En à peine deux décennies, le numérique a transformé tout un tas d’industries, parfois violemment. Il a entrainé de nombreuses migrations de valeur, souvent au profit de grandes sociétés amé...
Millionaire couple based in Malta rescuing illegal migrants in the Mediterranean Sea « Refugee Resettlement Watch
More on the 'Invasion of Europe,' or shall we call this archive the European death spiral? Reader Robin sent us this story from Yahoo News. Yes one more story about the tens of thousa...
Antwerp photographer Nick Hannes dives into the Mediterranean
The crisis in Greece, refugees in Lampedusa, revolutions in the Arab world, bombs in Gaza: The countries surrounding the Mediterranean haven’t exactly been quiet in recent years. Antwerp photographer...
Internet at heart of new tactics for Mediterranean people smugglers
Migrants dreaming of Europe have their pick of social media sites that work like an online travel agent, advertising fares and offering tips on secure paym
Facebook’s big data glimpse at human migration and the growth of mega-cities
Facebook is so ubiquitous—it has 1.19 billion monthly active users, or more than 15% of the Earth’s population—that it’s possible to detect huge migration patterns from a few snippets buried in its...
Why 1 million Chinese migrants are building a new empire in Africa - Quartz
After days of coordinating with me over patchy cell phone connections, Hao Shengli arrived in Mozambique's capital city of Maputo. He'd come to load up on supplies and to collect me for the long ride...