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Developing understanding via assessment exemplars
Developing understanding via assessment exemplars
While presenting learners with the assessment criteria and standards is good practice - they don’t necessarily result in learners developing a good understanding of the criteria and standard. This session explores the importance of dialogue around assessment and how a shared understanding of assessment requirements can be developed by applying rubrics to exemplars.
Developing understanding via assessment exemplars
Developing and sharing assessment criteria and standards
Developing and sharing assessment criteria and standards
If our learners are to become more independent and develop the capacity to assess their own learning they must know what the assessment criteria and standards are. This session presented different types of assessment rubrics. Examples of different rubrics or marking sheets were presented so that these can be critiqued, and good practice identified.
Developing and sharing assessment criteria and standards
Models that develop independent learners
Models that develop independent learners
This session explored staff attitudes towards assessment. The session focused on presenting an overview of assessment models that encourage, support and develop independence, self-regulation, etc. Components of these models were then explored in detail in later sessions.
Models that develop independent learners
Models that develop independent learners: Pre-session Recording
Models that develop independent learners: Pre-session Recording
This session explored staff attitudes towards assessment. The session focused on presenting an overview of assessment models that encourage, support and develop independence, self-regulation, etc. Components of these models were then explored in detail in later sessions.
Models that develop independent learners: Pre-session Recording
Getting feedback from our learners is important because it is the only way we can determine if our teaching methods are effective. On a day-to-day basis we can use a variety of short classroom assessment techniques to determine if our learners are “getting it”. While we can put a lot of time and effort into making our lectures clear and well organised, that the pace is right, etc. it is only by asking students that we find out if they are perceived that way or not. Simple mid-term evaluation forms are highly effective as they can be acted upon and changes made to enhance the quality of the lecture. Examples of commonly used end of semester evaluation forms will also be highlighted.
A lecture is only effective if the majority of the class understand the material. Yet, asking a class “Do you understand?” is often ineffective, for a variety of reasons, including social anxieties and the fact that learners may not realise what they don’t understand. This session will explore the types of questions we should be asking our learners and the types of questions to avoid. Certain ways of asking questions are also much more effective and less threatening than others. The session will provide examples of these techniques in action.
One of the factors that has a big impact on positive student evaluations of teaching is course organisation. In this session we will explore some ideas related to course organisation including the need to reimagine our topics from the perspective of someone who has never encountered them before, focus on core ideas and principles and relationships between those principles and the need to revisit difficult concepts over time. Defining intended learning outcomes for lectures and linking these to module learning outcomes and past lectures helps students to see the course structure and organisation.
How we structure a lecture can have a significant impact on student’s ability to engage with it and learn from it. A lecture needs to have an introduction that motivates and engages students and outlines learning objectives. The body of the lecture needs to focus on three of four key points that are carefully elaborated. The conclusion should summarise and integrate the learning. In a basic way, learning is a function of content & retention. Placing more emphasis on retaining information, will lead to more learning.
Motivating and Engaging Learners
Motivating and Engaging Learners
In order for students to learn we need to get their attention and then maintain it. There are a variety of ways in which we can try to get students attention and then motivate them to engage with the material. This session will explore this topic, discuss some ways of motivating students (other than the use of assessments) and provide some examples of these techniques in action.
Motivating and Engaging Learners
Working on Reflection - Supporting Students to Reflect on Work Placement
Working on Reflection - Supporting Students to Reflect on Work Placement
Reflective practice is a key skill in many professions including education. but is particularly relevant to students in the context of work placement. We as ...
Working on Reflection - Supporting Students to Reflect on Work Placement
Redesigning Assessment and Developing Staff and Student Feedback Literacy
Redesigning Assessment and Developing Staff and Student Feedback Literacy
This seminar focused on developing feedback literacy in both staff and students and redesigning assessment to build on this new-found understanding. It drew on student and staff expertise across two main strands. Strand 1 took a ‘deep dive’ to explore what learner-focused feedback means and how staff and students can enable impacts from different feedback approaches. Particular emphasis was placed on feedback literacy: the capacities of teachers and students to make the most of feedback opportunities. What capabilities do teachers and students need in order to take up their complementary roles in feedback processes? Strand 2 looked at disentangling assessment and feedback and explored the various forms of feedback used in assessment and in the absence of assessment. Assessment design was highlighted so that opportunities to provide feedback to inform future work are intentionally embedded at the development phase.
Redesigning Assessment and Developing Staff and Student Feedback Literacy
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality Assessment for Future Needs
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality Assessment for Future Needs
"This seminar explored concerns around academic integrity in Higher Education and how assessment redesign can eliminate many of these concerns. The seminar was divided into two elements. The first session explored why, how and when students cheat in Higher Education. It opened up discussion and debate on academic integrity, plagiarism, collusion and contract cheating and the role we play in it as educators. The second part of the seminar focused on re-thinking how we assess and redesigning assessment approaches. The presenter discussed strategies that include encouraging students to see assessment, both, as an opportunity to learn and an opportunity to demonstrate their excellence and skills. Redesigning and rethinking the tasks we ask our students to complete in order to demonstrate attainment of the desired life-long skills in tandem with module and programme learning outcomes can effectively eliminate both the desire and the opportunity to ‘cheat’. Across the two sessions participants were asked to self-reflect, to consider their values and establish why they assess as they do. Traditions and assumptions were challenged & participants were supported in the redesigning of assessment approaches."
Plagiarism and Collusion – Myth or Reality Assessment for Future Needs
Alternative and Authentic Assessment Strategies
Alternative and Authentic Assessment Strategies
This seminar looked at alternative assessment strategies and incorporating the idea of authentic assessment. We examined how approaches to assessment can be varied to both engage students and ensure individual students are doing the work. We shared examples on how we adapted face to face exams to the distance learning environment and we also looked at what others in the field suggest. There was time for discussion and questions to help participants consider how they can alter their assessment, give consideration to academic integrity and provide opportunities for students to choose learning over cheating.
Alternative and Authentic Assessment Strategies
University Human Research Ethics Processes
University Human Research Ethics Processes
"The seminar provided an overview of the new Human Research Ethics processes that came into effect across the University on 01 September (as approved by the Research Council and Academic Council in AY 21/22), including: Human Research Ethics Policy, Human Research Ethics Screening Checklist, Human Research Ethics Application Forms. In parallel with the above mentioned documents, information on a new suite of learning resources to aid in the implementation of the processes will be presented. The seminar should be of interest to colleagues carrying out research studies involving human participants including, but not limited to: Data collection using research methods such as questionnaires, web surveys, interviews, observations, focus groups, etc. Access to, or utilisation of, anonymised datasets or case files/records concerning identifiable individuals. Conducting internet mediated research. "
University Human Research Ethics Processes
AnSEO: Transitions at MTU! From little seeds mighty engagement grows!
AnSEO: Transitions at MTU! From little seeds mighty engagement grows!
"The Transitions at MTU Fund is a funding stream available from AnSEO - The Student Engagement Office which can be accessed each year through the Teaching & Learning Unit (TLU) and AnSEO's Combined Funding Call. Transitions at MTU is designed to support staff to support students through projects that impact on all aspects of transitions at MTU, focusing on 3 main areas as follows: Transitions into MTU: helping 1st year students adjust both socially and academically into Higher Education Transitions through MTU: settling into 2nd, 3rd or final year of studies helping students leaving on, or returning from, work placement support students adjusting from employment into full-time or part-time study Transitions out of MTU: Aimed at students progressing from undergraduate to postgraduate study. In this session, we learned more about Transitions at MTU and heard from colleagues who have received funding in the past. Get inspiration from their experiences of how a small amount of seed funding, up to €2000, can expand reach and impact to enhance student engagement and improve the student experience, and how often the simplest projects can be the most effective."
AnSEO: Transitions at MTU! From little seeds mighty engagement grows!
Academic Integrity: What everyone needs to know... now
Academic Integrity: What everyone needs to know... now
Examinations and assessments in education vary greatly depending on the stage of a programme, the discipline being examined and the prescribed learning outcomes. The most important feature of any examination relates to its suitability in allowing a student display their knowledge and competence through a fair, consistent and authentic means of assessment. Never before has this process been under more threat from essay mills, contracting cheating companies, and artificial intelligence algorithms, all of which are now freely available to vulnerable and misguided students. This seminar updated participants on the scale of the problem locally, nationally and internationally, the types of challenges every lecturer and student is now facing, and what can be done to protect against breaches of academic integrity through the design of authentic assessments.
Academic Integrity: What everyone needs to know... now
Academic Integrity: What everyone needs to know... now
Engaging Students in Deep Learning by Crowdsourcing Quality MCQ Questions
Engaging Students in Deep Learning by Crowdsourcing Quality MCQ Questions
Deep Learning refers to the cognitive skills and academic knowledge that students need to succeed in the 21st century. These skills include critical thinking, problem solving, communication, collaboration and learning to learn. The mastery of these skills will enable students to think flexibly and creatively, transferring and applying their learning from one context to new situations. This seminar will look at how one academic in MTU, Dr Anna Dynan, Accounting & Information Systems has used PeerWise, a free online platform, to provide a space where her students can collaboratively create, answer, discuss, and evaluate practice questions with peers and has thereby helped her students engage with unit concepts more deeply and critically. In this seminar, participants will gain an understanding of: How PeerWise can be used to engage students and enhance their learning outcomes. The impact this approach can have on student engagement and learning The student view on this collaborative approach to learning Advice/best practice/tip & tricks when using PeerWise in your module.
Engaging Students in Deep Learning by Crowdsourcing Quality MCQ Questions
The Science of Learning – What Students Need to Know
The Science of Learning – What Students Need to Know
The science of learning, also known as learning sciences, is an interdisciplinary field of study that examines how people learn. An understanding of this field can help to improve our teaching practice so that we can have a greater impact on students’ learning. In this seminar, existing research related to how students learn was presented and the practical implications for teaching and learning were discussed. It provided participants with: A summary of existing research from cognitive science relating to how students learn. A variety of effective easily applicable teaching strategies that have evolved from this research. An insight into how to match the study method to specific learning outcomes
The Science of Learning – What Students Need to Know
Providing Formative Assessment Opportunities in Numerate Disciplines
Providing Formative Assessment Opportunities in Numerate Disciplines
While we as educators might hate to admit it, assessment does drive student learning and is probably the one most important thing we can do to help our students learn. Formative assessment can help us as educators identify concepts that students are struggling to understand, skills they are having difficulty acquiring, or learning standards they have not yet achieved so that we can make adjustments to lessons, instructional techniques, and academic support. If we wish to use assessment as a tool to enhance student learning the provision of formative feedback is crucial. We need to help students understand not only where they have gone wrong, but also what they need to do to improve and when they have done well, we need to help them understand what is good about their work and how they can build on it and develop further. This seminar focussed on how the Department of Mathematics and the Academic Learning Centre use Numbas, a free online platform aimed at numerate disciplines, to provide students with the opportunity to practice particular types of mathematical problems, receive instant feedback and advice on where they may have gone wrong, and to attempt other similar auto-generated questions. This seminar was aimed at academic staff who teach in a numerate discipline who would like to explore how they too can provide formative assessment opportunities to their students in an efficient and effective manner. Those who attended this session: Got an overview of some of the capabilities of Numbas Learned how Numbas can be used to enhance student learning Learned how a Numbas learning resource can be uploaded to Canvas.
Providing Formative Assessment Opportunities in Numerate Disciplines
Increasing Interaction to Enhance Student Learning
Increasing Interaction to Enhance Student Learning
Student engagement is a central concept in the literature on teaching and learning in higher education. Research has shown that students’ active engagement in their learning is central to their academic success and that students who engage deeply with learning are better equipped for life-long learning. However, encouraging student engagement can be challenging. So, what can be done - how can we encourage students to engage in their learning in what, for many of us, are quite challenging times? One way of achieving this is through assessment. Assessment is probably the most important thing we can do to engage students in their learning. Traditionally, assessment practices have tended to focus on progression and completion rather than focus on enhancing student learning. If we wish to use assessment as a tool to enhance student learning the provision of feedback is crucial. We need to help students understand not only where they have gone wrong, but also what they need to do to improve and when they have done well, we need to help them understand what is good about their work and how they can build on it and develop further. This seminar outlined how staff from different discipline areas have developed their assessment practices to integrate feedback as a central component of their practice. Three different case-studies were presented and discussed with the intention of providing participants with a range of practical options that they might choose from and integrate into their own practice. The seminar was aimed at all academic staff, whether new to the whole notion of assessment and feedback, or those who wanted to improve their feedback practice with students, or those looking for ideas on how to enhance their current practice.
Increasing Interaction to Enhance Student Learning
Some easy ways to use EdTech with your learners
Some easy ways to use EdTech with your learners
This workshop offered an overview of some of the EdTech tools and apps provided and supported by the Technology Enhanced Learning department. It offered the opportunity to: - Find out how fully online courses are being delivered and assessed and how you can use the same technology with your on-campus learners. - Learn about Canvas, the institute’s new Learning Management System and the way it is being integrated with a host of new apps and tools. Find out about tools you can use today to make your classes more engaging and how to create media rich screencasts or video tutorials with software licenced by the Department of Technology Enhanced Learning.
Some easy ways to use EdTech with your learners
The First Lecture and Creating & Maintaining a Positive Environment
The First Lecture and Creating & Maintaining a Positive Environment
This workshop should be of interest to all academic staff, in particular new and early career academic staff, as it examined the work of educators such as Ken Bain, Phil Race and Bill Rogers and: - Provided some tips on preparing for the first lecture of a module in a semester. - Explored approaches, strategies and methodologies for creating and maintaining a classroom environment which promotes learning
The First Lecture and Creating & Maintaining a Positive Environment
MAXe – Get to Know Your New Exam Paper Management System
MAXe – Get to Know Your New Exam Paper Management System
MAXe is CIT’s new Exam Paper Management System which allows for: - Creation and collaboration of exam papers by internal examiners - Submission of exam papers by internal examiners - Handling, transmission, tracking and storage of exam papers - Dissemination of exam papers to external examiners - Review of exam papers by external examiners - Communication and comments between the internal and external examiners - Digital sign-off of exam papers by internal examiners, prior to printing - Printing of Exam Ready exam papers. This workshop should be of interest to all academic staff, both new and more experienced, as it provided an overview of the functionality the new system and will help to alleviate any fears staff may have in relation to its use.
MAXe – Get to Know Your New Exam Paper Management System
Managing the Academic Year
Managing the Academic Year
The academic year, in particular the first semester, can be quite stressful with so many competing tasks from preparing lectures and practicals, to meeting and getting to know a new group of students, to dealing with student issues and complaints, to meeting administrative requirements, etc. This workshop should be of interest to all academic staff, in particular new and early career academic staff, as it provides some hints and tips on how best to manage the academic year to alleviate some of the stress and strain.
Managing the Academic Year
An introduction to CIT Library’s Online Resources: How they can assist you and your students
An introduction to CIT Library’s Online Resources: How they can assist you and your students
The aim of this workshop was to emphasise the importance of information literacy for students and to give staff the opportunity to familiarise themselves with the services offered by the library to both students and staff.
An introduction to CIT Library’s Online Resources: How they can assist you and your students
An Introduction to CIT Library’s New Subject Guides
An Introduction to CIT Library’s New Subject Guides
This workshop should be of interest to all academic staff but in particular to those lecturing in Accountancy, Chemistry, Economics, Engineering, Maths & Stats, Mechanics, Physics or Programming. In 2018 CIT Library created subject guides for each of these areas.
An Introduction to CIT Library’s New Subject Guides
An Introduction to CIT Library’s New Subject Guides
An Overview of Student Services
An Overview of Student Services
"CIT Student Services incorporates: Admissions Careers Counselling Examinations Feedback from staff attending previous TLU workshops and seminars emphasised their need to have a better appreciation of CIT Student Services. Staff want to be better informed so that when encountering students in difficulty they know how to help or to whom to signpost students to. This workshop should be of interest to all academic staff, in particular new and early career academic staff, as it provides an overview of CIT’s Students Services."
An Overview of Student Services