The Last Word On Nothing | What I Learned About Interruption from Talk Radio

What I Miss About Working at Stripe
Nostalgia for another way of working
Fuck The 10,000 Hours Idea | Cyber Patterns
Why Malcolm Gladwell's idea is bullshit
Whitman in the Knapsack: Mary Oliver and the Power of Walking in Nature - Study Hacks - Cal Newport
Among those who find pleasure in cataloging the habits and rituals of prodigious creatives, the poet Mary Oliver is a familiar companion. Her commitment to long walks outdoors, scribbling notes in a cloth-bound notebook, is both archetypical and approachable. This vision of Oliver finding inspiration in her close observations of nature, made as she wanders
The Thiel Fellowship
The Thiel Fellowship gives $100,000 to young people who want to build new things instead of sitting in a classroom.
Jason Fried on Why He Doesn’t Do Planning or Politics at Work
The Basecamp and HEY cofounder discusses the power of short-term thinking, his framework for startup longevity, and the key thing he looks for when hiring remote.
⭐️ No more Insight Porn
If you’re not getting something actionable out of it, you’re probably wasting your time
TA #120: 💰 How to write sales copy that doesn't sound like you're pitching on QVC
Hey, you. You're doing great. Click here to read this on the web. Source: Wiley Welcome to the 120th issue of Total Annarchy, a fortnightly newsletter…
How to Add Working Obsidian URLs in Notion
Learn how to insert working Obsidian URLs in Notion in this quick and easy-to-follow tutorial!
lazy person's load
Rabih Alameddine on Only Writing When You Have Something to Say
Rabih Alameddine’s The Wrong End of the Telescope is out now in paperback from Grove Atlantic, so we asked him about writer’s block, the best books to re-read, and procrastinating. * Ho…
How to go viral. Thread analysis.
The Imperfectionist: Nothing to prove
Nothing to prove I think a bit too often, if I’m being honest, about the closing scene of episode two of Aaron Sorkin’s TV-show-about-a-TV-show, Studio 60 on t...
How Adam West played a prank using his local phone book | Boing Boing
A few years back, I was in Sun Valley, Idaho for a conference. I learned Adam West lived in the area and I wondered if he was listed in the local phone book. So, I pulled it out of the nightstand i…
A Dozen Beliefs About Business, Money and Life that Kanye West Shares With Other Great Entrepreneurs and Investors
1.“For me, first of all, dopeness is what I like the most. Dopeness. People who want to make things as dope as possible, and, by default, make money from it.” As everyone who is dope knows, “dopene…
15 Learnings From a Conversation Between a Neuroscientist & Navy SEAL Officer
Leverage your hardwired biology with these science-backed findings.
Rare Skills
Three rare and powerful skills: 1. Understanding how people justify their beliefs in a way that makes you respect their delusions. A rare and useful skill is understanding that people you find to be deluded likely suffer from the same shortcomings you do. Historian Will Durant wrote in his book The Lessons of History that we should learn enough from history to respect each other’s delusions. He explained: Our knowledge of any past event is always incomplete, probably inaccurate, beclouded by ambivalent evidence and biased historians, and perhaps distorted by our own patriotic or religious partisanship. Most history is guessing, and the rest is prejudice. I think this boils down to three points: Everyone is heavily influenced by what they’ve experienced firsthand, because what you’ve experienced is more persuasive than something you read about. Even our understanding of firsthand experience is sketchy, because we oversimplify what happened and self-justify our involvement. Those who didn’t experience an event firsthand have an even weaker grasp on reality because they can cherry pick the oversimplified, self-justified arguments and data from people with firsthand experience. So everyone has delusions about how the world works. You, me, everyone. We are all prisoners to our past, products of our generation, and influenced by who we’ve met and what we’ve experienced, most of which has been out of our control. Some are worse than others, and some are more aware of their blindspots. But everyone has a firmly held belief that an equally smart and informed person disagrees with. Good questions to ask to combat this reality are: What haven’t I experienced firsthand that leaves me naive to how something works? Which of my current views would I disagree with if I were born in a different country or generation? What do I desperately want to be true, so much that I think it’s true when it’s clearly not? Which of my current views would change if my incentives were different? But an even better skill is realizing that everyone else struggles with those questions and winces at the potential answers. You don’t have to agree with others’ delusions or put up with their collateral damage. Just accepting that everyone wants easy and comforting answers in a complex and painful world is a rare skill. 2. Quitting while you’re ahead, or at least before you’ve had too much. Commenting on how he lived to 97, John D. Rockefeller’s doctor said the oil tycoon “gets up from the table while still a little hungry.” It’s another rare skill, and one that applies beyond eating. The temptation to exploit every drop of opportunity leads many people to push relentlessly for more, more, more. They only discover the limits of what’s possible when they’ve gone too far, when the momentum of decline is often unstoppable. Businesses that don’t want to hold inventory push so hard for efficient supply chains and just-in-time manufacturing, stripped of all shock absorbers and room for error. Then a pandemic hits, and supply chains crumble. Young workers eager for promotion push themselves until they’ve hit burnout, when they physically can’t continue in their positions and quit, which often marks the end of compounding their skills and work relationships. People on social media push relentlessly for more likes and retweets until their audience is sick of them. In each case there’s value in saying, “I could have more and do more, but this is good enough.” But it’s such a rare skill. People don’t like leaving opportunities on the table, and it’s counterintuitive to realize that you’ll likely end up with more than those whose appetite for more is insatiable. 3. Getting to the point. Perhaps the most critical communication skill. Be brief. Use as few words as possible to say what you need, and everyone will appreciate it. Mark Twain said kids provide the most interesting information, “for they tell all they know and then they stop.” Adults lose this skill and falsely associate the number of words with the amount of insight. After writing every sentence it helps to ask “Would the reader still get my point if I deleted that line?” Not “Does that sentence make sense?” Millions of unnecessary sentences make sense. Treating words like they cost you something is the right mindset. A writer once recommended imagining someone pays you $100 for every word you remove from your draft. Another quipped: “Leave out the parts readers tend to skip.” Poor communicators ramble. Good communicators leave out unnecessary details. Great communicators treat words as the scarcest commodity.
This is Water by David Foster Wallace (Full Transcript and Audio) - Farnam Street
David Foster Wallace's remarkable 2005 commencement speech, this is water, is a timeless trove of wisdom for living a meaningful life. Here is a full transcript along with audio.
Not knowing what’s impossible
Orson Welles on the genius of not knowing what you’re doing.
Are You Playing to Play, or Playing to Win?
Make sure you're playing the real game, not some more complicated game you've made up for yourself.
The Perfect Work Routine
It's in here I promise
What I Learned From The Bullet Journal Method - Forte Labs
Tiago shares 10 favorite quotes from The Bullet Journal Method and how each one shaped his thinking about notes, journaling, and productivity.
Retiring from Unemployment
Leisure is more enjoyable when work is no longer an option.
Status, Vulnerability, and Status Vulnerability
Navigating the status games of today
Review of Private Truths, Public Lies by Timur Kuran
Mighty Networks Review: Features, Demo & Pricing
Check Out Our Mighty Networks Review And See How Visualize Value Uses Mighty Networks To Manage Community, Sell Online Courses, And Drive $1m+ Per Annum.
Adam Robinson on Understanding
This is a long quote/excerpt from Adam Robinson I’ve been holding onto for a while, from Tribe of Mentors. Worth considering, especially if you strive to work in a data-informed product organ…
Don’t blame the mouse
If you leave your cheese out and the mouse eats it, the mouse is simply being a mouse. While it might be nice if the mouse didn’t wreck your dinner, that’s his job. Often, we show up wi…
Be a 5-Star Student for a 5-Star Experience (+ 4 Other Philosophies for Injecting Energy Into Your Day)
Entrepreneur Shaan Puri’s uncommon tactics for uncommon results.
3 tweets and threads that work