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Editorial: Cautious hope for a campaign finance breakthrough
Editorial: Cautious hope for a campaign finance breakthrough
Legislators say they want to pass campaign contribution limits this session, the editorial board writes. If so, any bill should provide true reforms – not cement in place advantages for their big donors.
Editorial: Cautious hope for a campaign finance breakthrough
Editorial: A shared goal toward a better city government
Editorial: A shared goal toward a better city government
While proposals from two commissioners to alter the new form of government approved by voters last year were premature, Portlanders should recognize that building a better government may take adjustments and revisions to the original ballot measure, the editorial board writes.
Editorial: A shared goal toward a better city government
Editorial: Campaign finance reform takes a back seat, again
Editorial: Campaign finance reform takes a back seat, again
Despite headlines over the past several months showing why campaign contribution limits are so critical, legislators have been unable to pass a bill with robust, fair caps, the editorial board writes. Legislators need to focus on such a bill for the February short session, or voters will have to do it for them.
Editorial: Campaign finance reform takes a back seat, again
Editorial: Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum’s recusal offers too little, too late
Editorial: Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum’s recusal offers too little, too late
Rosenblum recused herself from the investigation into disgraced cryptocurrency executive Nishad Singh, whose $500,000 donation to the Democratic Party of Oregon was falsely reported as coming from a Las Vegas company. Rosenblum should have ensured independence long ago, considering the cozy relationship she and former Secretary of State Shemia Fagan have had with the Democratic Party.
Editorial: Attorney General Ellen Rosenblum’s recusal offers too little, too late
Editorial: A sweetheart deal for political allies
Editorial: A sweetheart deal for political allies
A recent settlement that substantially slashed a fine for the Democratic Party of Oregon for misreporting a $500,000 donation raises significant questions about the ability of Democrats to hold their own party accountable, the editorial board writes.
Editorial: A sweetheart deal for political allies
Editorial: Betsy Johnson is not a spoiler
Editorial: Betsy Johnson is not a spoiler
While nonaffiliated candidate Betsy Johnson appears to be third in polling, her candidacy reflects a breakthrough in a state where the two major political parties have near total control over who appears on the November ballot, the editorial board writes. While Democrats are casting her as a spoiler candidate, they – and Republicans – should recognize that it's long past time to open up their primaries and give 41% of Oregon voters a greater say in who their top candidates are.
Editorial: Betsy Johnson is not a spoiler
Editorial endorsement November 2022: Vote ‘no’ on mega-measure to overhaul
Editorial endorsement November 2022: Vote ‘no’ on mega-measure to overhaul
A measure on the November ballot that would radically transform Portland city government would install a City Council structure unused by any city in the nation, make it harder to hold City Council members accountable and open the door for fringe candidates to win a seat, the editorial board writes. Voters should vote no on Measure 26-228 and look to an alternative from Commissioner Mingus Mapps next year.
Editorial endorsement November 2022: Vote ‘no’ on mega-measure to overhaul