I appreciate the detailed breakdowns of time estimates per task in this article. This would be a very helpful way to create a project plan, even if you've never created an ILT or elearning course before.
However, note the caveat about the hourly rate at the bottom. The calculator uses $60 or $65/hour for pricing, but that's what a vendor would pay its own employees. If you're buying from a vendor, the cost is likely much higher. (Although apparently I'm not taking nearly enough profit for myself if vendors are typically pricing at 2.5 times their cost.)
A large list of job titles in the L&D world. This might be helpful for people job searching to have some other phrases and terms to look for.
Updated list 2014: http://theworksocial.com/blog/2014/4/25/learning-and-development-job-titles-2014
Practical tips for webinars, mostly logistic issues that you might not think about if you're not used to presenting online