Pro Audio

Pro Audio

Stereo Tool V3 by FLUX::
Stereo Tool V3 by FLUX::
Stereo Tool offers controls and visual feedback for the stereo stage. It features ultra precise controls of input gain and individual pan fo...
Stereo Tool V3 by FLUX::
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL VST, AU, Audio Unit, AAX plug-ins for OSX and Windows
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL VST, AU, Audio Unit, AAX plug-ins for OSX and Windows
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL VST, AU, Audio Unit, AAX plug-ins for OSX and Windows
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL VST, AU, Audio Unit, AAX plug-ins for OSX and Windows
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL VST, AU, Audio Unit, AAX plug-ins for OSX and Windows
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL VST, AU, Audio Unit, AAX plug-ins for OSX and Windows
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL Software
TAL VST, AU, Audio Unit, AAX plug-ins for OSX and Windows
TAL Software
TAL-Dub-2, Free Delay plugin, Download TAL-Dub-2 plugin, Free TAL vst plugins
TDR Feedback Compressor II by Tokyo Dawn Labs
TDR Feedback Compressor II by Tokyo Dawn Labs
The TDR Feedback Compressor II is a major design update of its critically acclaimed predecessor. The compressor is dedicated to the highest ...
TDR Feedback Compressor II by Tokyo Dawn Labs
TDR Kotelnikov | Tokyo Dawn Records
TDR Kotelnikov | Tokyo Dawn Records
A state of the art wideband dynamic range controller. Perfectly suited for stereo bus compression and other critical applications.
TDR Kotelnikov | Tokyo Dawn Records
TDR Nova | Tokyo Dawn Records
TDR Nova | Tokyo Dawn Records
A dynamic equalizer in parallel configuration. Precise tone control paired with powerful dynamics processing.
TDR Nova | Tokyo Dawn Records
ThrillseekerXTC by Variety Of Sound
ThrillseekerXTC by Variety Of Sound
Bringing mojo back Thrillseeker XTC is a contemporary exciter build around a true parallel analog style equalizer design. ThrillseekerXT...
ThrillseekerXTC by Variety Of Sound
Tube Amp by Voxengo
Tube Amp by Voxengo
Tube Amp is an audio effect plug-in that applies asymmetric tube triode overdrive usually found in single-tube microphone pre-amp boxes. The...
Tube Amp by Voxengo
Valhalla Freq Echo: Freqency Shifter Plugin | Free Reverb Plugin
Valhalla Freq Echo: Freqency Shifter Plugin | Free Reverb Plugin
Not necessarily stoned, but beautiful. Freq Echo is perfect for dub, Dr. Who, and all of your psychedelic needs. Bode-Style Frequency Shifter + Analog Echo Emulation create surprising sonic effects. Subtle chorusing and double tracking to barberpole phasing and flanging to endless glissandos and runaway echos. New in 1.2.0: VST3, signed & notarized installers that are ready for Big Sur, signed Windows installer! New in 1.2.5 (for Mac): Native Intel and ARM builds!
Valhalla Freq Echo: Freqency Shifter Plugin | Free Reverb Plugin
Valhalla Super Massive - Valhalla DSP
Valhalla Super Massive - Valhalla DSP
Make some space. ValhallaSupermassive has been designed from the ground up for MASSIVE delays and reverbs. Get ready for luscious clouds of reverb, otherworldly delays, and swelling waves of feedback unlike any youve heard before. Supermassive has 16 out-of-this-world reverb/delay modes: Gemini: Fast attack, shorter decay, high echo density. Hydra: Fast-ish attack, shorter decay, low to high echo density (depending on the DENSITY control setting) Centaurus: Medium attack, longer decay, medium to high echo density (depending on the DENSITY control setting) Sagittarius: Slow attack, longer decay, high echo density Great Annihilator: Medium attack, very long decay, medium to high echo density (depending on the DENSITY control setting) Andromeda: Slowest attack, very long decay, very high echo density Lyra: Fast attack, shorter decay, low echo density Capricorn: Fast attack, shorter decay, medium echo density Large Magellanic Cloud: Long reverb, LOOOONG repeating echoes, long decay, medium attack Triangulum: Long reverb, VERY LONG repeating echoes, long decay, slow attack Cirrus Major: Low/medium echo density, strange repeating patterns, fast attack Cirrus Minor: Low echo density, strange repeating patterns, fast attack, smaller than Cirrus Major Cassiopeia: Initially low echo density that quickly builds to long and lush reverbs, mysterious repeating patterns, fast attack Orion: the much bigger version of Cassiopeia. Low echo density that can build to enormous reverbs, fast attack, strange resonances and repeating patterns. Aquarius (New in 2.0.0): a dedicated EchoVerb algorithm, with a strong audible echo/de;au that can morph into a lush reverb with higher DENSITY settings Pisces (New in 2.0.0): the bigger sibling of Aquarius. EchoVerb, with even denser and lusher reverbs on tap than Aquarius. All Valhalla plugins are self-documenting, so you can rollover the controls for the tooltip. And it's free. No strings attached. Just download to blow your mind and your music to new levels of consciousness and experience. Update Notes: Version 2.0.0 for Mac (Intel/M1) and Windows available Valhalla Supermassive is the best free reverb in the universe. Make pointillistic echoes, lush reverbs, echo clusters, and all sorts of sounds in between.
Valhalla Super Massive - Valhalla DSP
Vocoder plug-ins software downloads for computer music systems
Vocoder plug-ins software downloads for computer music systems
4ORMULATOR VOCODER EXTREME. The ultimate freeware vocoder plug-in for computer music systems. Pitch-augmentation, sympathetic drones, voice disguisers, multi-band ring modulation, vocoder effects, robot voices, talking instruments...
Vocoder plug-ins software downloads for computer music systems
Wider is a unique stereo mono-compatible plugin. Any signal that has been extended will always remain in phase, even if summed to mono.