Е-Ресурси Институт за родови студии
LLM Showdown: Comparing AI Models for Educational Resource Creation
Detailed comparison of 4 leading AI models (Claude AI, ChatGPT, Gemini, and Perplexity) for creating educational resources. Based on real classroom testing, discover which AI tools excel at curricu…
Equitable AI Challenge and Community of Practice: Sourcing Approaches to Advance Gender Equity in AI | Innovation | Competitions | U.S. Agency for International Development
To foster an equitable and inclusive digital ecosystem, more efforts are needed to identify innovative and timely approaches to help decision-makers address gender biases, harms, and inequitable outcomes resulting from AI technology.
Artificial Intelligence and gender equality | UN Women – Headquarters
The world has a gender equality problem, and Artificial Intelligence (AI) mirrors the gender bias in our society. Although globally more women are accessing the internet every year, in low-income countries, only 20 per cent are connected. The gender digital divide creates a data gap that is reflected in the gender bias in AI.
Who creates AI and what biases are built into AI data (or not), can perpetuate, widen, or reduce gender equality gaps.
Истражување за ефектот на новите технологии, со особен фокус на вештачката интелигенција, врз човековите права на интернет - Metamorphosis
Развојот на вештачката интелигенција доведе до глобален трансформативен дигитален напредок кој сè повеќе влијае на нашиот секојдневен живот, работа, семејство, здравје, спорт, дружење, приватност што е видливо преку системите за мапирање, лоцирање и препознавање, гласовно управување, лични дигитални помошници, транспорт со автономни возила, финансиско тргување, автоматизирано договарање и превод, итн. Напредокот на вештачката интелигенција исто
Teaching with AI: How college professors are redefining the classroom
While the proliferation of generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) has many industries hoping it will eventually streamline processes and save resources on labor-intensive tasks, the explosion in its adoption by students has created some unique challenges for educators.
Understanding Media - Media Literacy (Education Outreach) - LibGuides at St. Louis County Library
Information for children, teens, parents, and teachers about media literacy in the age of AI. Learning about credible sources, fake news, fact-checking, spotting bias, and performing reverse image searches. Includes a glossary of terms.
AI literacy - Wikipedia
AI literacy or artificial intelligence literacy, is the ability to understand, use, monitor, and critically reflect on AI applications.[1] The term usually refers to teaching skills and knowledge to the general public, not to people who are adept in AI.[1]