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Forgotten stories of the great escape to Hong Kong
Forgotten stories of the great escape to Hong Kong
Chen Bingan, a writer from Shenzhen, spent more than 20 years interviewing sources and compiling information on an untold story involving millions of people, which has now been published as The...
Forgotten stories of the great escape to Hong Kong
Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country – The arrival city is …
Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country – The arrival city is …
Eight theses on the Arrival City were developed in close collaboration with Doug Saunders, author of Arrival City: How the Largest Migration in History Is Reshaping Our World. What conditions must be …
Making Heimat. Germany, Arrival Country – The arrival city is …
More than 31 million people displaced within their own country in 2016
More than 31 million people displaced within their own country in 2016
Conflict, violence and disasters caused 31.1 million new internal displacements in 2016, according to a new report released today by the Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre (IDMC) and the Norwe...
More than 31 million people displaced within their own country in 2016
Islands of Privilege in a Sea of Chaos - Dystopian Future
Islands of Privilege in a Sea of Chaos - Dystopian Future
I can’t help but question the underlying Western cultural bias towards the utopian future. In my view the probability of a disruptive future is actually quite high. In fact I contend that most develop…
Islands of Privilege in a Sea of Chaos - Dystopian Future
Aid agencies have failed in Greece – your responses
Aid agencies have failed in Greece – your responses
After last week’s secret aid worker about the refugee response in Greece, the emails have been flooding in. Here are a few of your responses
Aid agencies have failed in Greece – your responses
International Migration Institute
International Migration Institute
The International Migration Institute analyses migration as an intrinsic part of broader global transformation processes rather than a problem to be solved. Such understanding can provide the basis for policies designed to fully realise the potential benefits of migration for individuals and societies
International Migration Institute
Test Terrain: Fuji X-Pro2
Test Terrain: Fuji X-Pro2
Avant d'entrer dans le vif du sujet, je tenais à m'excuser du temps que j'ai mis à publier ce test, pas mal de problèmes perso m'ont un peu contraint à
Test Terrain: Fuji X-Pro2
An unusual custom typeface and great layouts for new print mag Migrant
An unusual custom typeface and great layouts for new print mag Migrant
There’s no shortage of creative projects that (commendably) highlight issues around migration at the moment, and a new magazine explores these issues with superb graphic design sensibilities. _Migrant_ is designed by Christoph Miler and "Isabel Seiffert":, and was created alongside two London-based architects, with the first issue taking the theme Countryside. The mag will have a six-issue run, and will only be published in a printed form.
An unusual custom typeface and great layouts for new print mag Migrant
Immigration attorney 2.0
Immigration attorney 2.0
Inspired by U.S. top immigration lawyers to deliver the results no lawyer can match
Immigration attorney 2.0
Journal de chantier pour l’accueil d’urgence des migrants à Paris (2)
Journal de chantier pour l’accueil d’urgence des migrants à Paris (2)
Makery accompagne le chantier d'accueil pour les migrants, boulevard Ney à Paris, confié mi-juillet à l'architecte Julien Beller et Emmaüs Solidarité et qui ouvre mi-octobre. Un modèle de co-conception.
Journal de chantier pour l’accueil d’urgence des migrants à Paris (2)
Avec Julien Beller, architecte de l’urgence pour les migrants à Paris
Avec Julien Beller, architecte de l’urgence pour les migrants à Paris
A la mi-octobre, Paris aura son «lieu d'orientation et de mise à l'abri» pour les réfugiés. Makery a décidé d'accompagner ce chantier confié au spécialiste de l'architecture éphémère et modulable Juli...
Avec Julien Beller, architecte de l’urgence pour les migrants à Paris
Un exemple de conduite du changement collaborative et créative: contexte d’intervention, vie du projet et déploiement des pilotes – am-designthinking-blog
Un exemple de conduite du changement collaborative et créative: contexte d’intervention, vie du projet et déploiement des pilotes – am-designthinking-blog
Contexte d’intervention Aurélie Marchal, fondatrice et dirigeante de ‘am design thinking, premier cabinet de conseil parisien en conduite collaborative et créative du changement, a eu l’opportunité de...
Un exemple de conduite du changement collaborative et créative: contexte d’intervention, vie du projet et déploiement des pilotes – am-designthinking-blog
The Refugee Project
The Refugee Project
The Refugee Project by Hyperakt and Ekene Ijeoma, visualizes UNHCR refugee data and UN population da...
The Refugee Project
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