Found 389 bookmarks
Club Baritone Sax
Club Baritone Sax
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Club Baritone Sax
No Budget Orchestra
No Budget Orchestra
Sometime ago Jeff Glatt started creating the No Budget Orchestra for SFZ .He's also been adding many band instruments and all kinds of cool ...
No Budget Orchestra
MSLP Vibra
MSLP Vibra
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
MSLP Vibra
Club Jazz Alto Sax
Club Jazz Alto Sax
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Club Jazz Alto Sax
MSLP Marimba
MSLP Marimba
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
MSLP Marimba
Ivy Audio
Ivy Audio
Free Kontakt Libraries
Ivy Audio
Cymbalistic by Alan ViSTa
Cymbalistic by Alan ViSTa
Cymbalistic is a sampled cymbals set. It contains 68 stereo 24-bit samples from the University of Iowa Electronic Music Studios public domai...
Cymbalistic by Alan ViSTa
Iowa Alto Sax
Iowa Alto Sax
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Iowa Alto Sax
Layers is a free orchestral VST instrument, and an easy way to add orchestral sounds to your compositions and productions. Draw from the finest recordings of strings, woodwinds, and brass. Generate full chords with one-touch simplicity. And seamlessly blend layers of tonal colors and dynamics with your MIDI controller.
Vintage Toy Tambourine (Red) FREE!
Vintage Toy Tambourine (Red) FREE!
Everyone loves afreebieand so do we!!! Download our Vintage Toy Tambourine sample library FREE of chargeasour gift to you for stopping by! A deeply and exquisitely sampled Vintage Toy Tambourine, captured to perfection with a stereo-pair of large-diaphragm Neumann microphones through a Universal Audio pre-amp.This antique tambourine is made of a thin metal with only three pairs of rusted jingles and will absolutely set your compositions apart from the rest! It'ssuper useful, locks perfectly to your song's tempo and has the unique sound of a trashy vintage toy tambourine.Oh, and did we mention it'sFREE? Tons of Samples Single Hits, Mod-Wheel Shakes, Special Hits, Loops and Special loops. 3-Band EQ Reverb Antique! Requires Kontakt (Full-Version) 5.6.2 or Higher27.1 MB of Disk Space
Vintage Toy Tambourine (Red) FREE!
Iowa Soprano Sax
Iowa Soprano Sax
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Iowa Soprano Sax
Free Egyptian Darabuka Kontakt Library
Free Egyptian Darabuka Kontakt Library
A free Egyptian Darabuka sample library for Kontakt. Small and lightweight with 4 dynamic layers - it sounds beautiful!
Free Egyptian Darabuka Kontakt Library
IK Multimedia - SampleTank Custom Shop
IK Multimedia - SampleTank Custom Shop
SampleTank 3 is the latest version of the IK Multimedia sound and groove workstation virtual instrument with an extensive sound, instrument, and groove library
IK Multimedia - SampleTank Custom Shop
DSK Brass
DSK Brass
Features and download: 2 layers, 23 instruments including: Sax Soprano, Sax Tenor, Sax Alto, Harmon Mute, Trumpet, Trumpet Cup Mute, Trumpet Staccato, Trumpet Swell, Piccolo Trumpet, Trombo
DSK Brass
DSK ChoirZ
DSK ChoirZ
Features and download: 3 Layers with 32 Choir & Pad sounds ADSR, Finetuning and Pan control 3 Advanced Filters 3 LFO routing to Cut, Pan, Level and Pitch
DSK ChoirZ
KONTAKT 7 PLAYER: The free app for KONTAKT instruments
KONTAKT 7 PLAYER: The free app for KONTAKT instruments
KONTAKT 7 PLAYER is a free app that runs all KONTAKT instruments from Native Instruments, as well as a large number of instruments from other companies.
KONTAKT 7 PLAYER: The free app for KONTAKT instruments
ADSR Sample Manager by ADSR - Find the perfect sound in an instant! for Mac/Windows - ADSR Sounds
ADSR Sample Manager by ADSR - Find the perfect sound in an instant! for Mac/Windows - ADSR Sounds
The optimal starting point for every production session, ADSR Sample Manager makes organizing, finding and auditioning samples and loops refreshingly simple.ADSR Sample Manager makes your entire sample library searchable with smart and custom tags. Preview any sample in your local library or purchased on ADSR in the context of your track (BPM and/or key synced) using MIDI or drag audio directly to your project. Now features a browsable library of millions of loops & samples. Available for VST/AU/AAX and standalone (Ableton Link enabled).
ADSR Sample Manager by ADSR - Find the perfect sound in an instant! for Mac/Windows - ADSR Sounds
Hugo Kant | Samples
Hugo Kant | Samples
free audio samples - ableton - kontakt - reason
Hugo Kant | Samples
VCSL Instruments for Kontakt
VCSL Instruments for Kontakt
Well here we go again. Sam Gossner, the man behind Versillian Studios and the VSCO2 Orchestra , has created the Versilian Community Sam...
VCSL Instruments for Kontakt
Iowa Sax Duet
Iowa Sax Duet
MediaFire is a simple to use free service that lets you put all your photos, documents, music, and video in a single place so you can access them anywhere and share them everywhere.
Iowa Sax Duet