Reference Resources

Reference Resources

#Reference #OpenAccess
Encyclopaedia Iranica Online — Brill
Encyclopaedia Iranica Online — Brill
Founded by the late Professor Ehsan Yarshater and edited at the Ehsan Yarshater Center for Iranian Studies at Columbia University, this monumental international project brings together the scholarship about Iran of thousands of authors around the world.
Encyclopaedia Iranica Online — Brill
Encyclopaedia Iranica
Encyclopaedia Iranica The Encyclopaedia Iranica is a comprehensive research tool dedicated to the study of Iranian civilization in the Middle East, the Caucasus, Central Asia, and the Indian subcontinent...
Encyclopaedia Iranica
Reference Extracts | OUP
Reference Extracts | OUP
Oxford University Press publishes many valuable reference resources. The overwhelming majority of the content is behind a paywall (libraries usually subscribe), however this list of OA entries from various OUP titles might prove to be useful in and of itself, but it could also lead researchers to a dictionary or encyclopedia that will fill an information gap.
Reference Extracts | OUP