Social, Politics and Whatnot

Social, Politics and Whatnot

Weleda -
Weleda -
Weleda ist ein esoterischer Kosmetik- und Pharmakonzern aus Schwäbisch-Gmünd. Die Firma ging 1928 hervor aus den vom Hellseher und Okkultisten Rudolf Steiner ab 1921 gegründeten Firmen Futurum AG und Der kommende Tag AG. Steiner begründete auch die Weltanschauung „Anthroposophie“. Diese hat ihre eigene, esoterische Evolutionserzählung; man glaubt auch, über zusätzliche, nur hellseherisch wahrnehmbare „höhere Welten“…
Weleda -
Internationaler Rechtsextremismus: Nazis of Color
Internationaler Rechtsextremismus: Nazis of Color
Über Rechtsextreme und Neonazis, die nicht dem weißen Ideal entsprechen, in den USA und in anderen Teilen der Welt.
Internationaler Rechtsextremismus: Nazis of Color
Means and Ends
Means and Ends
Cutting through misperceptions and historical inaccuracies, Zoe Baker shows how the reasons anarchists gave for supporting or opposing particular strategies were grounded in a specific theoretical framework—a theory of practice. The consistent and coherent heart of anarchism, Baker shows, is the understanding that, as people engage in activity—political or otherwise—they simultaneously change the world and themselves.
Means and Ends
MikeDunnAuthor (
MikeDunnAuthor (
Attached: 1 image Did Zionists collaborate with Nazis? Yes, they did. In one example, the Haavara Agreement between Nazi Germany and German Zionists (1933), made possible the migration of 60,000 German Jews to Palestine between 1933 and 1939 and to bring with them a portion of their assets. Widespread persecution of the Jews had already begun in Germany by 1933. The mass migration was considered part of the ethnic cleansing the Nazis initiated against the Jews, but it also benefited the Yishuv (Jewish community under the British Mandatory Palestine) by bringing in needed immigrant labor and economic support, and increasing the numbers of Jews living there. It also saved the lives of thousands of Jews who would have likely been slaughtered in the concentration camps. Then there was Rudolph Vrba, who escaped from Auschwitz in 1944, along with Alfred Wetzler, and tried to warn the Hungarian Jewry of the Nazis’ plans to exterminate the last major surviving Jewish community in Europe. The Vrba-Wetzler Report (the VWR) that they wrote immediately after their escape revealed for the first time to the general public that Auschwitz was not, as was widely believed, simply a concentration and labor camp, but a death camp. The VWR was also so accurately detailed that it could be used to help liberate the camp. However, Vrba and Wetlzer were betrayed by European leaders of the Zionist movement, who silenced them and suppressed the report, putting at risk the lives of hundreds of thousands of Jews in exchange for the hope of getting Nazi support for the continued transfer of Zionists to Palestine. In 1961, The Daily Herald published the following from Vrba’s memoir: “I am a Jew. In spite of that, indeed because of that, I accuse certain Jewish leaders of one of the most ghastly deeds of the war. This small group of quislings knew what was happening to their brethren in Hitler’s gas chambers and bought their own lives with the price of silence … I was able to give Hungarian Zionist leaders three weeks’ notice that Eichmann planned to send a million of their Jews to his gas chambers … Kasztner [leader of Hungary’s Zionist movement] went to Eichmann and told him, ‘I know of your plans; spare some Jews of my choice and I shall keep quiet.’” #nazis #antisemitism #holocaust #zionism #palestine #israel #genocide #concentrationcamps #ruldophvrba #eichmann #hungary #auschwitz #hitler
MikeDunnAuthor (
Crystal_Fish_Caves (
Crystal_Fish_Caves (
Attached: 4 images Are you a fan of Legal shows?This TV Series from South Korea, "Extraordinary Attorney Woo" is an absolute DELIGHT that equals anything produced in the US, but watch with subtitles as the dubbing is HORRIBLE. She is a non verbal autistic child that snaps out of her muteness in a HUGE way when seeing her father in conflict. You will be hooked after episode one! "She might be different from you and me but when it comes to delivering justice, you can bet that no case is too big or difficult for this newbie attorney to handle. Join her as she tackles challenges in the courtroom and beyond with the help of her friends and colleagues" Youtube trailer--- #tv #legal #series #autism #spectrum #asian #southkorea
Crystal_Fish_Caves (
Evangelikale – Mit Gott an die Macht - Aktuelles und Gesellschaft | ARTE
Evangelikale – Mit Gott an die Macht - Aktuelles und Gesellschaft | ARTE
Am Anfang war Billy Graham. Mitten im Kalten Krieg etablierte sich der US-amerikanische Prediger als "Papst" der Evangelikalen – einer christlich-konservativen Bewegung, die das Ziel verfolgt, den gesellschaftlichen Einfluss der Religion auszubauen. Sein "großer Kreuzzug" wurde in den folgenden Jahrzehnten von einer mächtigen politisch-religiösen Lobby vereinnahmt.
Evangelikale – Mit Gott an die Macht - Aktuelles und Gesellschaft | ARTE
TikTok · James Li
TikTok · James Li
26.2K likes, 654 comments. “Kind of interesting, but mostly just silly…”
TikTok · James Li
Ostdeutsche Identität: Wie Björn Höcke zum Ober-Ossi wurde
Ostdeutsche Identität: Wie Björn Höcke zum Ober-Ossi wurde
Der AfD-Spitzenkandidat macht in Thüringen Wahlwerbung auf einer Simson. Mit seinem Ritt auf dem DDR-Moped zapft er die kulturellen Erinnerungen der Ostdeutschen an.
Ostdeutsche Identität: Wie Björn Höcke zum Ober-Ossi wurde
Neue Heimat, alter Hass
Neue Heimat, alter Hass
Antisemitismus in Lateinamerika sei ein Problem der Linken: Geht diese Legende der Neuen Rechten Lateinamerikas auf?
Neue Heimat, alter Hass
Buddha und die Frauen –
Buddha und die Frauen –
Für viele gilt der Buddhismus als die liberalste unter den Weltreligionen und nicht wenige Menschen im Westen wenden sich, enttäuscht von ihrer eigenen Kultur und Religion, östlichen Lehren zu. Vor allem Frauen fühlen sich zur vermeintlich sanften und egalitären Religion hingezogen. Die Bandbreite an Ausformungen des westlichen Buddhismus  reicht von Buddhastatuen und esoterisch-östlich-buddhistischen Büchern für … Buddha und die Frauen weiterlesen
Buddha und die Frauen –