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Latest versions Signal Noise Mixing Tools NameDescriptionVersionDownload SN01/SN01GVCA SN02GVU SN03/SN03GTape Recorder1.31SN
LFX-1310 by Sonic Cat
LFX-1310 by Sonic Cat
LFX-1310 is a multi-effect plug-in for Windows including 24 algorithms and 3 serial slots. Effects: S'Filter 12 / S'Filter 24 / 3-band EQ. ...
LFX-1310 by Sonic Cat
Kilohearts | Limiter
Kilohearts | Limiter
Whether you want to crank the last drops of gain out of your track or just want to control a few loud peaks, a Limiter can be the weapon of choice.
Kilohearts | Limiter
Redwirez Audio
Redwirez Audio
Redwirez develops audio plugins and IRs built around the sound of classic mics, cabinets, reverb and EQ. We capture the essence of the worlds most well-loved gear, in the box.
Redwirez Audio
Nova-67P by vladg/sound
Nova-67P by vladg/sound
Nova-67P is a parallel parametric equalizer plugin combined with a compressor. The compressor can operate in full-band and split-band modes....
Nova-67P by vladg/sound
Wider is a unique stereo mono-compatible plugin. Any signal that has been extended will always remain in phase, even if summed to mono.
Ozone ImagerFree Stereo Imaging Plug-in | iZotope
Ozone ImagerFree Stereo Imaging Plug-in | iZotope
iZotopes Ozone Imager is a free stereo imaging plug-in that can adjust stereo image with simple controls, stunning visuals, and incredible sound.
Ozone ImagerFree Stereo Imaging Plug-in | iZotope
Free Clip | Venn Audio
Free Clip | Venn Audio
Free Clip is an intuitive multi algorithm soft clipper/wave shaper plugin, available as a Windows VST or mac Audio Unit. The plugin allows you to choose between a range of wave shapes or 'sigmoid functions', from the most transparent but harshest hard clip, to the 'softest' but most saturated arctangent shape. You can then intuitively
Free Clip | Venn Audio
Analog Rack Chorus
Analog Rack Chorus
Release Version 2.0.6 FREE NO iLok REQUIRED DOWNLOAD MANUAL The Analog Rack Chorus plugin is a very simple but powerful chorus plugin inspired by the most famous Chorus pedals and racks effect units. Nembrini Audio has taken the guitarists most preferred analogue and digital effect pedals and has repacked it in new rac
Analog Rack Chorus
NastyVCS by Variety Of Sound
NastyVCS by Variety Of Sound
NastyVCS is described as a virtual console strip which finally brings the "nasty" signal coloration series to the next level. Buil...
NastyVCS by Variety Of Sound
Stereo Buss Compressor
Stereo Buss Compressor
Stereo Buss Compressor, Free Compressor plugin, Download Stereo Buss Compressor plugin, Free Minimal System Group vst plugins
Stereo Buss Compressor
An easy-to-use highly optimized convolution reverb
Kilohearts | Delay
Kilohearts | Delay
While large echoing cavernous chambers seldom are the first pick for a good acoustic space, Delay effects have been ubiquitous in sound processing for a long time.
Kilohearts | Delay
An extremely powerful multi-comb filter plugin
Density by Variety Of Sound
Density by Variety Of Sound
Density is a Bus Compressor that offers smooth and versatile dynamic processing on the stereo bus. It isn't modeled after any specific outbo...
Density by Variety Of Sound
Kilohearts | Stereo
Kilohearts | Stereo
Stereo widening, stereo paning. Yeah... that's pretty much it.
Kilohearts | Stereo
Ice9 Automute by Cerberus Audio
Ice9 Automute by Cerberus Audio
Cerberus Audio Ice9 Automute is a free utility which protects your speakers, your ears, and your nerves from dangerously loud output levels....
Ice9 Automute by Cerberus Audio
TAL-Dub-2, Free Delay plugin, Download TAL-Dub-2 plugin, Free TAL vst plugins