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Feminist cyberlaw - Meg Leta Jones and Amanda Marie Levendowski, editors.
Feminist cyberlaw - Meg Leta Jones and Amanda Marie Levendowski, editors.
"A free ebook version of this title is available through Luminos, University of California Press's Open Access publishing program. Visit to learn more.Feminist Cyberlaw reimagines the field of cyberlaw through a feminist lens. Essays crafted for this volume by emerging and established scholars and practitioners explore how gender, race, sexuality, disability, class, and the intersections of these identities affect cyberspace and the laws that govern it. This vibrant and visionary volume promises to build a movement of scholars whose work charts a near future where cyberlaw is informed by feminism"--;"Feminist cyberlaw reimagines the field of cyberlaw through a feminist lens. Essays crafted for this volume by emerging and established scholars and practitioners explore how gender, race, sexuality, disability, class, and the intersections of these identities affect cyberspace and the laws that govern it. This vibrant and visionary volume promises to build a movement of scholars whose work charts a near future where cyberlaw is informed by feminism"--
Feminist cyberlaw - Meg Leta Jones and Amanda Marie Levendowski, editors.
Women's History Month 2025 | A Reading List
Women's History Month 2025 | A Reading List
In 1987, Women’s History Month was formally recognized by presidential proclamation as a monthlong celebration to honor women’s contributions, accomplishments, and voices throughout U.S. history. The following books spotlight extraordinary women from the distant and not-so-distant past—women both imagined and real, both famous and little-known, coming from diverse cultures, countries, and continents.
Women's History Month 2025 | A Reading List
Advanced introduction to feminist perspectives on law - Margaret Thornton.
Advanced introduction to feminist perspectives on law - Margaret Thornton.
"Elgar Advanced Introductions are stimulating and thoughtful introductions to major fields in the social sciences, business and law, expertly written by the world's leading scholars. Designed to be accessible yet rigorous, they offer concise and lucid surveys of the substantive policy issues associated with discrete subject areas. This Advanced Introduction overviews the ongoing struggle for gender equality since the nineteenth century. It considers how women have looked to law as a means of facilitating entry into the public sphere, including in higher education, work and professional life. The book examines the feminist assertation that 'the personal is political' and addresses issues in the private sphere that have long been on the reform agenda, including marriage, divorce, sexual assault and violence against women. It also considers the current fragmentation of feminism, or 'post feminism' ; while critics argue the aims of feminism have been achieved, data on sexual harassment and violence against women by intimate partners reveals the continuing elusiveness of gender equality. Key Features: An essential exploration of both modern and historical feminism. Focuses on the four key themes of active citizenship, paid work, intimate relations and violence and criminality to clarify how law reform is addressed. Considers the increasing diversity in trends in intimate relationships, such as same sex marriage, the decline in traditional marriage and the consequences of separation. The Advanced Introduction to Feminist Perspectives on Law is highly beneficial to students and scholars of gender law, legal theory, legal philosophy and feminist history"-- Provided by publisher.
Advanced introduction to feminist perspectives on law - Margaret Thornton.
Become ungovernable : an abolition feminist ethic for democratic living - H. L. T. Quan
Become ungovernable : an abolition feminist ethic for democratic living - H. L. T. Quan
Become Ungovernable is a provocative new work of political thought setting out to reclaim "freedom", "justice", and "democracy", revolutionary ideas that are all too often warped in the interests of capital and the state. Revealing the mirage of mainstream democratic thought and the false promises of liberal political ideologies, H.L.T. Quan offers an alternative approach: an abolition feminism drawing on a kaleidoscope of refusal praxes, and on a deep engagement with the Black Radical Tradition and queer analytics. With each chapter anchored by episodes from the long history of resistance and rebellions against tyranny, Quan calls for us to take up a feminist ethic of living rooted in the principles of radical inclusion, mutuality and friendship as part of the larger toolkit for confronting fascism, white supremacy, and the neoliberal labor regime.
Become ungovernable : an abolition feminist ethic for democratic living - H. L. T. Quan
Broken : women's stories of intimate and institutional harm and repair -Lisa Young Larance.
Broken : women's stories of intimate and institutional harm and repair -Lisa Young Larance.
"In the U.S., the second-wave feminist fight to achieve legal and societal recognition of men's violence against women leaned heavily on the victim-offender binary, which has since become inscribed in funding schemes, legal remedies, and intervention approaches. In Broken, scholar-practitioner Lisa Young Larance interviews women who participated in antiviolence intervention and draws on her own extensive practice in the field to explain how this binary erases the trauma histories of those who both survive and cause harm. Calling for a more holistic conception of interpersonal violence that makes room for human complexity, Broken illuminates the connections across race, class, and sexual orientation that facilitate women's healing and repair"--
Broken : women's stories of intimate and institutional harm and repair -Lisa Young Larance.
Sex, consent and justice : a new feminist framework - Tina Sikka
Sex, consent and justice : a new feminist framework - Tina Sikka
Increasingly fraught debates about sex, consent, feminism, justice, law, and gender relations have taken centre stage in academic, journalistic and social media circles in recent years. This has resulted in myriad new theories, debates and mediated movements including #MeToo and #TimesUp. In this book, Tina Sikka explores many of the contradictions and tensions that make up these debates and movements. She looks at those that draw together contemporary understandings of justice, violence, consent, pleasure and desire.
Sex, consent and justice : a new feminist framework - Tina Sikka
The women of NOW : how feminists built an organization that transformed America - Katherine Turk
The women of NOW : how feminists built an organization that transformed America - Katherine Turk
"The story of the National Organization for Women-its structures, trials, and revolutionary mission-told through the work of three extraordinary, little-known members"--;In the summer of 1966, crammed into a D.C. hotel suite, twenty-eight women devised a revolutionary plan. Betty Friedan, the well-known author of The Feminine Mystique, and Pauli Murray, a lawyer at the front lines of the civil rights movement, had called this renegade meeting from attendees at the annual conference of state women's commissions. Fed up with waiting for government action and trying to work with a broken system, they laid out a vision for an organization to unite all women and fight for their rights. Alternately skeptical and energized, they debated the idea late into the night. In less than twenty-four hours, the National Organization for Women was born. In The Women of NOW, the historian Katherine Turk chronicles the growth and enduring influence of this foundational group through three lesser-known members who became leaders: Aileen Hernandez, a federal official of Jamaican American heritage; Mary Jean Collins, a working-class union organizer and Chicago Catholic; and Patricia Hill Burnett, a Michigan Republican, artist, and former beauty queen. From its bold inception through the tumultuous training ground of the 1970s, NOW's feminism flooded the nation, permanently shifted American culture and politics, and clashed with conservative forces, presaging our fractured national landscape. These women built an organization that was radical in its time but flexible and expansive enough to become a mainstream fixture. This is the story of how they built it--and built it to last.
The women of NOW : how feminists built an organization that transformed America - Katherine Turk
Feminists among us : resistance and advocacy in library leadership - Shirley Lew and Baharak Yousefi (editors)
Feminists among us : resistance and advocacy in library leadership - Shirley Lew and Baharak Yousefi (editors)
Feminists Among Us: Resistance and Advocacy in Library Leadership makes explicit the ways in which a grounding in feminist theory and practice impacts the work of library administrators who identify as feminists. Recent scholarship by LIS researchers and practitioners on the intersections of gender with sexuality, race, class, and other social categories within libraries and other information environments have highlighted the need and desire of this community to engage with these concepts both in theory and praxis. Feminists Among Us adds to this conversation by focusing on a subset of feminist LIS professionals and researchers in leadership roles who engage critically with both management work and librarianship. By collecting these often implicit professional acts, interactions, and dynamics and naming them as explicitly feminist, these accounts both document aspects of an existing community of practice as well as invite fellow feminists, advocates, and resisters to consider library leadership as a career path. -- from back cover.
Feminists among us : resistance and advocacy in library leadership - Shirley Lew and Baharak Yousefi (editors)
Fighting words : Black women and the search for justice - Patricia Hill Collins
Fighting words : Black women and the search for justice - Patricia Hill Collins
A professor of sociology explores how black feminist thought confronts the injustices of poverty and white supremacy, and argues that those operating outside the mainstream emphasize sociological themes based on assumptions different than those commonly accepted.
Fighting words : Black women and the search for justice - Patricia Hill Collins
2021 Rise: A Feminist Book Project List
2021 Rise: A Feminist Book Project List
Since 2002, Rise: A Feminist Book Project (formerly the Amelia Bloomer Project) has created an annual booklist of the best feminist books for young readers, ages birth through 18. We are part of the Feminist Task Force of the Social Responsibilities Round Table of the American Library Association. 2020 challenged all of us. A pandemic physically separated us. In the midst of loss, isolation, and injustice, we forged new paths of togetherness. We created new models of community. We developed new tools. We connected with our loved ones virtually. We took to the streets in protest.
2021 Rise: A Feminist Book Project List
The Roxane Gay Agenda
The Roxane Gay Agenda
New episodes starting November 15th. The Roxane Gay Agenda is the *bad feminist* podcast of your dreams. It’s writer Roxane Gay in conversation with guests who have something necessary to say about the issues that matter most to her–and hopefully to you as well. On the Agenda: feminism, race, writing, art, pop culture, food, and, of course, politics. If you enjoy hearing from people–women, mostly; Black women, usually–who bring unique perspectives to a world in complete and utter chaos, put this show on your own agenda.
The Roxane Gay Agenda