(If you just want to skip to the list of BLOGGIE finalists, scroll to the "Who Are The BLOGGIES?" section below.)
Awards for some of the best tabletop roleplaying game...
Histories of D&D and TSR have become thick on the ground. Representing the gold standard – in terms of completeness, standard of scholarship, and avoiding a slide into hagiography –…
The Gardens of Ynn and The Stygian Library are a pair of depthcrawl mini-campaigns by Emmy “Cavegirl” Allen. It would probably be more accurate to describe them as THE depthcrawl mini-campaigns,
This article is a review of the Mothership RPG, a review of Desert Moon of Karth, and a report on our 8-hour bachelor party adventure. Buckle up, space cowboy!
Review: The Elusive Shift: How Role-Playing Games Forged Their Identity
The book begins with “What is the thing that we call a role-playing game?” Jon Peterson doesn’t answer that question but he did document the first conversations of people attempti…
Western Wilds: an Expedition into the West Marches - The Indie Game Reading Club
Editor: Guest author Jason Lutes writes about his lengthy fantasy sandbox game and how he made it happen, West Marches style! I recently wrapped up a 40-session “sandbox” fantasy campaign, taking a cue from the “West Marches” approach popularized by Ben Robbins (of Microscope fame). According to a series of blog posts Ben wrote to… Continue reading Western Wilds: an Expedition into the West Marches →
Time, Gear & Skill: A Different Approach To Skill Checks
The following was written with Cairn in mind, but would work just as well for Into the Odd, Electric Bastionland and heck, D&D 5e if you’re doing a complete revamp. Performing actions inv…
A Web of Hooks: Quest Connections in a Sandbox Megadungeon Region - Silverarm
In order for a sandbox region to have a sense of verisimilitude it's important for it for many of the locations to be actually connected instead of a series of unrelated vignettes. This interconnection creates a web of hooks that pulls players from location to location and unites the patchwork quilt of locations into a unified whole.
Shipwright Thinking about CosmicOrrery’s post about diceless violence and the reference to this post about combat maneuvers. Skorne’s no to-hit rolls or even damage rolls is something I…