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Corporate Revolutionary Library

5 "Secrets" of a Great Agile Leader
5 "Secrets" of a Great Agile Leader
Are you considered an authoritative "leader" in your organization? Do you spend your day at the top of the tower or in the trenches? Real Agile leaders abandon the top of the tower and thoughtfully empower an organization from the trenches, which fuels the connections that lead to high-performing Agility. Let's learn more about how you can make this happen in your organization.
5 "Secrets" of a Great Agile Leader
The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, & Security in Technology Organizations eBook : Kim, Gene, Humble, Jez, Debois, Patrick, Willis, John, Forsgren, Nicole: Kindle Store
The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, & Security in Technology Organizations eBook : Kim, Gene, Humble, Jez, Debois, Patrick, Willis, John, Forsgren, Nicole: Kindle Store
The DevOps Handbook: How to Create World-Class Agility, Reliability, & Security in Technology Organizations eBook : Kim, Gene, Humble, Jez, Debois, Patrick, Willis, John, Forsgren, Nicole: Kindle Store
Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn)): Adkins, Lyssa: 0785342637700: Books
Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn)): Adkins, Lyssa: 0785342637700: Books
Coaching Agile Teams: A Companion for ScrumMasters, Agile Coaches, and Project Managers in Transition (Addison-Wesley Signature Series (Cohn)): Adkins, Lyssa: 0785342637700: Books
Lean-Agile Leadership - Scaled Agile Framework
Lean-Agile Leadership - Scaled Agile Framework
The Lean-Agile Leadership competency describes how Lean-Agile Leaders drive and sustain organizational change and operational excellence by empowering individuals and teams to reach their highest potential. They do this through leading by example, learning and modeling SAFe’s Lean-Agile mindset, values, principles, and practices, and leading the change to a new way of working.
Lean-Agile Leadership - Scaled Agile Framework
The 28 Characteristics of a Great Scrum Master
The 28 Characteristics of a Great Scrum Master
The Scrum Master is responsible for ensuring Scrum is understood and enacted. Scrum Masters do this by ensuring that the Scrum Team adheres to Scrum theory, practices, and rules. 
The Scrum Master is a servant-leader for the Scrum Team. The Scrum Master helps those outside the Scrum Team understand which of their interactions with the Scrum Team are helpful and which aren’t. The Scrum Master helps everyone change these interactions to maximize the value created by the Scrum Team.
The 28 Characteristics of a Great Scrum Master
A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making
A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making
Reprint: R0711C Many executives are surprised when previously successful leadership approaches fail in new situations, but different contexts call for different kinds of responses. Before addressing a situation, leaders need to recognize which context governs it—and tailor their actions accordingly. Snowden and Boone have formed a new perspective on leadership and decision making that’s based on complexity science. The result is the Cynefin framework, which helps executives sort issues into five contexts: Simple contexts are characterized by stability and cause-and-effect relationships that are clear to everyone. Often, the right answer is self-evident. In this realm of “known knowns,” leaders must first assess the facts of a situation—that is, “sense” it—then categorize and respond to it. Complicated contexts may contain multiple right answers, and though there is a clear relationship between cause and effect, not everyone can see it. This is the realm of “known unknowns.” Here, leaders must sense, analyze, and respond. In a complex context, right answers can’t be ferreted out at all; rather, instructive patterns emerge if the leader conducts experiments that can safely fail. This is the realm of “unknown unknowns,” where much of contemporary business operates. Leaders in this context need to probe first, then sense, and then respond. In a chaotic context, searching for right answers is pointless. The relationships between cause and effect are impossible to determine because they shift constantly and no manageable patterns exist. This is the realm of unknowables (the events of September 11, 2001, fall into this category). In this domain, a leader must first act to establish order, sense where stability is present, and then work to transform the situation from chaos to complexity. The fifth context, disorder, applies when it is unclear which of the other four contexts is predominant. The way out is to break the situation into its constituent parts and assign each to one of the other four realms. Leaders can then make decisions and intervene in contextually appropriate ways.
A Leader’s Framework for Decision Making
A Refresher on A/B Testing
A Refresher on A/B Testing
A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of something to figure out which performs better. While it’s most often associated with websites and apps, the method is almost 100 years old and it’s one of the simplest forms of a randomized controlled experiment. This testing method has risen in popularity over the last couple of decades as companies have realized that the online environment is well-suited to help managers, especially marketers, answer questions like, “What is most likely to make people click? Or buy our product? Or register with our site?”. It’s now used to evaluate everything from website design to online offers to headlines to product descriptions. The test works by showing two sets of users (assigned at random when they visit the site) different versions of a product or site and then determining which influenced your success metric the most. While it’s an often-used method, there are several mistakes that managers make when doing A/B testing: reacting to early data without letting the test run its full course; looking at too many metrics instead of focusing on the ones they most care about; and not doing enough retesting to be sure they didn’t get false positive results.
A Refresher on A/B Testing
Advanced Topic - Agile Testing - Scaled Agile Framework
Advanced Topic - Agile Testing - Scaled Agile Framework
If you don’t care about quality, you can meet any other requirement. —Gerald M. Weinberg Agile Testing Note: This article is part of Extended SAFe Guidance and represents official SAFe content that cannot be accessed directly from the Big Picture. Agile Testing is an approach to systems and software testing that develops and tests systems in small increments, often developing tests before writing the code, Story, or Feature. Although traditional development often uses a deferred, big-batch testing approach, tests help elaborateRead more
Advanced Topic - Agile Testing - Scaled Agile Framework
List of system quality attributes - Wikipedia
List of system quality attributes - Wikipedia
Within systems engineering, quality attributes are realized non-functional requirements used to evaluate the performance of a system. These are sometimes named architecture characteristics, or "ilities" after the suffix many of the words share. They are usually architecturally significant requirements that require architects' attention.[1]
List of system quality attributes - Wikipedia