Hot take: The Sunday scaries shouldn’t be normal
The Sunday scaries are the dread you feel as the weekend comes to a close and the workweek closes in. The scaries are often caused by poor work-life balance and burnout. Want your weekend back? Get tips to banish the Sunday scaries for good.
ADDventures In Achievement
The ADDventures in Achievement program combines curriculum, coaching, and community to help you develop your Executive Function skills and live the focused, productive, and creative life of your dreams. Course to help you to manage your ADD/ADHD symptoms.
Here's Why Raw Organic Natural Apple Cider Vinegar Is Different From
potassium deficiency include:
Aches and pains in the bones and muscles, especially in the lower back
Chronic fatigue, constantly feeling tired—physically and mentally
Itchy scalp, dandruff and premature hair-thinning or balding
Eyes are itchy, sore, bloodshot, watery, tire easily and will not focus as they should
Brain fog, poor memory, forgetful
Feeling impatient and irritable, nervous, depressed and anxious
Cold hands and feet
Brown rice can provide vital magnesium
Don't let New Year's dieting drive you and your family insane. OK, insane might be too strong a word, but since the Minnesota semistarvation study was conducted during World War II, it has been clear that restricted calorie intake can have powerful psychological effects on a person's mental state.
Metabolic Acidosis
What is metabolic acidosis? The buildup of acid in the body due to kidney disease or kidney failure is called metabolic acidosis. When your body fluids contain too much acid, it means that your body is either not getting rid of enough acid, is making too much acid, or cannot balance the acid in your body. What causes metabolic acidosis? Healthy kidneys have many jobs. One of these jobs is to keep the right balance of acids in the body. The kidneys do this by removing acid from the body through urine. Metabolic acidosis is caused by a build-up of too many acids in the blood.
What Happens With Nexium & Iron?
Nexium is the brand name for osomeprazole, a proton pump inhibitor used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disease, a condition in which acidic stomach contents flow backwards into the esophagus. Nexium is also prescribed to treat peptic ulcers and Zollinger-Ellison syndrome.
Anti-Gray Hair Max Capsules
bWatch your gray disappear/bbrbrFight gray hair and restore your natural youthful color with Anti-Gray Hair Max. Studies show that as we age, our bodies produce less and less Catalase, the enzyme responsible for our hair color. This special formula works by combining Catalase and other nutrients to help restore hair back to its original color and prevent gray from coming back. Give your body the boost it needs to stop gray hair from growing in and promote thicker, healthier hair. All natural. 60 capsules (30-day supply).