Smart agriculture logo stock photos, royalty-free images, vectors, video
Smart agriculture logo stock photos, royalty-free images, vectors, video
Search from thousands of royalty-free Smart Agriculture Logo stock images and video for your next project. Download royalty-free stock photos, vectors, HD footage and more on Adobe Stock.
Smart agriculture logo stock photos, royalty-free images, vectors, video
Fresno Farms Posters
Fresno Farms Posters
Agriculture in the Classroom website provides a network and resources for educators that seek to engage K-12 audiences and improve agricultural literacy.
Fresno Farms Posters
About Grants
About Grants
NIFA awards research funding through a combination of competitive grants and funds allocated to states under statutory formulas. The lifecycle of grants and cooperative agreements consists of four phases: Pre-Award, Award, Post-Award, and Close Out. NIFA’s Office of Grants and Financial Management provides support and guidance for award recipients during each of these phases.  Grant Lifecycle Phases PRE-AWARD AWARD POST-AWARD CLOSE OUT Pre-Award The Pre-Award phase begins with the announcement of funding opportunities for grants and involves the preparation, submission, and review of proposals to those announcements. SEARCH Search for grant and cooperative agreements APPLY Apply for a grant at REVIEW NIFA reviews your application AWARD The Award phase involves making funding decisions and notifying awardees of their selection for a grant. RESPONSE Applicants are notified of the funding decision PROCESSING NIFA reviews, approves, and sends award documents to awardees POST-AWARD The Post-Award phase involves setting up accounts in the financial payment system and monitoring awardees for compliance with applicable laws, regulations, policies, and submission of required reports. PAYMENTS Awardee sets up an account in the Automated Standard Application for Payments (ASAP) system to receive funding MONITORING Awardee and NIFA each monitor grant activities to ensure compliance with specific program policies, regulations, and required reporting, including annual accomplishments reports CLOSE OUT The close-out phase of the grant lifecycle involves the submission, review, and approval of all final reports as required by specific program policies and regulations. REPORTING Awardee submits the final federal financial report and final technical report REVIEW AND APPROVAL NIFA reviews and approves final financial and technical reports for regulatory compliance and quality of final technical accomplishment descriptions
About Grants
Home » Carbon8 Regenerative Agriculture
Home » Carbon8 Regenerative Agriculture
Carbon8 supports farmers to transition to regenerative agriculture by assisting them in rebuilding the carbon (organic matter) in their soil.
Home » Carbon8 Regenerative Agriculture
Grassroots community supporting equitable, empowering peer learning in public spaces worldwide. Learning for the people, by the people!