is more challenging than the pause procedure or minute paper, but there is convincing evidence that collaborative learning works. This session will model an in-class discussion and discuss some of the evidence that supports this strategy."
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
"Designing and managing in-class discussions is more challenging than the pause procedure or minute paper, but there is convincing evidence that collaborative learning works. This session will model an in-class discussion and discuss some of the evidence that supports this strategy."
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - Class Discussion
Cooperative Learning: Improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory
Cooperative Learning: Improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory
Cooperative learning is an example of how theory validated by research may be applied to instructional practice. The major theoretical base for...
Cooperative Learning: Improving university instruction by basing practice on validated theory
Distributed versus Massed Training: Efficiency of Training Psychomotor Skills
Distributed versus Massed Training: Efficiency of Training Psychomotor Skills
Virtual reality simulators have shown to be valid and useful tools for training psychomotor skills for endoscopic surgery. Discussion arises how to integrate these simulators into the surgical training curriculum. Distributed training is referred to as short training periods, with rest periods in between. Massed training is training in continuous and longer training blocks. This study investigates the difference between distributed and massed training on the initial development and retention of psychomotor skills on a virtual reality simulator. Four groups of eight medical students lacking any experience in endoscopic training were created. Two groups trained in a distributed fashion, one group trained in a massed fashion and the last group not at all (control group). All performed a post-test immediately after finishing their training schedule. Two months after this test a second post- test was performed. The one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Post-Hoc test Tukey-Bonferoni was used to determine differences in mean scores between the four groups, whereas a p-value ≤ 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Distributed training resulted in higher scores and a better retention of relevant psychomotor skills. Distributed as well as massed training resulted in better scores and retention of skills than no training at all. Our study clearly shows that distributed training yields better results in psychomotor endoscopic skills. Therefore, in order to train as efficient as possible, training programs should be (re)-programmed accordingly.
Distributed versus Massed Training: Efficiency of Training Psychomotor Skills
Distributed Learning: Data, Metacognition, and Educational Implications
Distributed Learning: Data, Metacognition, and Educational Implications
PDF | A major decision that must be made during study pertains to the distribution, or the scheduling, of study. In this paper, we review the literature... | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate
Distributed Learning: Data, Metacognition, and Educational Implications
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
"The spacing effect refers to the process of spacing a topic that is to be learned over time, rather than teaching the topic in an intensive session. The implication for our modules is that rather than teaching all of LO1 in weeks 1 and 2 (for example) we should consider if it is possible to divide the topic and teach some in week 1 and then revisit (perhaps in greater depth) later on in the semester. The topic is then spaced out over the semester. The available evidence tells us that this is a more effective strategy. This session will explore this strategy in more detail and present some of the evidence that supports this strategy"
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect
"The spacing effect refers to the process of spacing a topic that is to be learned over time, rather than teaching the topic in an intensive session. The implication for our modules is that rather than teaching all of LO1 in weeks 1 and 2 (for example) we should consider if it is possible to divide the topic and teach some in week 1 and then revisit (perhaps in greater depth) later on in the semester. The topic is then spaced out over the semester. The available evidence tells us that this is a more effective strategy. This session will explore this strategy in more detail and present some of the evidence that supports this strategy"
Research-Based Teaching Strategies - The Spacing Effect