Heating people, not spaces
FutuREstorative: Working Towards a New Sustainability
Transition Engineering | Building a Sustainable Future | Susan Krumdie
Jean-Marc Jancovici @ MIT Media Lab: Will technology save us from Climate Change ?
Build Beyond Zero: New Ideas for Carbon-Smart Architecture by Bruce King
Climate Solutions 101 presented by @ProjectDrawdown
Thermal Bridging In Net-Zero Energy-Ready Building Design
Manual of Recycling
@electricityMap | Live CO2 emissions of electricity consumption
From What Is to What If: Unleashing the Power of Imagination to Create the Future We Want by Rob Hopkins
Episode Nineteen: What if we rewrote the National Curriculum based on permaculture principles? by Rob Hopkins
Energy and Civilization: A History by Vaclav Smil
The Importance of Imagination - Post Carbon Institute
PopTech 2008: Saul Griffith
Why architects need to wake up to the carbon emergency
Density and Sustainability - A Radical Perspective, Trim Tab v.2 - Spring 2009
Our Renewable Future: Richard Heinberg
Designing for the post-carbon economy | Eric Corey Freed | TEDxPenn
On Human Nature by Edward O. Wilson
Sand Wars
Using biophilic design to heal body, mind, and soul