Type Safety in 10 Easy, 4 Medium, and 1 Hard Lemma using Step-indexed Logical Relations``` {-# OPTIONS --rewriting #-} module rewriting.examples.BlogTypeSafety10Easy4Med1Hard where open import Data.Bool using ( true...#semantic_typing#jeremy_siek#agda#type-safety#logical_relations·siek.blogspot.com·Feb 4, 2025Type Safety in 10 Easy, 4 Medium, and 1 Hard Lemma using Step-indexed Logical Relations
Semantic Type Soundness and Language InteroperabilityNotes by Amal Ahmed (OPLSS)#semantic_typing#mutable-refs#amal-ahmed#research#oplss·cs.uoregon.edu·Sep 23, 2024Semantic Type Soundness and Language Interoperability