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Што се алгоритми и како функционираат на социјалните медиуми? | Blog | Hive Mind
Што се алгоритми и како функционираат на социјалните медиуми? | Blog | Hive Mind
Алгоритам е постапка која се користи за решавање на проблем или извршување на пресметка. Дејствуваат врз основа на точна листа на инструкции, спроведени чекор по чекор или рутински врз база на хардвер или софтвер. На социјалните медиуми, алгоритмите се правила, сигнали и податоци кои управуваат со работа на платформата. Овие алгоритми одредуваат како содржината се филтрира, рангира, избира и препорачува на корисниците. На некој начин, алгоритмите влијаат на нашите избори и на она што го гледаме на социјалните мрежи.
Што се алгоритми и како функционираат на социјалните медиуми? | Blog | Hive Mind
Digital | Free Full-Text | Algorithm Literacy as a Subset of Media and Information Literacy: Competences and Design Considerations
Digital | Free Full-Text | Algorithm Literacy as a Subset of Media and Information Literacy: Competences and Design Considerations
Algorithms, indispensable to understand Artificial Intelligence (AI), are omnipresent in social media, but users’ understanding of these computational processes and the way they impact their consumption of information is often limited. There is a need for Media and Information Literacy (MIL) research investigating (a) how MIL can support algorithm literacy (AL) as a subset of competences and with what working definition, (b) what competences users need in order to evaluate algorithms critically and interact with them effectively, and (c) how to design learner-centred interventions that foster increased user understanding of algorithms and better response to disinformation spread by such processes. Based on Crossover project research, this paper looks at four scenarios used by journalists, developers and MIL experts that mirror users’ daily interactions with social media. The results suggest several steps towards integrating AL within MIL goals, while providing a concrete definition of algorithm literacy that is experience-based. The competences and design considerations are organised in a conceptual framework thematically derived from the experimentation. This contribution can support AI developers and MIL educators in their co-design of algorithm-literacy interventions and guide future research on AL as part of a set of nested AI literacies within MIL.
Digital | Free Full-Text | Algorithm Literacy as a Subset of Media and Information Literacy: Competences and Design Considerations
The algorithmic knowledge gap within and between countries: Implications for combatting misinformation | HKS Misinformation Review
The algorithmic knowledge gap within and between countries: Implications for combatting misinformation | HKS Misinformation Review
While understanding how social media algorithms operate is essential to protect oneself from misinformation, such understanding is often unevenly distributed. This study explores the algorithmic knowledge gap both within and between countries, using national surveys in the United States (N = 1,415), the United Kingdom (N = 1,435), South Korea (N = 1,798), and Mexico
The algorithmic knowledge gap within and between countries: Implications for combatting misinformation | HKS Misinformation Review
Ensuring every student will graduate knowing AI (opinion)
Ensuring every student will graduate knowing AI (opinion)
Many higher ed institutions are preparing students for a world that no longer exists, arming them with skills that may be obsolete before they even graduate, writes Angela Virtu of American University’s Kogod School of Business—which is ensuring every student will graduate understanding AI holistically.
Ensuring every student will graduate knowing AI (opinion)
Misinformation, Disinformation and Mal-information | eReader
Misinformation, Disinformation and Mal-information | eReader
The Problem Statement Misinformation is anathema to quality of journalism and the circulation of trustworthy information which complies with professional standards and ethics.[footnote]UNESCO, ‘Journalism, Fake News & Disinformation’ (2018) at p.18 (accessible at https://en.unesco.org/sites/default/files/journalism_fake_news_disinformation_print_friendly_0.pdf.[/footnote] However, dis- and misinformation are not new but rather have become increasingly prevalent as they are fuelled by new technologies and […]
Misinformation, Disinformation and Mal-information | eReader
Internet literacy handbook
Internet literacy handbook
Supporting users in the online worldSince the first edition of the Internet Literacy Handbook was issued in 2003 the world of the Internet has changed tremendously. The number of Internet users has risen; users are increasingly younger, trends in how people use the Internet and what they are looking for evolve, and new pitfalls in, for example, personal security arise seemingly overnight. This new edition takes into account the myriad changes, although the object of the Handbook still remains, namely to offer families, educators and policy-makers sufficient technical know-how to allow them to navigate, with young people, through communication technology. The new edition also expands the scope of the Fact sheets anchoring previously “new” concepts of digital citizenship and digital parenting. This edition includes 26 Fact sheets arranged under 6 thematic headings including a heading specifically dedicated to “Looking Forward” towards the future of the Internet. The Handbook is designed to be easy to use and helpful, as illustrated by the Fact sheet entitled “Finding quality information on the Web”. It is also available online, where it can be downloaded either in its full format or per individual factsheet.
Internet literacy handbook
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Education
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Education
‘This is a really great Handbook written by some of the most well known authors in the field of Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED). It describes both the most important topics and future trends in a very comprehensive way for a wide range of stakeholders.’ – Cristóbal Romero, University of Córdoba, Spain
Handbook of Artificial Intelligence in Education
AI Tools Listing for Educators
AI Tools Listing for Educators
Want to edit? Go to File Make a copy to save your own version of this document. General AI Tool Directories https://theresanaiforthat.com https://www.futuretools.io https://www.igniter.ai AI Lesson Planning Tools Almanack.ai - Features lesson planning tools, an intelligent grading assistant, ...
AI Tools Listing for Educators
Perplexity Encyclopedia
Perplexity Encyclopedia
Perplexity is a free AI search engine. Welcome to the Perplexity Encyclopedia. Introducing a new era of knowledge collection and curation. There is always more to learn: get started today.
Perplexity Encyclopedia