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Want to Speed Up Training Development Time?
Want to Speed Up Training Development Time?
Robyn Defelice's 2023 update of the ATD research on the time required to create training. There are some numbers here, but use caution in benchmarking from these stats. They aren't really designed to be benchmarks, partly because the data isn't standardized to seat time. Robyn suggests (and I agree) that you're better off tracking your own time in your organization and using internal benchmarks that account for your variables.
The largest conclusion we can draw comfortably from the data is that development time still varies considerably for each type of learning product—and no matter what, the variables of the training development for each organization greatly differ. We do not advise that you use the results as stand-alone pieces for calculating project estimates because context is necessary to understand respondents' situations.
Want to Speed Up Training Development Time?
2024 L&D Predictions: Insights from Industry Pros
2024 L&D Predictions: Insights from Industry Pros
IDLance asked me and several other L&D professionals what the biggest trend will be in 2024. Unsurprisingly, AI was the most popular answer, but it wasn't the only one. Read my response and how Will Thalheimer, Stella Lee, Craig McMichael, and John Findling answered the question of the biggest L&D trend for 2024.
2024 L&D Predictions: Insights from Industry Pros
Learning Development Pricing Calculator - LXD Central
Learning Development Pricing Calculator - LXD Central

I appreciate the detailed breakdowns of time estimates per task in this article. This would be a very helpful way to create a project plan, even if you've never created an ILT or elearning course before.

However, note the caveat about the hourly rate at the bottom. The calculator uses $60 or $65/hour for pricing, but that's what a vendor would pay its own employees. If you're buying from a vendor, the cost is likely much higher. (Although apparently I'm not taking nearly enough profit for myself if vendors are typically pricing at 2.5 times their cost.)

<span style="font-size: 1rem;">How much should you pay for a learning solution? Why does one vendor quote $5,000 and another $20,000? At its core, the price of a learning solution is a very simple equation –&nbsp;</span><strong style="font-size: 1rem;">Rate x Effort = Price.</strong>
For those organizations that buy learning from third-party vendors these prices may seem quite low, and they are. The $65 rate is commensurate with what one of those companies would pay an employee but does not include all of the overheads, cost of sale, and profit that company would typically account for in the price. As a rule of thumb, a custom learning company will price at about 60% gross margin, which in short-hand means you multiple direct costs by 2.5.
Learning Development Pricing Calculator - LXD Central
Learning Technology Mystery Series Presents “The Case of the Disengaged Learner” with Cara North - The Training, Learning, and Development Community
Learning Technology Mystery Series Presents “The Case of the Disengaged Learner” with Cara North - The Training, Learning, and Development Community
Cara North's recorded presentation on engagement in learning. Engagement can be cognitive, behavioral, or emotional. Additional resources at
Learning Technology Mystery Series Presents “The Case of the Disengaged Learner” with Cara North - The Training, Learning, and Development Community
Great Storytelling and Compliance Training an Obvious Match | Learning Solutions Magazine
Great Storytelling and Compliance Training an Obvious Match | Learning Solutions Magazine
Weaving stories into compliance training helps keeps learners engaged. Includes quotes and descriptions of examples used by several companies on how they implemented it. These aren't straightforward traditional elearning; one is a podcast, another uses episodic training with characters who return over time to build their story.
Great Storytelling and Compliance Training an Obvious Match | Learning Solutions Magazine
What Do You Know: About Brain Science and Adult Learning
What Do You Know: About Brain Science and Adult Learning
When people claim they are designing learning based on "neuroscience" or "brain science," be skeptical. Sometimes it's real cognitive psychology research mislabeled as neuroscience. Sometimes it's fake research.
Cognitive science has to do with the mind and mental processes, such as thinking, learning, and problem solving at the human (or other organism) level.<em> </em>Neuroscience has to do with the biology of the nervous system, including how the brain works, at the anatomical level such as neurons.
Bottom line: When you hear claims about <em>neuro</em> or <em>brain</em> related to training, you should ask: Is it cognitive science or is it made up?
What Do You Know: About Brain Science and Adult Learning
The Benefits of Scenario Based Training
The Benefits of Scenario Based Training
Scenario-based training better reflects real-life decision making
<p>There is no linear path into what they are subjected. The situations are complex. They often fail and they learn by reflection, becoming much better at the judgements they make next time, even though next time the environment and the scenarios presented are different.</p> <p>After completing a few exercises, they build their own view of the patterns that are evident and are able to move into a new scenario with confidence even if the environment and scenario is radically different.</p>
<p>Learning on reflection before plunging into the next scenario helps to build the patterns in the participants’ minds that are the evidence that they have learnt.</p> <p>Quizzes based on scenarios with a, “What would you do next?”, question builds quick and fun repetition into the training programme, helping transfer from short term memory to long term memory.</p>
The Benefits of Scenario Based Training
Secrets of Star Training Consultants | Training Magazine
Secrets of Star Training Consultants | Training Magazine
Preliminary findings from Saul Carliner and John Murray's research and interviews with "star consultants" in the field of learning
<p>Participants also indicated the types of assignment they feel are inappropriate for them. Most of the assignments refused could be characterized as “conventional.” Several participants specifically mentioned that they distance themselves from training about products and software to focus on more strategic projects.</p> <p>One participant avoids “order-taker projects.” </p>
Secrets of Star Training Consultants | Training Magazine
Definitely Not One-Size-Fits-All: Learning and Development Job Titles — TheWorkSocial
Definitely Not One-Size-Fits-All: Learning and Development Job Titles — TheWorkSocial

A large list of job titles in the L&D world. This might be helpful for people job searching to have some other phrases and terms to look for.

Updated list 2014:

Definitely Not One-Size-Fits-All: Learning and Development Job Titles — TheWorkSocial
NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice
NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice
Lengthy study from 2005 comparing how e-learning is used in Australia and Korea, finding some similar concerns. Like most other studies, this one has found that e-learning "cannnot on its own guarantee successful learning outcomes for students. The way in which the teacher and the learner utilise the technology continues to be important."
NCVER - E-learning in Australia and Korea: Learning from practice